Chapter 23

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Tw - nothing?

3rd Person POV

Many mistakes were made that night. Many words were exchanged, some in yells and panic and others in desperation.

But the one thing both Shinsou and Denki could take away from this was that they did something wrong. Somewhere along the line of coming back from the hospital and entering the Aizawa residency something went wrong. Whether it was Shinsou's fault or whether it was Denki's fault. One would never know as they both blamed themselves. Typical.

The rest of that day and the whole entire night was spent on the floor, clutching to it as if it was the last thing left in the world. Shinsou on his bedroom floor, refusing to open the door to anyone. And Denki, on an alleyway floor. For where was he meant to go? He had no place to call home in this moment of time. He can't go back to Hideaki's house. Even after he had been kicked out and shoved into some prison cell for the time being. And going back to Shinsou is off limits at the moment.

As Denki sat, carving words into the cement with rocks he thought about going to Hawks' apartment.

Surely he wont mind... He thought. But then backtracked when he thought of what Hawks might think when he comes crawling back to him again after trying to 'kill himself' in his bathroom; and at last he decided to just stay where he was.

Surprisingly, the alleyway Denki chose to camp for the night was the same one Hawks pulled him aside in. The contrast of dark blacks and blues were the same as before. The bricks all cracked and broken, some new trash, some trash from before. However, it was sure enough the same ally.

Denki was somehow able to find closure in this, it was comforting almost. He thought that maybe Hawk's will walk by and notice him and take him in again so he doesn't have to. But, he knew that this was ridiculous. Hawks was at the convenience store because he finished patrol not because he was on it. Therefore, why would he be around this parts of town at this hour? If anything, Denki was more likely to run into an underground hero such as Aizawa than someone as popular and flashy as him.

Meanwhile, Shinsou didn't leave his floor, he sat there. Tried to cry but failed. Barely managed a single tear as footsteps and quiet knocks occasionally were heard outside. Thankfully for Shinsou, Aizawa and Yamada had heard the argument, and knew that Denki had left. However, this time. They left it. Still, Aizawa sent a text to Hawks, one, checking up on him and two, letting him know Denki has left again and if he saw him to call him.

During that night, neither of them felt like eating. Shockingly, Denki found this hard to do as he had just started eating regularly; a protocol from the hospital so he could leave earlier. So for the first time in a week or so he experienced an excruciating hunger, one where it felt like he was eating himself from the inside out. One where the grumbles of his stomach were heard loud and clear and not blocked out.
On the other hand, A meal was placed outside Shinsou's door. The smell of curry from just a meter away had him crawl to open the door and bring it in, giving into the temptation. Quickly devouring the food and replenishing himself new.
After eating, he stood. Feeling slight dizziness he made his way over to his desk, sat down and pulled out a notebook and pen.

Clicking the pen open he placed it to the paper. Only to find nothing to write. He waited, clicking the pen over and over again in hopes something would come to him; something that was worthy to write about. Nonetheless, nothing came and so he gave up. Closing the book he clicked the pen closed and placed it on top of it as he spun in his chair. As he spun, he thought. He thought of the time he spent off school. The time where his days consisted of taking care of Denki.

Of course he had to attended school while Denki was in hospital, and during that time there was a lot of questions from the class. Ones asking where he had been and others asking about Denki's wellbeing.

They still don't know he tried to kill himself. Not yet. And Shinsou was not sure if they will ever find out. Before, as he mentioned time and time again to various different people, 'he just got caught up in a villain attack'.

* * *

Denki's POV

As the dark sky started to melt into shades of light pinks and oranges I rested my head backwards. The whole night I did not get a wink of sleep, and I doubt Shinsou did too. So in the course of the night, I came up with a speech. Well no so much of a speech as it is a plan but still, it was something. It went a little something like this, step one, go back to Aizawa and Mic's house. Step two, knock on the door and prepare yourself. Step three, wait for someone to answer, and if it is not Shinsou ask to go inside and talk to him. And if it is Shinsou that answers the door, recite the speech you made in your head and profess your love to him.

It was simple enough, and I think I can do it...

If only I had the energy to get up first.
Trying my absolute hardest using the last bit of energy I had left in me I rose from the floor, leaning against the alleyway wall as I slowly walked closer and closer to the street.
It was not busy, fortunately, as it was still so early in the morning. Maybe around 4:30 I guessed. But as I walked, more and more people started to appear. That was more and more people that started to give me strange looks as I hobbled closer and closer to my destination.

As I stumbled, the feeling of starvation still fresh in me I mumbled my speech to myself. Over and over I did, so when the time came, I wouldn't mess up and make an embarrassment of myself. After all I was already apologizing and admitting my feelings in the same paragraph.

The longer I walked the more I realized I never openly admitted to myself that I forgave him. I just did. It was automatic. I didn't feel the need to stay mad at him forever. subconsciously I didn't hold a grudge and neither did I feel the need to have one.
Some would say this is a curse. And some would disagree, although I didn't know how I felt about it I was leaning closer to the opposing side.

Taking large deep breaths I entered a street. And then another. And then one more before I made it to the street I was looking for. As I got closer, my confidence was slowly subsiding,

Am I really going to be able to do this?... Am I sure this is the right decision?... Am I sure he likes me back?... What if he is still mad and wont accept my apology?... Is he even mad?...

Arriving at the front door I came to a stop and hesitated. My hand hovering in front of the door I took more deep breaths as an attempt to calm myself.
Finally I pushed through and knocked, a light knock that tapped three times. Surprisingly quickly it opened. And mercifully it was Shinsou, his shoes on but laces undone.

Shinsou's POV

Crouching in front of the door I was putting my shoes on. My goal I set for today was to walk the streets and then find Denki. And after I had found him, apologize and express how I didn't mean to hurt him and what I said was wrong. Praying that I'd find him today I heard a knock at the door. The knock was quiet but it was most definitely a knock.

Standing up, I left my shoelaces undone and opened the door to reveal Denki. In a very distressed state.

* * *

1512 words

A slightly longer chapter for today, so sorry for leaving it here however the chapter was already long enough.

I am so sorry if I made anyone upset in the last chapter, but hopefully this will make up for it? I know it is not necessarily happy per se but its better than nothing...??

Anyways, I want to express my gratitude yet again for 5.30K reads? I find it remarkable the amount of reads I have been getting lately.

OH and, I almost forgot top mention! we made it 200 votes! (although it's 213 now because I am late) But still!!!! that's amazing and I am so glad for everyone interacting!! <3

anyhow, I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) stay safe.

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