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The dinning table was quite, way too quiet with an uncomfortable tension in the air. Jin had set the table about 40 minutes after the couples arrived, they had exchanged few pleasantries, introductions and invited them to join them for lunch.

Jungkook subtly looked around the table, Namjoon was quietly moving food around his plate not sure how to start up a conversation with his son who decided to grace him and his new family a visit after promising not to show his face.

Taehyung was eating like he doesn't notice the tense air on the dinning table while Seokjin had barely touched his food as he also seem to feel suffocated by the tension between the father and son. Jungkook looked down at the beautifully made dish in front of him and swallowed a lump forming in his throat not sure how this was going to end.

Jin seem to be the more matured one that decided to clear the air as he cleared his throat before speaking.

"Are you enjoying your meal?" He asked directed at Jungkook who seem to be surprised at the sudden question directed at him.

He nodded quickly pushing a spoon full of food into his mouth and moaned the next second as the food melted into his tongue with the best flavour he had every tasted. He widened his eyes at the taste as he looks back at Jin to convey his extreme acknowledgment.

"You are welcome" Jin chulcked before winking at the younger. Jungkook blushed at the gesture before diverting his eyes to his boyfriend who smiled fondly at him before continued eating the food ready to devour everything.

"Tae? Heard you are building a new Cafe now in Busan?" Namjoon finally asked seeing the air lighten a little

Taehyung hummed without looking up at his father as he continued eating.

"I'm really proud of you pumpkin.." he try to add but was cut off by Taehyung

"You should stop calling me that, I'm no longer a kid" he said causing the tension to return back to the table which he noticed, immediately regretting snapping at his Dad.

"Where is Yeonjun?" He asked Jin trying to clear up the air again

"He should be back later, he had a project to complete at school and couldn't return early. I can call him now if you want to speak to him" Jin explained as he pulled out his phone.

"You don't have to" Taehyung sighed seeing how his stepfather was still on his toes with him.

"I know this is taking forever to come from me but please know that I accept you and Dad wholeheartedly. I was never against it in the first just been super protective with him and not wanting to share. So please stop been all tense around me" taehyung stated but all the while staring at his food before raising his head up to give his stepdad a smile and continued eating

Jin on the other hand was about to start crying. He didn't know how long he waited to hear this from Taehyung in person. "I'm so sorry for taking him away from you like that.." he tried to apologize for it still.

"It's totally fine, I didn't need his boring ass anyways. Imagine he can't find words to communicate with his son after five years" Taehyung stated throwing a teasing glance to Jin.

This brought a smile to Jin's face "He is also very clumsy, he destroys everything that comes his way, I'm surprised those plates are still in one piece" he whispered to Taehyung not really whispering as everyone could hear him loud and clear. Taehyung burst into laughter which Jin joined him in and Jungkook subtly smiled not sure if they were joking or been serious.

Namjoon snorted in disbelief seeing his husband and son making up at his own expense but smile later happy they finally made up.

"So where are your luggages? Thought you were staying for a week in Paris?" Namjoon asked not sure they came with bags.

"We are staying in a hotel dad" taehyung casually said as he pushed the emptied plate away

"What? We have over four empty rooms here plus I stayed up all night preparing your rooms" Jin stated seeming sad that his effort was all a waste

"We didn't want to be a burden" taehyung stated not going to be blackmailed into staying here.

"Jungkook, you guys could stay the night and get your things tomorrow right? I really wanted to catch up with my possible son-in-law during this trip" Jin tried to persuade Jungkook who was shocked they just played the ball into his court.

"H-huh, Sure we can stay the night" he stated before drafting his eyes to Taehyung who was giving him the 'wtf' look.

Jin stood up excited, trying to clear the table as Jungkook stood up too to help him. "I will bring desert" he confirmed before moving to the kitchen with jungkook.

"I didn't know you and Hoseok broke up" Namjoon asked with furrowed eye brows.

"Five years ago"

"Really? He came here few times in the past year to say hi since his company wasn't far awa..."

"What? He came here?" Taehyung asked not happy about the information. Hoseok was crossing the line, why would he visit his dad when they obviously broke up.

"Yea, well I like Jungkook. He seem like a good kid, heard his an artist, you have good eyes for them" Namjoon teased which only earned him a disgusted look from his son who was not okay with his dad getting his nose into his preference in guys.

Just as they were about to fall into a comfortable silent Jin excitedly walked into the dinner.

"Jungkook said he would love to paint me, honey have you seen this young man's work!" Jin excitedly tells Namjoon.

Taehyung looked at his boyfriend with the look of 'i thought that was our thing' Jungkook just gave him an apologetic look, he should know he was trying his best to be accepted here.

"So how did you two meet?" Namjoon finally asked  as he started digging into their dessert.


"There is no way we are sleeping in separate rooms!"

"Sorry young man but my house my rules"

"We will just go back to our hotel room!"

"Tae" Jungkook intervened in the argument that seem to have no end since they were shown two different room to stay the night and Taehyung wasn't pleased about the separation.

"Your room is opposite your brother's room, he chose and decorated it himself and Jungkook's room is just few rooms away" Jin tried to persuade.

"Why are you been agitated about separate rooms when you both live together, few days shouldn't cause you any harm" Namjoon stated pouring diesel into the fire which earned him a glare from both his husband and son.

"I will handle it Mr Kim" Jungkook intervened again receiving a nod from the couple as they went downstairs.


I am so excited about the next chapter!

Mr & Mr Kim have made their appearance.

I purple you


1195 words

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