Chapter 10

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Tw - descriptions and mentions of rape and sexual assault

Denki's POV

~ Preparing myself I managed to muster up enough courage and pressed the call button on Shinsou's contact. A few rings went by before he eventually picked up, a groan was heard on the other side followed by a grumpy "hello? who is this?" ~

"h-hey... ummm Shinsou, it's me! Denki" I managed to get out in a somewhat cheerful tone.

"Denki? why are you calling me at 2am? do you need anything?" Shinsou's voice rang through my ears as I realized how absurd calling your crush in the middle of the night is. I nervously chuckled a bit before replying in a wary tone.

"Uh y-yeah actually. I was wondering if... if you'd let me c-come over for a bit. I promise I won't hassle you! I just really need somewhere to go right now." Instantly regretting my choices of telling him this much he replied his voice now worried and full of anticipation.

"Yeah, yeah of course, umm my address is [insert address], do you need anyone to pick you up or are you fine walking?"
A wave of relief washed over me as I heard this and quickly replied before thanking the insomniac and ending the phone call.

"Oh no no, I'll be fine walking. See you soon. And thank you."

I smiled to myself as I started walking towards Shinsou's house. 
However, I would find myself limping the long distance to his house as the events from earlier replayed in my head like a video stuck on repeat.

* * *

As I arrived at Shinsou's house I was so tired I felt I could fall asleep any second. Quietly, I walked to the front door of the surprisingly large house and knocked lightly. I waited a few seconds for it to open and reveal a just as exhausted Shinsou. 
I felt a sting of guilt before putting on my best smile trying to hide the obvious defects in me. He returned the smile before asking about something I genuinely have not thought about in what felt like a very long time.

"Do you want anything to eat? we have some leftovers from dinner if you want that?" I shook my head lightly before replying, lying right through my teeth.

"No no, its fine, I had something to eat already and I'm not hungry" my smile only got wider as I said this. Shinsou didn't look convinced but decided not to ask questions.
Thank god...
He slowly nodded pursing his lips before turning around waving a hand to follow him.

As we were walking upstairs I felt a wave go over me. Suddenly, I was dizzy, confused, my surroundings so unfamiliar I found myself reaching for the walls to steady myself, to try and find something I recognise. My legs felt weaker than before. Each step shooting a pain up my back. Scrunching my face as I somehow managed to make it up the stairs and down the hall still following Shinsou while clinging to the wall like an old person refusing to use a walker.

However, before Shinsou was able to let me into the room I felt my senses heighten again, my vision blurred as the room spun. Warily I tried to hobble over to Shinsou but managed to trip over my feet. But before I hit the floor, Shinsou caught me by a centimeter, resting me in his arms. I let out a small gasp before my conscious slipped through my fingers.

Shinsou's POV

Denki first calls me at 2am in the morning asking if he can come over, secondly, shows up at my door with no shoes, clothes loose on his body almost homeless looking and doesn't even bother to say anything about why he is here and why he looks the way he does. 

Deciding it would be best to not ask about it now as I didn't feel it was my place to. He looks exhausted, and so am I to be honest. I don't think even if I asked, I would be able to handle whatever he tells me.
As we made our way up the stairs Denki seemed awfully quiet, not looking behind me I made my way down the hall to the door to my room. However, just as I put my hand on the handle to open my door, I felt something crash into my back. Swiftly turning around I caught Denki in my arms.

What the hell?...

His face was pale, sweat collecting at his chin. His body limp in my arms. Steadily, I picked him up bridal style and carried him to my bed, moving the covers before setting him down, closing the door I pulled my blankets atop of him and settled in myself. Climbing over him to the other side laying down before snaking my arm around his waist nuzzling my chin into his shoulder and closing my eyes trying to sleep but somehow managing to fail this one simple task.

Denki's POV

Tw - descriptions of rape and sexual assault.

Hands running down my chest, making their way into my shorts. His body pressed against mine his hair tickling my cheek. His legs wrapped around mine. His hot breath going down my neck. Sweat droplets falling off my face as my body lays still. Paralyzed. His quirk, controlling me once again. Him flipping me over. Removing my clothes. His rough skin creating friction against every part of me. Against parts of me I don't want touched. The rhythmic squeaks of the bed getting faster and faster. The oh so familiar yet unfamiliar pain replacing the bad thoughts. My cries falling on deaf ears. As I lie there, like a ragdoll. Useless. Unable to stop anything. He controlling me. 

I wake from a dream, no, memories from earlier. My breathing fast as I look around at the unrecognizable environment. I look to my right and notice Shinsou, his arms loosely wrapped around my waist. That's when I remember where I am and how I got here. Feeling sick, dirty, disgusting I picked his arms off me and ran as quickly as I could out the door and opened the first room I could see hoping it was a bathroom. Luckily, It was. I collapsed to the floor in front of the toilet and gagged. The bile coming up my throat and running off of my tongue. Silvia piling up in my mouth so much I have to keep spitting it out.

I sat there for a bit, my eyelids heavy. Wiping my mouth on my sleeve as I got up I flushed the toilet although you could barely tell it had actually been used. Gradually I made my way to the kitchen, grabbing out a glass out of the first cabinet I opened as filled it with tap water, took a sip and sat at one of the bar stools. No particular thought occupying my mind as I rested the glass on the table, still in my hand.

Shinsou's POV

My attempt to get some sleep was interrupted by Denki shooting up by my side. His breathing was fast, his hair sticking to his face from sweat. Quickly I closed my eyes again, not knowing what to do, stupidly enough my first response was to pretend I was asleep. I felt his hands picking my arms off of him as the bed raised when he stood up. I could hear his heavy footsteps heading for the door. Once I was sure Denki had left my room I opened my eyes and sat up, walking quietly towards my door I could hear gagging coming from the nearest bathroom. My face forming into a frown as I sat against the wall listing to Denki in pain. I felt I could cry, but I couldn't. Crying didn't come to me as easily as it used to. After everything that has happened in my life, it sort of makes sense. 

After a little bit, I heard the flush of a toilet followed by some steps downstairs.

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1423 words

I genuinely don't like this chapter, it's too wordy and it doesn't flow. However, I just wanted to get a chapter up as soon as possible. SO SO SO sorry for the wait once again... I know it's bad of me to do that to you guys.
Anyways ignoring the poorly written work above, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And a HUGE thankq to my friend for helping me with ideas for this chapter and the few after this one.

(PS I was too lazy to edit this btw, so sorry if there are mistakes!)

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