Chapter 29

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Tw - Physical abuse, mentions of multiple deaths, descriptions of death

Denki's POV

It was cold. I was cold. My fingers, my face, my chest, my heart. Ice cold. 
I may have stuttered and stumbled over my words before, I may have struggled to say some things. However, not once did I feel remorse.
I may have acted like I should've; a scared kid who seriously needs help. But, I felt nothing. My life was shaded over in gray.
Although, often I feel I'm not so much living as I am merely existing, being moved through my days rather than moving through them myself.
But, I don't punish myself too much for this; as in turn, merely existing is hard enough.

When Aizawa and I found ourselves back inside the room from earlier, I felt a slight pressure. What was I meant to say now... I had already uncovered the most of it... I closed my eyes as I heard the click of the recording device.

"Please state your name for the report" the officer said, once again.

"Denki Kaminari" I replied, once again.
However, as I opened my eyes and my sight came back to me, the officer no longer had a notepad and pen with him. He was just sitting there, on the odd slightly raised chair. Except, this time, he was sat on the very edge, leaning forward. You could almost see his ears lift a little higher as if to make sure he wouldn't miss anything I was going to say.

"We are going from bottom to top. I am going to ask you questions, you must answer honestly and clearly." The officers voice this time seemed more serious. It was like he didn't expect me to talk of such grave topics earlier.

I nodded.
"Yes sir" my saliva seemed to thicken, it now seemed harder to swallow the more anxious I got.

"Okay, firstly, we have reports from years ago, visa transfers of when your mother left to live overseas with your siblings. Would you care to elaborate a bit further on that before I ask any significant questions?"

I nodded again.
Another "yes sir" leaving my mouth.

"Well my father, as I previously mentioned, wasn't the nicest of guys. He used to hit my mother. She used to stand in front of him when he was angry around us. Me and my siblings. She would protect us from him. To me and my siblings she was like a hero. A night in shining armor almost. I don't remember much of this, considering how young I was at the time. However I do remember the final tipping point for her. Well mostly because, I was the reason.
It was a hot summers day, my mother decided to take me, my sisters and brother out to the public pool. Luckily, on that day it was fairly empty, there was mostly little children in the kiddie pool playing with their parents.

As we made our way over to the larger pool that was empty, me and my brother immediately jumped into the deeper end of the pool. While, my mother and my sisters played over in the sand right next to it.
It is important to note I hadn't gotten my quirk yet. Even though I had just turned 5 shortly before this outing. My mother just assumed I was a late bloomer or just didn't have one since she was quirkless herself. In fact, she had a appointment scheduled the weekend after to see if her assumptions were correct.
Apart from that, we were messing around in the water, I can't recall what exactly happened but I remember pushing off the far end of the pool wall with my feet and seeing bolts of light flash around me.

In small short bursts the light continued. Dancing atop of the water. As beautiful and as scary as it was my brother at the other end of the pool was... convulsing"

I closed my eyes once more.
I hadn't really remembered this memory as clear in a long time so it was a lot to digest.

"Once the sparks stopped, I saw my mother looking at me in horror. Her eyes wide, her mouth open and downturned in sadness and disgust as I swam over to my brother.
He was 11 when he died.
He was 11 when I accidentally killed him.

After that, my mother was upset every day. She would cry in her spare time, her life was a tangled mess. She would no longer defend herself against my father. Instead, now, she would just lie there, hopeless and let him do whatever he wanted to her.
She never took me to that doctors appointment. She couldn't look at me anymore. Turned out I had the same quirk as my father.
She became... afraid of me. Constantly worrying that I would turn out like him. And a month later I woke to no siblings in my room, no mother anywhere to be found either. Instead, a police officer sitting at my bedside, hand on my shoulder. They had packed and left me. My mother calling the police on the way out. Putting my father in jail and leaving me with no one."

As I opened my eyes I saw the officer pursing his lips. His palms flat on the desk.

"Now, Kaminari, are you aware of your mothers death?"

The news hit me like a brick to the head, I felt a sharp ping in my heart. Although she was scared of me, and left me by myself I still loved her. I loved her to bits and pieces. I loved her more than anything.

My eyes filled with tears as I simply shook my head. My head downcast in an attempt to control the tears from spilling over.

* * *

1080 words

Yes I am aware this chapter is late.
Yes I am aware that this chapter is shorter than usual.
Do I care?.... Sort of...

ANYWHO, have any of you'se been curious as to why Denki is in foster care? As to why he mentions his mother every once and a while? 
I am finally tying up some loose threads that date back to ancient times (Chapters 1-4). Hopefully you didn't forget about these, otherwise you might want to go back and re read...

Besides from that, I have no clue how many chapters this interview thingy is going to last for. And I have made the unfortunate mistake of guessing how many chapter so and so is going to last and have been wrong EVERY TIME.
So, I am going to learn from my mistake and not guess this time !!

Stay tuned :)

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