Chapter 19

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Tw - Hospital, mentions of death


Mic's POV

As I looked beside me I saw Shota crying. His hand covering his mouth as his eyes displayed pure pain and agony. Pulling my arms around him I held him close to me, for the second time tonight. And just at that moment everything started to become a mess. Looking over his shoulder I could see Hitoshi, he wasn't crying but it looked like he wanted to. needed to.
And just like that, I wasn't able to take it anymore. My heart was overloaded with all this stress, and seeing the people you love most in utter despair doesn't help what so ever. As I buried my head in Shota's shoulder, I let out the tears that I didn't let fall earlier. My heart sank as I suddenly heard small whimpers coming from Eri. I couldn't help but cry, after all... Denki is a pleasure to teach...

Shinsou's POV

I sat there, still. Quiet, as I listened to the cries of everyone around me. Salty water filling up their eyes before they stream down their cheeks, nourishing and regenerating them. However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't cry. Tears refused to fall. My face hurt, my eyes and nose stung, my arms were heavy and I felt not just mentally but physically exhausted. I felt stuck. I felt awful. I felt evil. I felt like a fucking monster.

The boy I love is dying in a hospital room and I can't even show any empathy and cry. It's like I have nothing left in me. If I can't cry, if I cant at least care for others I might as well be a villain; just like everyone has told me to be. I mean I already have the perfect quirk for it anyway...

Denki wont want to be with me if I don't care about him.
How can I say that I care about him, that I want him to live, that I love him if I cant even cry for him. He needs me and I don't care.

I'm awful. This is awful. I am a horrible person...

Just then, I felt small hands resting on my head. Realizing I was still on the floor and not moving, I looked up. I saw Eri; she looked down at me, her eyes red and puffy and sniffled before she spoke up.

"Daddy and Papa a-are over there talking to a d-doctor.. why are you sad?" As Eri said this her arm was extended outwards, pointing behind me, her voice soft and sweet. I looked to where she was pointing and saw Dad and Pa, and just like Eri said, talking to a tall woman wearing hospital scrubs.
Getting up from where I was sitting, I made my way over to where they were talking. Getting to them, the doctor left and Pa saw me. He shifted his body towards me and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. He gave me a weak and exhausted smile before speaking

"Denki is okay. He's asleep right now, recovering. Give him some time to heal, don't put any pressure on him..." seeing the utter relief and anticipation in my face Pa sighed before pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I can see you want to see him. He's in room 278. Be quiet." and with that, I was speeding off towards the elevator, anxiously waiting for the doors to close before I pressed the button to the 6th floor.

* * *

After wandering the hospital halls, I was finally able to find Denki's room. But, just as I was about to grab the handle to open the door, something stopped me. Pulling my hand away I paused. As my head lowered to face the floor I started to think.

What if he doesn't want to see me... what if he feels guilty about doing something like this... or even worse... what if he pushes me away? what if I never get to tell him how I feel?... what if... I walk into this hospital room and will never be able to again?... will he forgive me? will he think I am dumb?... what if he finds out I didn't cry?... will he too think I am a monster?... someone worthy to be a villain?..

Pushing all my thoughts to the back of my head I decided to just go in, he should be asleep after all.
Grabbing the handle once more, I pushed open the door. A gust of wind smelling of disinfectant blowing in my face as I saw the person I loved laying in what looks like an uncomfortable hospital bed.
Luckily, and not so surprisingly he was, in fact, asleep. Breathing a sigh of relief I sat down in the chair beside the bed. A small smile formed on my face as I saw the steady heartbeat on the monitor beside him, and it was then, I realised how familiar this situation was. The hospital, him asleep, me sitting in a chair... beside his bed too. Noticing all these similarities however, somehow, gave me a sense of comfort that I felt I needed at that moment of time. The comfort that he might be able to overcome this like before.

* * *

1184 words

Heya, kind of a long A/N today... feel free to skip it but your input might be helpful!

Okay so, how do you guys feel about me posting twice a week? like on Tuesday and Saturday (where I am) would that be more convenient for you guys since I tend to leave a lot of my chapters on cliffhangers?

If not, when would be the best to post? obviously I still have a lot going on even if it's currently holidays, however, I think I still will be able to upload. Even with my difficulties, I am doing okay mentally at the moment! To add to this I want to mention I will not be able to post everyday, I think twice a week is the limit for me and sometimes three.

I just don't want to be inconsistent with whoever is reading this as I still want people to read and enjoy my book.

Additionally, if anyone has any suggestions or any situations you would like included into any chapter now would be the best time to comment! I will happily write any twist and turns or anything creative you guys come up with!
However, I will not take any smut or 18+ ideas as, to be honest, I am just not that comfortable writing those. And even with all these trigger warnings I have included in my story, I still want this to be available to younger audiences.

I am so sorry if you were hoping for that, however my book will not have any of that.

(If you're still wondering, yes, Shinsou and Denki will eventually share kisses and intimate moments. Just nothing too far as they are, after all still minors even if they are above the age of consent in Japan).

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