Chapter 9

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Tw - Alcohol, implied sexual assault

Denki's POV

Leaving the shopping mall with no intention to go back to him just yet left me wandering astray around the town, slowly passing happy families and friends on their day out.
The pain in my stomach from not eating increasing as the minutes go by.
The intense despise and dread of going home.
The constant conflict filling my head, thoughts going back and forth, telling me to do this or me to do that.
The utter loathing feeling of having to talk with Aizawa Sensei as soon as I go back to school, having to tell him everything. Why this happened and why that happened.
Everything felt more vivid than usual, everything seemed to hit with more pressure... more volume... harsher almost... I seem to notice colours more, I seem to know the way people are feeling just by a glance. It is almost like the pain won't hit like it used to. The physical pain seemed duller... or almost.. enjoyable?... the sharp sensation shooting through my body, the pleasure it would give me each time he hurled against a wall or floor.
It truly made me smile...
But on the other hand, these newly found feelings for Shinsou seemed to just intensify the more I thought about him; the arduous feeling of me never 'being enough' doing the same.

And another part of me just wants to think optimistically, to think that if I open up, that my life would be normal. I'd get a better foster home, Hideaki will go to jail, I wouldn't have to constantly worry about hiding the real me from the Bakusquad.
These consistent efforts to keep up my usual persona were starting to get extremely exhausting; so opening up and talking about things seems to be the best option... But in reality, I just don't want to see that look on Shinsou's face, Aizawa's face, Mina's face, Kirishima's face, Sero's face, Bakugou's face when they come to realize how messed up I really am.

What if they get mad. What if they don't believe me... What if they think I'm doing it for 'attention'... What if they don't want to hang out with me anymore because of it... What if I just end up ruining things like I usually do... I mean it wouldn't come as a shock if I did...

Somehow, during all these epiphany like moments I found myself dragging my feet on the pavement as my house sprung into view.

* * *

Even though it wasn't, it felt like I was walking inside Hideaki's house for the first time today. The terror was the same as it had been before as well. Although he did lay off quickly earlier, I have learnt over time to not expect him to do so now.

Taking in a deep breath readying myself I opened the front door.
Peeking my head round the corner I noticed Hideaki passed out on the couch, the TV still running. Wearily, I walked over to him and gently pulled the TV remote from his grip, turning off the television. After putting the remote back on the table, I began collecting and tossing the countless empty alcohol bottles. Once the area around my foster father was spotless I walked upstairs exhausted even though I did practically did nothing today.

Getting into some shorts and a T-shirt I sat at my desk and opened up my bag to pull out the stacks of homework that had been accumulating over the week.

I smiled to myself before placing it on my desk and started to get to work.

* * *

It was now late into the night, the sharp pains almost like daggers stabbing into my stomach seemed to intensify the longer I didn't eat.
I couldn't stand this feeling for any longer so as soon as I finished my homework and shoved it back into my bag I slowly made my way downstairs into the kitchen.
Turning the corner I noticed Hideaki wasn't where he was before.
I didn't hear him leave?... where did he go?...
My heart started pounding as endless possibilities ran through my head.
Trying to be as quiet as possible I noticed I really couldn't hear anything. Hoping that he left and I just didn't notice I walked over to the refrigerator and opened it. Just to discover only a few condiments and rotten bread were inside. Shutting the fridge with disappointment I opened up the cupboard next to it hoping to find something edible, only to be left with the same demise. Persevering and not loosing hope I continued to go through all the cupboards.

Sighing I opened up the last cupboard, and to my luck there was again nothing. Finally deciding this was a waste of my time I made my way back upstairs and into my bed.

Pulling the sheets over my body I rested in peace having no clue what would happen later that night. And with that I fell asleep wishing to not wake up in the morning. For the pain to reside and for me to leave this world forever.

* * *

Steady hot breath on my neck woke me from my slumber. My heart beating rapidly as I felt strong arms wrapping around my waist. My clothes were off and so were the covers. Shaking I slowly opened my eyes to be met with my dark room, turning my head ever so slightly to the right I caught sight of the only person I wish death upon.


My breath hitched once I realised it was him, taking in my surroundings made me wonder. Made me wonder bad things. Made me wonder too much.

What did he do?... what did I do?... when did he get here?... why is he here?... what the actual fuck is going on?...

My thoughts raced as I tried to take deeper breaths. My eyes now shut tightly as I felt him shift, his arms no longer wrapping tightly around me.
I took this as my chance and picked his hands up to wriggle my way out. Once I was out of my bed pain shot up my spine and crotch. Realising what he did to me I looked back In disgust hoping he wouldn't wake up. And for once, luck was on my side. Quickly I grabbed my phone and my bag, speedily chucked on my clothes from earlier today that i had - conveniently - left on the floor and tip-toed downstairs and out the door the wind gushing into my face as I did so.

Walking out with no shoes I pulled out my phone, scrolling through my contacts I realized I didn't really have many places to go. In fact I really only had one place to go... and that just happened to be Shinsou. I mean who else would be awake at this hour...

Some part of me wanted to believe that this was the only reason Shinsou's house was suitable, but on the other hand, the other part of me sneakily just wanted to see him. Preparing myself I managed to muster up enough courage and pressed the call button on Shinsou's contact.
A few rings went by before he eventually picked up, a groan was heard on the other side followed by a grumpy "hello? who is this?"

* * *

1273 words

-insert nervous laughter-

I'm really sorry this took a while... I don't really have an excuse this time besides the fact that I really did not know what to write. But besides that fact, I hope you liked this chapter, even though I know it is one of the shorter ones.

Side note:
This chapter wasn't really edited so if I made a mistake I would greatly appreciate if you could point it out :)


If you have any requests/scenarios you want to see later in this book feel free to comment here and I will try my best to incorporate them into the next few chapters.

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