Chapter 39 - Dinner (Part 2)

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"Honey I'm home, is Y/N and that other shit here yet?" You're father closed the door behind him.

You could feel Bakugo bristle beside you and noticed the shimmer in your mothers eyes that indicated she was using her quirk. No doubt she was scolding your father through their mental link.

You squeeze his hand and lean in to kiss his cheek when you hear a deep growl from behind you.

"Oh stop it D/N." Your mother threw a bread roll at your fathers head which he caught with his free hand.

Your dad walks past you grumbling to himself and places a shopping bag on the counter.

"Don't mind him Katsuki," Your mom turns her attention back to the blonde beside you. "His bark is worse than his bite."

She then nudges your father in the ribs. "Ugh fine, sorry about the other day. I may have over reacted a bit."

Your dad stuck out his hand to shake Bakugos. "I just don't want to see my little girl get hurt." He squeezes Bakugo's hand tightly.

Bakugo squeezed back. "I have no intentions of hurting Y/N."

"Perfect now that, thats out of the way, lets have dinner." Your mother chimed in with a big smile. "Y/N can you grab the shiraae and katsu?"

You all sit at the table and your mother places a large dish of Sichuan Stir-fry in the middle of the table. "Y/N told me you like spicy food so I made this especially for today."

The food looked and smelled so good that your mouth began to water. "Looks great mom, thanks for the food." And without any hesitation you dived right in.

Your mother started to scold you for not serving your guest first and snapped at your dad for taking too much. Bakugo looked around at the chaos and smirked to himself.

You noticed the little grin and smiled too, glad that he was starting to relax. Dinner ended up being quite enjoyable after that, your dad even had a civil conversation with Bakugo about his quirk.

When dinner was done you and your father cleared the table together. Bakugo had offered to help but your mom insisted that he stay put as he was the guest.

"I guess he's not so bad." You dad muttered to you as you done the dishes. "But if he ever hurts you I will skin him alive."

You giggle and hug your dad quickly. "I know you would and I love you for that."

When the dishes were done you head back to the dinning room to find a very red faced Bakugo staring at his lap avoiding eye contact with your mom who was smiling brightly.

'Babe?' You mentally linked in with Bakugo. 'What's wrong?'

Bakugo just shook his head in response, clearly not wanting to talk. 'It's nothing.'

You glare at the stubborn blonde and instead turn and ask your mom. "What did you say to Katsuki?"

Your mom tilted her head and gave you a sweet smile. "Nothing sweety, I was just making sure you two were being safe and using protection."

"Oh my GOD, mom,,," You bury your face into hands. "I can't believe you would bring that up and here I thought dad was going to be the awkward one."

"Hey what did I do?" Your father entered the room carrying your favourite dessert.

'Don't say anything to dad, he would kill Katsuki.' You throw your mother a warning look when you mentally link in with her.

"Nothing dad,,,Oh is that what I think it is, yummy." You take the dessert from his hands and he sits down. 'Please mom not a word, I swear we are being safe.'

You eat the dessert in awkward silence, still mentally warning your mom not to say a word when your dad's deep voice suddenly gets your attention.

"So, do you two need a lift back to UA? I have to go that way for a meeting in about an hour, I can drop ye off if you like."

"Oh is it another mission?" Your interest was peeked you always liked hearing about your dads work.

"Yeah something like that, some underground hero has asked for my help, so going to meet up and discuss the details with him." Your dad and mom got up to clear the table this time leaving you and Bakugo alone.

"I'm so sorry about my parents earlier, I'll never leave you alone with them again." You took Bakugo's hand in yours.

He just grumbled and squeezed your hand before whispering. "You owe me big time for this dumbass."

"I know, I'm so sorry." You quickly kiss him on the cheek just before your parents come back into the room.

"I have wrapped up some of the dessert for you to take back and share with your friends." Your mom hands you a neatly wrapped parcel.

"It was lovely to finally meet you Katsuki." She pats him on the shoulder. "Take care of Y/N for me okay."

"Uh mom, like I told dad I can take care of myself." You drag Bakugo out of the house towards your dad's truck.

You climb in and wait for your dad to join you. Luckily it was a quick drive to UA because you don't think you could have survived much longer in the awkward silence that enveloped the three of you.

When the truck pulled up to the UA entrance you hugged your dad and jumped out, you spun around to see that Katsuki was still in the truck and it looked like your dad was saying something to him.

You could only guess it was the same threat he made when you were doing the dishes which made you giggle.

Eventually Bakugo got out of the truck and joined you at the gate, grumbling that your family is bonkers and that he is never going to dinner again.

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