Chapter 13

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Tw - Mentions of physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual assualt and rape

Aizawa's POV

As Denki sat before me, he fiddled with his thumbs, looking to his left. Clearly ignoring me. Unsure about how to start this conversation per se, I decided to ask about something simple. Just like recovery girl.

Preparing myself, I clasped my hands together in my lap and started speaking. 

"So, Denki how'd you get here?" His response was short, simple and straight to the point.

"I walked" I nodded. Thinking of a slightly less intimating way to ask why he was here, Denki spoke up first. Seeming to read my mind.

"I came here because things weren't good at home" 
As suspected. I nodded once more. 

"Care to elaborate? what exactly was going on?" I saw the small boys face drop before me. He tried to smile as he finally looked towards me. However he didn't answer, instead he asked something else.

"What will happen to him if I tell you...?" I was shocked... what would happen to him?... why is he worrying about that?... I collected myself as I tried to pry while answering his interesting question.

"It depends... what did he do?" I saw Denki take in a breath as I asked this.

"Well..." he started to speak"
"He, um... t-touched m-me where I d-didn't want to be t-touched and p-punched me and k-kicked me a-and..." Suddenly, I found myself leaning in towards him. Wrapping my arms around him tightly, wishing he was okay... hoping what happened wasn't as bad as seemed to be. Before I let go, I felt a pair of hands rest on the front of my shoulders, pushing me away. As I let go, I looked at his face. It had a strained smile, before he said something that was shocking.

Denki's POV

"But it's okay, it wasn't that bad. After all, I did deserve it." I saw Shota's face drop as I said this, the guilt in me was immense. I lightly chucked before asking him yet another question.

"Why do you look so shocked? I mean seriously. It really wasn't that bad. Just a few bruises. And like I said I deserved it. I am a bad person. The worst." His face dropped even more, however I seemed to not be able to stop. Once I started, I was never going back.

"He said I deserved it, he's always right. I don't need help, I am perfectly fine. Everyone goes through this, everyone has their own problems. It's no big deal.." As I rambled on I saw Shota's face contort into so many different emotions, mostly sadness, guilt and worry; however sometimes fright and terror.
I snickered to myself, because, after all, it's fine, it's okay.
And because, he doesn't need to worry about me.
And because, I am perfectly fine by myself.
I can handle anything.

"How am I going to become a hero if I can't even handle something as simple as this myself?" I actually smiled as I said this, and after no reply I simply got off the stool and walked towards the door. As my hand gripped the door handle I turned back to look at Shota, still in the same spot, the same expression on his face before I gave him some very needed reassurance.

"Don't worry about me Shota." and just like that. I left. I walked out of the house. Slowly making my way down the road. As I walked, I thought about my purpose in life. I thought about the reasons for living and the reasons for not. The more I thought, the more the lists grew. Growing longer and longer until I couldn't even keep track anymore. And before I knew it, I found myself at a large tree. The leaves that had fallen off littering the floor.
I sat down on the bench placed underneath it. As my eyes gazed around I noticed people walking past. Men in suits speeding by as they're late for work. Women holding children's hands as they skipped along the path. All smiling and laughing and talking casually.

But then there was me. Sitting here, no one to talk to. Nothing to smile about. And certainly nothing to laugh about. As I realized this, everything was clearer, a feeling of contentment flooding my body as the warm air filled my nose, smelling like a mixture of bark and... freedom... 

That was when I finally took note of the freedom I had when he was not around. At home I had to do everything he wanted me to, I couldn't do what I wanted whenever I wanted, but here... here... I have the ability to walk free. Where no one knows me, and just walk, walk and walk and walk until I grow tired, where I can rest without fear of him sliding in next to me. 
Freedom... without knowing it, was something I've always longed for, the one thing that I needed...

And just like that, I was up from my seat and wondering around town, a set of unfamiliar environments and situations unfolding in front of me as time went by. And for the first time in what seemed like forever, I felt at peace... and okay living with myself.

Aizawa's POV

Sitting in my place as the door closed, I felt myself sink. Both physically and mentally. My head found it's way to my hands as I rested there. The clock on the wall making a rhythmic tick indicating time doesn't stop when something goes wrong. This was the second time today I felt like crying. The second time today I found myself in the same position. The second time today I felt Hizashi rubbing my back in a continuous circle.

"Shota.." I heard him speak softly.
"Where'd the little listener go?.." I felt myself once again groan as I lifted my head and look at him and then at the door. Simply replying with little emotion.

"He left." I felt Hizashi's hand stop in the middle of my back as he tensed up. 
"Do you want me to go look for him? I can take Hitoshi with me?" He spoke, his voice a little frantic. I sighed before replying.

"That'll probably be a good idea." And with that I heard Hizashi scramble up the stairs while calling out Hitoshi's name in a hurry.

* * *

1166 words

Kind of a short chapter today :/ 
This story or book or whatever you want to call it is what's called as a slowburn? meaning it will take months to finish and also means I have absolutely no plan set out for the chapters ahead. Which also means I am planning while I write and just writing whatever comes to my head.
However, that does not mean I don't have future Idea's written down to incorporate in future chapters, because I do.
But I guess that doesn't really matter??

Oh well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! a new one will be out next week as always :))) thankq so much for reading, commenting and voting! it means the world to me! stay safe.

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