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They arrived Paris early Saturday morning, checked into their hotel and slept for half the day. They are currently awake and Jungkook has been whinny about how hungry he was.

Taehyung decided they eat outside the hotel so they could explore a little, the plan is go visit his dad the next day but no sleep overs because aside the visit they were also on a vacation.

After the quiet and beautiful candle light dinner they had, the two set out to explore a little of the city. Jungkook not forgetting to grab his camera  because 'what wasn't captured was never seen'. Taehyung looked at the younger in his overall black capturing every tiny details of the city. He smiled as he pulled out his phone to click some pictures of the Jungkook as he was focused on capturing the city with his camera.

He stared at the few unaware pictures he clicked smiling as he scrolled through them but brought his attention to the younger when he heard a click of camera directed at him

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He stared at the few unaware pictures he clicked smiling as he scrolled through them but brought his attention to the younger when he heard a click of camera directed at him. He tried to block the camera with his hands causing Jungkook to giggle as he continued clinking pictures of him. Taehyung finally gave up and gave beautiful poses being the perfect model for his Boyfriend once again.

 Taehyung finally gave up and gave beautiful poses being the perfect model for his Boyfriend once again

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Jungkook smiled so fondly at the pictures he captured most especially that of his boyfriend as they ride back to their hotel after the long tour of the city

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Jungkook smiled so fondly at the pictures he captured most especially that of his boyfriend as they ride back to their hotel after the long tour of the city.

"Are you ready to meet my Dad tomorrow?" He heard the older ask causing his nerves to act up again.

"I'm very excited, yea!" He said with an obvious fake excitement because he was nervous as hell.

Taehyung noticing this chulcked at the younger before taking his hands "you will do great" he said lifting his fingers to his lips to leave a kiss on them.

The younger nodded seeming to calm down a little, he will do great. He thought as he smiled to himself.


Jungkook was not doing great atall. He is literally freaking out for the past five minutes since they arrived at Kim's house. They are currently still in the cab that brought them there and Taehyung just allowed the younger to panic as much as he wanted before pulling him into a kiss which immediately caused the younger to relax and sighed in relief.

The younger was bad with new people and worst because they were his partner's family and a lot can determine where their relationship would be heading after this encounter and to top it up he was horrible with parents unlike taehyung who was adored by every parent.

Taehyung managed to pull the younger out of the taxi after paying the taxi man with extra tip even though the car was running all the while they waited.

When they got to the door taehyung turned to the younger and make eye contact, those eye contacts that they use to communicate without exchange words. Jungkook nodded to the unasked question of if he is ready.

Taehyung knocked at the door, he had been too busy calming the younger that he forgot he was meeting his dad's new family for the first time in person. He raised his hand to knock again when Jungkook chulcked as he pointed at the door bell.

Jungkook back hugged him noticing the older was nervous too though hiding it very well

"You will do great" he used his word back at him leaving a gentle kiss on his neck and just as his lip met with the older's neck the door opened. Jungkook quickly unhanded the older. He gave a deep bow in attempt to greet the new person.

Seokjin who happened to be shocked at the new presence at the door chulcked at the kid who was bowing way too low probably out of nervousness.


Everybody is scared to meet parents :( lolz

I'm good with them tho because I was the nerd my friend's parents compare me to their kids.

Just a filler chapter


674 words

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