I felt her let go and walk to the side. "Okay you can look now."

So I open my eyes and look at myself.

A smile slowly spreads across my face as I inspect myself. The gown looked gorgeous as it tumbled down to the ground and my hijab was beautifully draped. The makeup made my face look so soft and dewy.

I slowly walk closer. "You guys did amazing wow."

They nod in happiness and I can feel them collectively letting out a huge breath that I hadn't realized they had been holding in. They had probably been stressed about it I would like the outcome or not.

But honestly they had done everything perfectly.

"It's 9:20," Fatimah says with a smile. "We should probably get going so we can get you to the house as soon as possible."

I nod and she follows me into the Rolls Royce.

My parents were already there and waiting for me when we arrived.

"MashaAllah," my mother says as she walks towards me.

My parents dote over me for a few minutes before leading me to the backyard where everything had been set up.

We had all agreed to doing it in Omar's fathers backyard since it had a few overlooking all of Paris. The place looked gorgeous now that everything had been set up and I knew the pictures would turn out amazing.

I was sat down on the right side of the little setup that my cousins had made. The division was created by flowers garlands so thick I couldn't see the other side.

I grab my phone to respond to Ilarias messages when my brother comes up to me. "You look beautiful. But you have something weird on your eyebrows."

"I'll miss you too stupid," I say as I wrap my arms around him.

He stiffens for a moment before reciprocating the act.

"Mom said I have to put this on you," he says as he produces a red dupatta from his hand and lays it carefully on top of my head, covering my face as he does so.

"Thank you," I respond.

He waits for a moment before saying, "You're always welcome to come back whenever, you know that?"

"I know Ahmed," I reply.

"Good luck with him. Don't scare him away with your snoring."

"I don't snore," I whine. "But you do."

"I don't," he responds although we both knew he was lying.

"Whatever you say grandpa," I roll my eyes.

He tries to say something in response but my mother cuts in from the food table she's setting up. "It's your sisters nikkah today so cut it out for the next 5 hours will you?"

"Ammi that's pretty much impossible," he grumbles. "She's just really easy to bully." But he still walks away from me and leaves me alone to my thoughts.

He nods and takes his seat and a little while later my mom and dad sit in there positions behind me.

It's now 10 and all the guests are sitting down. As soon as Omar comes walking down the aisle everyone starts clapping. I smile and wait for him to sit down and the Imam starts speaking.

He gave a little khutbah about marriage and the blessing of it along with a little advice.

Afterwards, we were told to sign the nikkah agreement so we did and the moment came.

"Today we are gathered here today to watch two people make there love halal for the sake of Allah ﷻ. Do you, Omar Malik accept Cyra Islam to be your wife under all the rules and regulations set forth?"

"I accept," he says.

"So serious," the Imam says playfully.

Everyone laughs and then it becomes my turn.

"Do you, Cyra Islam accept Omar Malik to be your husband under all the rules and regulations set forth?"

"I accept," I say into the microphone.

"Then, by the power of Allah I pronounce you two husband and wife."

Our friends and family all cheer loudly as Omar gets up and parts the flowers that are separating us. He slowly takes my dupatta and puts it over my head.

I see tears forming in his eyes as he smiles at me and leans in to kiss my forehead.

My heart skips a beat as he pulls away and I can feel tears forming in my eyes as well.

Love was never meant to be perfect. It was made to help shape you and change you felt the better.

I don't know if I could apply this word to the man standing in front of me. One thing I do know, however, is that I want to learn to love him the way he deserves.

This man standing in front of me, smiling with water eyes, looked at my face as if it was the best thing in the world—and at that moment I made the resolve to become his completely.

For the rest of our lives.

And that was how we got married and our hearts became intertwined as one forever, surrounded by our friends and family and the beautiful sky above us on that fateful August day.


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