Chapter 4

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Erm... before this chapter starts I just want to say, I am extremely sorry for not updating in... 2 ish weeks...
Just a lot of things have been happening and I haven't been feeling too good either. I wasn't going to update till next week as I have three exams in the coming week, but I felt so guilty for leaving for so long without warning... so here I am!

Other than that I really hope you enjoy this chapter and I promise I will try to update quicker next time! :)

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TW - Anxiety attack, self-harm mention.

Denki's POV

The walk to my dorm was done in silence. An extremely uncomfortable silence. Internally I was panicking, all I could think about was how much he caught sight of, it frightened me to my core. Shinsou seemed to slightly notice my distressed state, but thankfully didn't ask about it.

As we walked our hands ever so slightly brushed up upon each other every once and a while, to which we would both turn our heads away blushing profusely.
To others it would be a cute sight, but for me, it was immensely nerve-wracking.

* * *

We arrived at my dorm and as I was about to open the door, Shinsou grabbed my wrist. I let out a small shriek as a pain shot up my arm, fortunately he took note of this and loosened his grip muttering a small sorry before he spoke up his words dripping with worry.

"Hey, umm... Denki, are you okay?" Having already been panicking I swallowed a lump in my throat before I opened my mouth. But as I did, I found that no words would come out. I was okay wasn't I? I was perfectly fine.. there wasn't anything wrong with me... right?

My mind began to race, my eyes darting away from Shinsou's gaze. I felt my free hand tighten into a fist, digging my nails into my skin. Slowly, I closed my eyes and pointed my head downwards before tears started to again roll down my cheeks.

God! are you ever not crying these days? You're so fucking weak you know that?... I bet Shinsou didn't even want to take you here, let alone actually want to know your answer to his question. You're wasting his time, get a grip for God's sake!...

As the time went by, second by second, my thoughts grew louder. Until eventually they became so loud that my ears started ringing.

You're so worthless!

My vision started to blur, everything started to sound like it was echoing.

Why are you even like this?

Shinsou's voice rang through my ears as he let go of my wrist making me collapse to the floor.

Are you really stupid enough to worry one of the only people whom you truly care about?

My breathing was increasing fast, my chest felt heavy like something was sitting on it.

Hell! I was stupid to even think you were able to hold your composure till you were alone!

My eyes and nose were stinging as I started to gasp for air.

You look so feeble and pathetic right now I could laugh!

I can't breath..
The realisation of this only made me panic more. Shinsou was now on the ground next to me, he seemed to be was saying something in a soft tone, If only I could make out what it was maybe then I would be able to calm down.

Everything started to get worse, the room seemed to be spinning. I gripped onto Shinsou's sleeve before I tried to take one more gulp of air. And just like that, everything went black. No sounds were heard.

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