Chapter 18

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Tw - mentions of gruesome content, mentions of abuse, cursing

Aizawa's POV

Being an underground hero isn't easy, I mean it never has been. You see more gruesome and cruel crimes than the hero's above surface who get all the fame do. I wasn't big on being in the spotlight. In fact, I despised it... Yes, I like doing good for the world... for society... but, does it really matter who get's all the credit?
I am happy enough getting to know just for myself that I saved a life or many, or that I stopped something huge and life threatening happening. I am doing this for me... not anyone else... so an underground hero it is.

As I ran through the pitch black city I was thinking. All the things I've seen, the blood, the murders, the deaths. You've got to be somewhat strong to be able to handle those things. Preparing myself for the sight I am about to see I visualised some of the worst, most gory situations I've stumbled upon. In hopes, when I see Denki in whatever sate he's in, I'll be able to handle it.

Only to soon realize, when it's someone you know well, someone you care about, it doesn't matter how bad the situation is. It still hurts... a lot.

When I got to the large building in which Keigo is situated in, the ambulance had already arrived. Light's flashing bright shades of blue's and red's as the siren blared in my ears. Running up to the truck I could see Keigo around the corner, a police officer was standing in front of him, a hand placed on his shoulder. Looking away I saw Denki, his body splayed onto a stretcher, his arms wrapped in thick gauze. Making my way over to him I noticed he was unconscious, as he was being wheeled into the van I stepped inside too. Giving the paramedics a nod I sat down on the side bench. As I sat, the door was closing, I could see two different paramedics grabbing out needles and different bags of liquid as they injected all this stuff into his frail body.
Silently I watched, I watched his face. A peaceful look displayed on it. Reaching over his body covered in insulated blanket I grabbed his hand; to my surprise, they were warm, this gave a lot of comfort and closure that I will definitely be needing after all this dies down.

Grabbing my phone once again, I shot a quick message to Keigo that read 'In the ambulance with Kaminari, will see you at the hospital.' As the van started moving along the bumpy road, I texted Hizashi too. Typing out the message, I found myself backspacing everything I wrote. After what seemed like the hundredth time I gave up and just messaged him 'meet me at [insert hospital name] hospital ASAP. Bring Hitoshi with you.'

Shutting off the device, I sighed. Looking back to his body I now noticed an oxygen mask was placed over his mouth and nose, assisting with his breathing. As I closed my eyes, I hoped, I wished he didn't intend to die.
I so desperately wanted to believe this wasn't his intention. Hopefully, him cutting was only a way to protect himself. Hopefully, his unwillingness to open up and share things about himself or to receive help was just another way of self-protection, practiced deceptions learnt from childhood that made the world somehow easier to digest.
Even if I didn't want to admit it, I knew his life was bad. I knew he wasn't safe. And I fucking knew, no matter how much better his environment is, the dark thoughts don't go away.
Oh how fucking foolish I've been...

Mic's POV

It was early in the morning when I heard my phone lightly go off beside me. Deciding to ignore it I scooted over and spread out my arms only to find the other side of the bed empty. Cold and unnerving. Opening my eyes I saw I was the only person in the bed. Confused I sighed and rolled over grabbing my phone as I did so. As the screen lit up I felt my eyes sting. Lowering the brightness I saw it was a message from Shota. Now even more perplexed, I opened up the chat only to find an even more unnerving message.

Shota <3
meet me at [insert hospital name] hospital ASAP. Bring Hitoshi with you.

As my eyes widened I swung my legs off the bed, grabbing a pair of jeans and rushing to get them on I ran upstairs. Barging into Hitoshi's room I found him awake, as usual. Luckily, Hitoshi sensed something was wrong just by my panic. Quickly I whisper yelled at him to 'get his sister and meet me in the car'. Nodding he followed exactly what I told him too as I rushed back downstairs I grabbed my keys on the way out and sat inside the car.

Shortly after, I could see Shinsou coming out the door with Eri in his arms. Locking the door behind himself he opened the back car door, put Eri in her car seat, buckled her in and quickly shuffled around the side and into the passenger seat. As I shoved the keys into the ignition, I saw the headlights flash a bright yellow. Putting on my seatbelt I put the car in reverse and pushed my foot onto the accelerator and made our way to the said hospital.
All while I had two worried kids in the car.

Aizawa's POV
[timeskip, at the hospital waiting room]

Sitting in one of the various chairs in the hospital waiting room, the fabric itchy and uncomfortable, my foot tapped on the ground. My elbows were resting on my knees as my palms held my head. Rubbing my face once and a while my worry grew. I haven't heard a single update the whole time I've been in here.
Just as I thought that I heard the doors to the entrance slam open. To my surprise It was Hizashi and Hitoshi as well as Eri carried around his waist. Sitting up they saw me. As they rushed over I could now clearly see their alarmed expressions.
Now standing I wrapped Hizashi in a hug and lightly brushed his long golden hair through my fingers. As I looked away I saw Hitoshi settling Eri down into the seat next to mine. As he squatted in front of her I smiled. Looking back at Hizashi my smile faded. Speaking up I decided to tell them all I knew. After all, I didn't really know much to begin with.

"It's Denki... he umm. Well I think he.. tried to kill... himself" As I said this I choked back sobs. Preventing my tears to fall I saw Hitoshi looking up at me, his mouth agape and eyes full of terror. Mic had almost the same look displayed on his face when I looked back. Taking a deep breath I sat back down into the chair. Hizashi sat down next to me as Hitoshi stayed squatting on the floor, his expression not wavering until I heard small mumbles coming from his mouth.

"No.. no... no... he didn't... did he... did he really?... no... he didn't... he wouldn't have... there must of been a mistake...... I haven't.... I haven't told him... no... I didn't get to tell him... I-I... I... love him goddamnit!"

As I heard these words fall from his mouth. I couldn't hold it in anymore. My hand came up to my face and covered my mouth as tears welled in my eyes and fell in streams down my face.

* * *

1383 words

That's a lot lot.. yikes... emotions... overflowing... poor Denki... poor Shinsou... poor Aizawa... poor Mic... poor Eri even though she is absolutely clueless on what's going on right now... Ahhhhh the painnnnnn.....
Be prepared though... for the future... we aren't at our lowest just yet...

ALSO 3.72K READS?????? WOW >>>

Anywho, I really really hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am super duper grateful for all the interactions you guys do on my story I am utterly impressed. Thankq so much for reading and I look forward to seeing you in the next chapter!

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