Chapter 21

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Tw - seductive activity?


Aizawa's POV

Day 1
No doubt one of the most eventful and stressful days of Denki's hospital visits as it was full of anticipation, tests and various visits. During this day, or shall I say night many tears were shed. No one was really sure how Denki was going to recover. Or if he even was. The only thing anyone was sure of then was something had to be done about Denki's home environment.
So, after spending all of visiting hours at Denki's bedside, I left and headed off to the police station; where I would then bring up everything I knew about what had been going on in his life.

* * *

This was not an easy nor quick process. Indeed I could just go and deal with this so called foster parent on my own, however, it would not be ethical, and it would definitely not be the right thing for me to do. Nevertheless, even after talking to multiple police officers and other pro hero's there was no 'evidence' Hideaki had done anything wrong, which means, they couldn't do anything.
So in the end, I had to resort to the unethical and wrong way to go about this situation.

Rounding up Nemuri, one of my fellow colleagues and friend from high school I was able to explain to her the situation. Although the full extent was not told, she was wiling to help get this evidence that the police needed.

On day 2 I spent majority of my time planning with Nemuri different strategies we could use in order to get a sufficient sample of what he has done to Denki. And in the end, we settled with a very strange plan, however, one that fit this 18+ R rated hero.
So, on the next day; day 3, we headed off to Denki's home. Parking down the street from the house I set up multiple body camera's and different microphones all over Nemuri's body. Additionally, a small hearing device only some pro's could access was planted in both our ears. This allowed us to hear each other and alert each other if any thing went wrong. And, just like that, we were ready.

Pulling the car up just a bit closer to Hideaki's house I stayed in the car, while Nemuri got out and started walking towards where he dwelled. As Nemuri walked, she unbuttoned the top 3 buttons on her tightly fitted buttoned up white shirt, she pulled up and rolled the top of her already too short jean shorts and adjusted her high heels. As she walked towards the door she was no longer in sight, so I turned on my hearing device and decided to test it.

Talking calmly in the car I asked a question "Nemuri, can you hear me?" Quickly, and luckily I was able to get a clear response. Sighing in relief she told me she was at the door, about to knock.

Midnight's POV

Knocking on the door of what looked like a normal house from the outside I could hear a grumble from within, followed by some heavy thumping which I made out to be footsteps. Soon after, the door opened. Just a smidge so the background of the house could not be seen. The man in the doorway rolled his eyes as he mumbled.

"What do you want, I'm busy." He did not in fact sound friendly, but staying in character I adjusted my pose and brought a finger to my lips. Looking at him with what is commonly described as puppy dog or dear in headlight eyes I replied.

"Oh, I am so sorry to bother you sir, but you see, my house over there needs some fixing. A tap is leaking and I couldn't help but notice how strong and handy you look..." As I said this I pointed behind me, to a random house which most definitely was not mine before speaking again placing my hand on his right bicep which was currently keeping the door open.

"What I mean is... I want you to help me fix this... I'll reward you.." As I said this I winked and unbothered yet another one of the buttons on my shirt. My push up bra now fully exposed. However, as I said and did this, his eyes widened, a blush tinting his face. Then, he lifted his left hand up to his chin and slowly rubbed the stubble on his face and chin before looking me up and down. Opening the door more, I could now see the various empty beer bottles and smashed glass that littered the floor and I couldn't help but notice the full ash trays settled on what looked like the dining table and the smell of tobacco in the air. As I looked around he turned his body to the side, signalling me to come in before he replied.

"Well what a surprise, I'll fix your tap for sure m'lady" Smiling to myself I whispered under my breath just for Aizawa to hear "10 minutes" indicating he could come to my 'rescue' in ten minutes. As Hideaki turned his back he started walking towards the living room, kicking the litter on the floor away as he did so. As I entered the room through a large white arch he dusted off the sofa and pointed to it with a somewhat evil grin.
As he sat down I made my way over and sat next to him, closer than I needed to be. As I sat I started unbuttoning the rest of my shirt, taking as long as possible. Pulling it off my shoulders I took off my heels, again as elegantly as possible. During this, he was staring at me, the smile still planted on his face as his disgusting hands made his way over to my hips.

By the time this happened 4 minutes had already passed since I indicated Aizawa, deciding to go a step further than what we originally planned on I sat on his lap and looked directly in his eyes before leaning in. Just as our lips were about to meet I asked a question.

"Tell me about your life?" I said, making my voice as alluring as possible. Luckily he responded quickly, clearly wanting to 'get to the good part' which of course he didn't know was never going to happen.

"I'm fostering this brat kid that goes to UA" smiling I gave him a kiss on the cheek, which hopefully will incline him to answer the next question I asked.

"Tell me about him will you?" Again, Hideaki answered,

"His name is Denki Kaminari, he is extremely annoying, not to mention useless. But sometimes he comes to use.. for me" agreeing with him with a small "mmm" I asked him another question.

"How is he useful for you..?" Planting small kisses down his neck in between words I could hear him groan, a disgusting paedophilic groan before he answered again.

"His body, he serves me, his skin, it's so smooth I could touch it any day. He gives me the pleasure I want.. the pleasure I deserve" As he said this I mumbled a small now, one small enough only the hearing device could pick it up. And just like that as I pulled away I could hear running footsteps coming towards us, this was my cue now to smile as I used my quirk to put him asleep.

Aizawa was then able to use his binding cloth to restrain the sleeping man, dusting myself off I put my shirt back on and fixed my shorts so they were now a semi normal length. Looking back at Aizawa I saw him sigh and pull out his phone as he retrieved the video footage my body camera's collected.

* * *

1365 words

Okay, I know I know this is probably not what anyone was expecting... butttt I just felt a need for Hideaki to get caught in a way other fanfics I've read haven't. Not hate to other authors, however I just wanted to make something different.

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