Chapter 5

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As promised here is an update.
Also I would like to formally apologize for the continuous cliffhangers... I think I have a knack for them even when I don't want there to be one...

From now on I will lay back on the cliffhangers for a bit especially when I don't have the next chapter out yet :)

Like seriously, I was expecting this story to flop so hard, so getting over 100 reads is amazing to me, LET ALONE ALMOST 150!!! It's truly crazy! I am so grateful!
I really really appreciate you guys reading :)))

Again, feel free to comment where there are any mistakes in the wording, spelling etc!

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TW - Anxiety, medication?

Denki's POV

~ While she did this, I looked to my left and noticed a very familiar set of indigo eyes glued on me. ~

Shinsou. He looked worried, extremely worried. Like a bullet train, my emotions switched from proudness straight back to my worrisome thoughts.

Told you. I warned you he was going to worry. Now looked what you did. You worthless piece of shit!

I broke out of my thoughts as I felt his arms wrap around my body. I melted into his warm comforting hug as my chin rested on his shoulder. He once again, didn't ask any questions, just hugged me. I don't complain however, as I find comfort in just being able to hug someone. It's one of the few times you can just forget about everything and focus on the physical contact.
I liked it... who am I kidding. I loved it.

The hug was short-lived however, as he removed his arms from my body residing back into the chair placed beside my bedside. He gave me a warm closed smile. Everything about him was so comforting right now, I feel like an old grandma wanting to tug on their grandchild's cheeks.

The thought brought a smile to my face as we both unknowingly continued to stare into each others eyes.
This was another momentary experience though, as the door slowly creaked open to reveal a very worn out teacher. Mr. Aizawa.
I felt bad for him. I mean he has to deal with me and all my problems on top of taking care of the whole class. I don't blame him for being exhausted all time. If it it was me, I would be too.

Aizawa walked over to the other side of my bed as recovery girl continued to type some things into her computer. He stopped at my side and knelt down, taking my hand in the process.
He had never felt more warm and cozy.
The aura that was radiating off of him was similar to my mothers when she used to tuck me into bed and leave me with a kiss on the forehead.

Tears were close to erupting at these thoughts if it weren't for Aizawa sensei speaking up.

"How are you doing Kaminari?" his voice was sweet like honey yet raw, deep and tender. It was another pleasant feeling. I was somehow able to respond easily again. It must be because of how safe it felt in here. I was surrounded by my teacher, my crush, recovery girl and the nice warm orange afternoon light flooding in from the window. My foster father wasn't here neither were villain's it was all so consoling I could cry my last tears here and I would be happier than ever.

"I'm doing good, I've got a pounding headache though.." my words were slightly muffled due to the oxygen mask still placed over my face. Recovery girl noticed I was able to move fine and most importantly breathe properly so she made her way over and lifted the mask off my face.

I wiped off the sweat it left behind, It must've been on for a while... wait.. wait.. how long have I been here for. My eyes widened, I looked over at my teacher again seeking for the answer to my question.

"What time is it?" I sounded slightly panicky even after trying my best to hide my emotions. He responded looking at the clock on the wall in his usual monotone voice, obviously not worried.

"5:03pm" My heart started racing, there was no way I had been passed out for 6 hours! You've got to be kidding me. Just then I heard the printer on the side of recovery girls desk print something. Out came a slip, she handed it to Mr. Aizawa while instructing him for what it is for.

Anxiety medication?... what?...
I so badly wanted to speak up and ask what I needed anxiety medication for... I am perfectly fine. right?... However, I was unable to as recovery girl once again made her way to my bedside. She moved a bit of hair out of my face and smiled.

"You're free to go now, that's if you are feeling up to it. I bet you want some alone time with your boyfriend over there" she whispered the last part as she winked. My face flushed red. Shinsou and Mr. Aizawa thankfully didn't hear anything as they were off having their own conversation now standing at the end of the bed. Recovery girl just smirked and rolled her chair back to her desk.

Slowly pulling off the covers that were covering my bottom half of my body and swinging my legs off the side of the bed I tried to stand up. Only to find out, that seemed to be a difficult task after all that has happened.

Luckily, Shinsou saw me struggle and was quickly at my side putting an arm around my shoulder to help me up. I gratefully accepted his help and after a while I was able to stand and walk on my own. I waved goodbye to recovery girl and thanked her as all three of us made our way back to the 1A dorms.

Aizawa split off halfway however, due to the fact he was going to his own place on the UA campus and once again I was left alone with Shinsou and my thoughts.

You going to stuff up more. You're relationship with him is already ruined, why not fuck it up more huh? how does that sound? Or maybe you could apologize, god knows how that's going to go. He most likely wont accept it. I mean, you did kind of collapse in front of him after all he's done for you.

I decided to be the first to speak up, my voice quivering as I did so.
"h-hey Shinsou.. I'm really really s-sorry... I didn't want to do that. I'm just bothering you. I can walk back on my own from here. Don't feel the need to protect me, I can do fine on my own" I came off a bit rude, it was not my intention. But maybe it would help him leave me alone. Just for now at least.

Shinsou turned his head to look at me. His eyebrows raised. Nonetheless, he didn't reply. His head whipped forward again as he continued to keep his pace with me.
I was confused to say the least but decided to try and 'play it off cool'. Pushing my thoughts to the very back of my mind and attempt to have a peaceful silence for once.

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1287 words

Sorry It's a shorter chapter, I've been desperately trying to fix my wacked sleep schedule.

I do hope this is not much of a cliffhanger, and that you enjoyed this chapter. I wanted to give poor Denki a break. The last 2ish chapters have been... a lot.. to say the least. And everyone deserves a break once and a while including fictional characters in a stupid fan fiction.

Anyways, I wish you a good day/night!

Until next time.. adios.

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