Chapter 25

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Tw - you guessed it... nothing... unless biting ice-cream counts?

Denki's POV

After a long 10 minutes filled with pure joy and happiness we finally settled, calming down we were both now sitting on the floor with our backs rested up against Hitoshi's bed.

Breathing in sync as we tried to catch our breaths I turned to the side and looked at Hitoshi once more. He looked at me back, his eyes full of life for the first time ever. Bringing my hands up to my face and running them through my hair I stood up.
Turning around to Hitoshi I put out my hand, gladly he took it and stood up himself. Our hands still linked together I pulled him out of his hot and stuffy room and downstairs towards the front door.

Hitoshi sat on the step and proceeded to tie his shoes, that then reminded me of when he answered the door. Out of pure curiosity I spoke up.

"Oh yea, your shoes were on but your laces were undone when you answered the door? were you going to go somewhere?" tapping my chin with my pointer finger as I said this I heard him chuckle from beneath me. As he finished tying his shoes he stood up again and gave direct eye contact as he answered.

"I was going to go find you, I wanted to apologise. But seems you came to me first" As he said this my face contorted into a somewhat dumfounded look as I stared right back at him. If I was being honest, I genuinely did not expect that. I guess I just thought I ruined his plans.
I was broken out of my thoughts by Hitoshi grabbing my hand. Shaking my head I turned and opened the door and dragged him out into the day.

* * *

By the time we made it to the park it was around 8:40 am. Even as early as it was, it was still boiling hot. Instantly letting go of Hitoshi's hand I ran towards the slide, climbing up the steel ladder I got to the stop and sat down, meanwhile, Hitoshi stood at the bottom of the slide, his hands in his pockets and he watched on like a... proud father?

Giving myself a small push I slid down the slide, shockingly, I didn't go faster than the small kids that usually play at this park. And then I remembered my weight and the fact that I haven't eaten almost anything in the past 24 hours. Suddenly I noticed the starvation that never actually left, standing up and brushing the sand off my pants I looked at Hitoshi once more. However, I didn't say anything, I just looked at him with pleading eyes in hopes my message that I was hungry would get across to him.

And, somehow, it did. He took my hand and started walking to behind the park where a small ice-cream van was situated. I was in utter shock as all the times I've been here I've never noticed the van and presumed the ice cream everyone else had came from somewhere else.
Smiling wildly I swung my arm back and forth as we strolled over to the van. Looking at the choices which were surprisingly varied I squinted my eyes. I was torn between two choices, I hadn't had ice-cream in so long I sort of forgot what it tasted like.

Leaning in even closer to the list Hitoshi tapped on my shoulder, turning my head I raised my eyebrows and made a small humming noise before he spoke.

"What flavor do you want?" shaking my head my hand making it's way to my chin I looked at the choices once more before replying.

"I can't decide between cotton candy and rainbow sherbet.." as I said this I heard Hitoshi look back at the ice-cream man and order something, which I assumed was his ice-cream. Whining like a little kid I balled my fists. I was never usually this indecisive, it was just the fact that it was ice-cream and I just couldn't choose!

Finally, I decided to just get rainbow sherbet, however as I turned to order it I saw the man handing over two ice-creams already. One was a double scoop of plain vanilla and the other was a double scoop of cotton candy and rainbow sherbet. Just as I finally decided as well... I thought.

Nevertheless I was over the moon as I greedily took the cone out of Hitoshi's hand and thanked both him and the man. Walking back to the park we sat down on a bench and started eating, that was when I felt a pair of eyes on me. Like lasers going straight through the side of my head.

Looking over I saw Hitoshi looking at me, his ice-cream melting and dripping down the cone and his hand, I stopped eating for a second and decided to ask why he was looking at me like I just committed homicide.

"are you okay? why are you looking at me like that?" I inquired, my head tilting to the side slightly. He looked at me with even more horror than before, before pointing at my ice-cream and answering my question.

"you did not just BITE that ice-cream..." as he said this I looked back to the swirl of colours in front of me and looked back at him before shrugging my shoulders.

"I did?" I replied thinking nothing of it. However, biting ice-cream seemed to be a huge offence as Hitoshi just stood and started walking away. Standing up after him I jogged a little to catch up and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Should I not bite ice-cream?" I asked, genuinely curious for the second time today. He swiftly turned to the side and gave me direct eye-contact again as he replied. His voice stern.

"No. Absolutely not. You're meant to lick it, not bite it..." as he said this I brought the ice-cream up to my lips and started licking it. He smiled and nodded as we walked back to the bench.

* * *

Some time went by and we both finished the ice-creams. Holding hands on the bench I suddenly remembered the plan I thought in my head before getting to Hitoshi's house. The one where I was meant to confess. Looking out to the empty park I took a deep breath in and just decided to say it.

Giving no warning I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Hitoshi. I like you. Like I, like like you. Like more than friends like you." as I said this I slowly turned my body to face him, and unexpectedly he was smiling. Like full blown smiling at me. As he replied it felt as is my heart skipped a beat.

"Me too" at that moment I swear I felt time sit still. Like there was a glitch in the matrix and the whole world was lagging. It was a couple of seconds before I was able to process what just happened. And when I did I jumped out of the seat and into the air.

"OH SHIT REALLY?" I yelled. If I was being honest I kind of thought Hitoshi was doing all this out of kindness and pity... not because he liked me. That was when I remembered when he first introduced himself and stated that 'he wasn't here to make friends' and somehow, I am here. In this situation where I just found out the no friends insomniac likes me too. I was overjoyed when he replied back.

"Yes really, now be my boyfriend would you." internally screaming I sat back next to him and grabbed his hands in mine just like earlier before I responded.


* * *

1386 words

uhem... so... what do we think??? kinda cliché but you know what.. I don't give a single fuck, let alone two shits... I just hope this lives up to whatever expectations you might have.

P.S. this book is going to end in roughly 10 chapterssss.... however.... I do have plans for future fanfics.... which I hope you're exited for because I know I am....

Anyhow, have an amazing day/night!

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