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It was about 1 am Jungkook came into the apartment very exhausted. He looked around the dark living room which only means that taehyung had slept.

He had received a call earlier from Taehyung asking if he could come and pick him up but he still had alot to do so he asked him to go ahead. He could hear a little desperation in his voice when Taehyung asked if he can just continue the work the next morning.

When he entered the bedroom and saw his boyfriend sleeping cuddling a pillow so tightly he felt even more guilty. Jungkook immediately got rid of his clothes took a quick shower and joined the older on the bed spooning him from behind.

They saw each other earlier in the afternoon and he seemed very okay so he didn't think anything was wrong. Jungkook kissed the older's shoulders and cuddled more into his back as sleep took over him too. He had a very busy day and had to get up early tomorrow for a meeting.


Taehyung woke up to an empty bed to his disappointment. He did his morning routine, left the apartment heading straight for the cafe.

He checked his phone to see if he got any message from the younger but there was none and quickly dialed his number which ringed a couple times but went to voicemail.

He continued to drive till he got to his cafe but stopped before pulling over when he saw a familiar figure resting on a Mercedes Benz in front of his cafe, the same figure that made an appearance last night.

At first he thought to just drive ahead, totally find somewhere to pass the morning or go back to the house but he kicked against the idea. He wasn't going to avoid his business because a past lover showed up from no where.

He pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car, locked it and approached the cafe entrances totally ignoring the other who was already approaching him anxiously.

"Tae.... baby, please just give me a chance to explain somethings" Hoseok immediately said trying to stop Taehyung from walking away from him this time.

Taehyung completely ignored him and walked into the cafe to prepare for the morning rush hour.

Hoseok looked around the place when taehyung walked out on him again and raised his facemask to cover half of his face. He looked in the cafe and saw the younger put on an apron and started working behind the counter.

He saw how he smiled at his staffs and worked so swiftly. The cafe got busy in no time and he could see how every staff was working fast to attend to everyone. But he was more focused on Taehyung who would smile and make small talk with some customers as he brewed coffee.

Hoseok sadly smiled as he watch the love of his life been so content and happy serving people. He always knew Taehyung had a beautiful heart that easily attracted people.

His beautiful smile and playful nature was all he fell in love with back then. Taehyung was still a baby when they met and fell in love, his baby

He was very clingy, likes a lot of attention but never openly asked for it.

Having to breakup with him was the biggest and hardest decision he had to make at that moment of his life. But as he looks at the same guy that gave him the best memories of his life and showed him how love truly is, he can't help but question if he really made the right decision five years ago.

Because having Taehyung give him cold glare whenever he tried to get too close or when he asked to stop calling him the nickname only he called him was breaking his heart.

He blinked back tears and swallowed the lump forming at the back of his throat. He has to try atleast and this was his only chance to make things right, to probably be happy again.

Hoseok got into his car to sit down, he had no plans for today.


Taehyung had been in his office working on the new project on Busan since after the morning rush and it was just about time for the evening rush when he got a call from Jungkook.

"Hey baby" Taehyung heard the younger say from the other side of the phone causing him to sigh in relief at hearing his boyfriend's voice. It seem like forever he needed it.

"Hey love, how are doing?"

"It's been hectic, the number of clients I have to deal with after the Art fair is crazy. We have been invited to a art event holding in Japan next year. Can you believe that?"

Taehyung smiled at the younger rambling about his work, he knows how much art means to Jungkook and seeing his work get recognized is a dream come through. The hours spent in the studio painting canvas after canvas. He would drag him into the studio to get his thought on each piece and he would describe how beautiful each piece was. Jungkook would not believe anyway and still look at it like there was something missing. Jungkook had lots of his breakfast and lunch in studio. So seeing his three years of hardwork finally been recognized as it should really made him happy.

"I am so proud of you baby. You are getting the recognition that is long overdue" he said his thought out loud.

"I wouldn't have done any of it without your constant support, encouragement and love every step of the way"

He heard Jungkook say from the other side of the phone and there was a minute of silent before he spoke again.

"Baby what about we go on a little trip together when I get back from daegu. We can celebrate properly just the two of us, no work, no distractions just the two of us like old times"

Taehyung frowned at the first statement thinking maybe he heard wrong asked.


"Oh, h-huh.... you were asleep when I got back last night. Jimin and I are meeting with a client this evening at daegu and we might be there for a day or two. I am sorry I totally forgot to informing this morning before I left"

"And you did not bother to call me this morning?" Taehyung asked a little bit sad.

"I can ask Jimin to go alone if you want?"

Taehyung can imagine the younger bitting his lips anxiously waiting for him to decide. He sighed, he really doesn't like to interfer with the younger's work not even when he seem to need the attention.

"I will have to manage cuddling with a pillow for the next two nights"

"I will be back before you know it, I love you so much. Think about the trip okay?"

Jungkook said excitedly into the phone and blew him a hundred kisses before hanging up.


After Reading this chapter, I will love to hear your thoughts.

On hoseok?



You think Tae should hoseok a chance to explain?

Why do you think he is avoiding hoseok?

Was it okay to have allowed Jungkook to travel when it seems he needed him?

I am really curious to hear a your take on this. Don't leave me hanging

I purple you 💜


1193 words

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