Chapter 22

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Tw - yelling

Aizawa's POV

After collecting the footage, Nemuri and I along with our semi 'hostage' headed straight for the police station; fully aware of the major consequences to come.
After arriving, the recordings were shown to Hound Dog and other officers, as evidence of what had been done to Denki. Although disappointed with the way we went about this, they were thankful that another 'criminal' was able to be stopped. They then proceeded to say that, Hideaki will be under full surveillance for 14 days. And during that time, Denki will have to come in and make a victim statement before any charges or sentences are applied.

The information that he had to make a statement was then passed to Denki through the hospital psychiatrists over the various days spent in that building full of what seems like never-ending hallways and dying people.

* * *

Denki's POV

Shit's scary. Leaving the hospital and going back to Aizawa's and Mic's house was eventful. Entering the house, I instantly recognized the familiar feeling of a 'loving family'. The feeling that once again related back to my mother and siblings before everything... went down hill...

Following Shinsou's footsteps upstairs I noticed the little bounce in his steps as we made our way towards his room. To be honest, the sight was unusual but yet quite a funny thing to notice. Once arriving at his room, I flopped onto his bed, my legs hanging off the side as my hands were palm down resting under my thighs. Looking up towards Shinsou, who was standing above me a smile crept onto my face. Before speaking I grabbed his hands which were limply left at his sides.

"Why was there a bounce to your step huh? What are you so happy about this fine evening?" Wiggling my eyebrows, Shinsou's head turned to the side as an attempt to hide is oh so very obvious blush but managing to fail desperately despite being one of the smartest people I know. I chuckled to myself as he replied.

"I'm just happy you're here and alive" His honey sweet yet raspy and deep voice was enough to make anyone smile. To make anyones heart flutter in an instant. And, now, I was the one blushing. I was the one trying to hide the tint of red spreading across my cheeks.
As we sat together in silence I observed the room. Nothing much had changed since I'd been here last. However, the memories of the last time I was here were flooding back into my brain. The cuddles, the pancakes the.. conversation with Aizawa. I shivered at the thought; what if he tries again? I mean, I am aware that I have to make some sort of statement to the police. Something about what he's done and stuff, and I am definitely not looking forward to that... at all... I am not even sure if I'll be able to do it.. Talking about it I mean. Everything he's done is obviously wrong, why can't they just throw him in jail with the evidence they have so far.

Aizawa and Midnight saw the house, it's a mess. It always is. The empty bottles all over the floor. The random stains of alcohol and sometimes blood on the walls and floor. The furniture practically falling apart.
If they can't throw him in jail by just that then surely they've already noticed he's unfit to be a foster parent.

That's when I realized... I'd have to get a new foster parent... I'd get a new family... What if the family is far away? will I have to leave here, move schools and never see Shinsou again?
Mind racing with some obscure thoughts I felt a light tap on my should. Snapping out of my trance I looked to my side and Noticed Shinsou was now sitting down next to me on his bed. Smiling again he started to speak.

Shinsou's POV

As I saw Denki lost in thought I fiddled with my thumbs. For the past 11 days I've been desperately trying to hold back the question. The question that holds the answer I don't understand.
And, now that Denki is out of the hospital it might be a good time to ask what's been nagging me. After all, he has talked to so many psychiatrists and psychologists that it shouldn't be hard to answer by now. Breathing in, I tapped Denki's shoulder. Instantly his head jerked to face me, his mouth upturned into a smile.
Feeling a little more confident I spoke.

"Um.. Denki?" I said, suddenly uncertain.

"Yes Shinsou?" he replied, quickly. His voice light and airy.
Trying again my fingers intertwined I closed my eyes.

"Why... did you try to kill yourself..?" as I said this I heard no response. The next 10 seconds felt like years as I finally decided to open my eyes. In doing so I was met with his face. Eyes wide, pale and a shocked expression. All of a sudden anger started to fill my body. But, before I was able to speak once more Denki answered my question.

"I... don't know..." hearing his answer I bursted out in laughter.

"You.. don't know??!!" unable to control the utter rage flooding inside me I slammed my hands down onto my knees and repeated myself. This time, my voice raised slightly.

"YOU.. DON'T KNOW??!" in saying this I saw his arms fly up in front of his face, as if he was protecting himself from something. Standing up I grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands away so I could see him fully.

"YOU MUST BE KIDDING?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW?" my voice raising yet again I saw a tear forming in his eye as he stuttered a reply.

"I don't know..." his voice was high pitched, almost in a whiny sort of way. And it was this moment that I absolutely lost it.

"DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK HOW I FEEL?" I yelled at him. His hands now clenched in fists bunching his pants.
This time however, he was able to reply properly. Yelling back at me.

"Don't you realize? you can't win against someone who has nothing to loose!" now he was crying, in between sobs he apologized profusely before getting up and shoving me out of the way. His arms back up covering his face as he wiped his tears away on them. Walking out of my room and down the stairs I heard a door open and close.

I was left. I was left standing there. Breathing heavily. My chest rising and sinking at a fast pace.
As time went by, the situation that just happened replaying over and over in my head I took note of my mistake.
He's mentally ill... Of course he wouldn't know how to express what he was feeling... you dumbass. You're so fucking dumb. You yelled and you hurt the person you like.. the person you love... To the point that he was crying as he left your room and house.

My breath not slowing down whatsoever I collapsed to the floor. Finding comfort in it as I curled into a ball and yelled louder than I ever have done before.

"YOU FUCKING DUMBASS" my fists banging against the floor as I let out the rest of my anger in strangled sobs.

Still, I wasn't crying. Still no tears formed or left my eyes. I was still a monster. To myself. To others. And especially to Denki...

* * *

1328 words

So, this is what I meant when I said earlier that there was worse to come...
But, what's a relationship without an argument... right...?

Anyways, 5K reads ahhhh thankq so much!! I'm so thankful for the positive feedback and comments <3
And I am so sorry for missing the update on Tuesday, if I am being completely honest I kind of forgot... 😅

etherealloverrrr wants me to apologize for 'breaking all your hearts' 😒

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