"There you go! Haha!"

Tanjiro flung himself on his older brother and immediately began crying, "I've missed you so much!" He said through sobs.

"So I've heard! How was your training?!"

"It was tough! I had to cut through a giant boulder just to let Urokodaki let me come here! Though I had some help from a few people."

"Well, you're here, and that's all that matters."

"What about your training? Urokodaki didn't tell me much about yours,"


"Come on, Kyameron! Tell me! I didn't recognize your scent. You've changed so much!"

"I ended up training with the Flame Hashira-"

"You trained with a Hashira?!?!?!"

"SHHHHHH! Not so loud!"

In the center of the waiting area, two small girls appeared. They had strange eyes, looking almost like swirls, "Good evening. Tonight, you've come to enter the demon slayer corps' final selection. Thank you all for being here," they said in unison, "Here on Mount Fujikasane, several demons were captured alive by demon slayer swordsmen. They are kept here for this event." One said.

"The wisteria blossoms prevent them from leaving the mountain, as it is poisonous to them. They bloom on this mountain year-round, and they cover everything on the mountain from the base to halfway up." The other said

"The wisteria ends from this point on, so there are demons abound, and they're starving."

"In order to pass final selection, you must last seven days beyond the wisteria."

"Your trial begins now." They said in unison again.

With that, many began running outside the wisteria, including Tanjiro. Many jogged, and a few walked, but Kyameron trudged up to the girls, "Is there any limit to how many demons I can kill?"


"Am I allowed to help weaker slayers?"


"Should I shut up and go inside?"


"Alrighty then, thank you!" Kyameron said, skipping inside after Tanjiro.

The massive peak of Mount Fujikasane measured nearly 3 miles wide and 5 miles long. It was a circular area encased by Wisteria trees. Many demons ran amok in this part of the mountain. Many of the slayers here we likely to be killed, as only the strongest survive.

Kyameron wandered the forest, constantly looking for any demons to slaughter with his blade. Tanjiro had formed a plan; Save energy during the daytime to be at max for the night, don't look for altercations but don't avoid them either.

Tanjiro hoped he would meet up with Kyameron at some point in the challenge, as with his brother's strength, it was likely to be much easier. Although, he wanted to prove to himself that he was just as strong.

As the first night went on, Tanjiro encountered two demons. After a brief battle, he defeated them both with his Striking Tide technique.

Kyameron encountered only a single demon. It was relatively weak compared to others in the region due to its fresh apprehension. Kyameron looked at it, "Ho ho! Look what we've got here! Are you just an adorable little nightmare..." He said in a mocking tone.

"Shut up! I'll devour you in seconds!" It said

"Oh, you can talk, eh? Well, here's something to talk about."

"Flame Breathing, first form," Kyameron thought as he rocketed forward at great speed.

"Unknowing Fire!" He yelled, slicing the demon's head off with little effort.

He sheathed his sword without looking at the head, walking away like it was nothing.

The first night drew to a close, only the one encounter between the brothers. Daylight showed itself on the mountaintop, signalling the end of the first night.

During the daylight hours, slayers would look for fruits that populated the peak for food and the freshwater streams for water. In these areas, many slayers met up and agreed to work together. Kyameron arrived at a spring, finding the girl with a blank expression on her face there. He sat next to her, "Hello, my name is Kyameron. What's yours?"

The girl said nothing.

"Uh, hello?"

Still nothing,

"Earth to... uh..."


"Huh. Well, I'll leave you, then. Nice chatting with you!"

As the daylight hours came to a close and the second night began. On this night, Kyameron saw much more action than the first night. He couldn't be happier about that.

He came across a group of 5 demons circling two slayers, "Heheheh... too easy, right boys?" One of them said.

"Yes... they look delicious..." Another said.

The two slayers quivered in fear as the demons closed in on them. Kyameron then yelled to get their attention, "Hey, Freaks!"

"What did you call us?! You've got some nerve, boy!" The demon from before said. It looked to be the leader of their little group. All the demons' looked similar, perhaps being of the same blood.

"Oh, I've got nerve, alright. Now, how about this. Instead of attacking those guys, you attack me? How does that sound?"

"Five on one? Hah! We beat these guys five on two, no problem! You're just another kid!"

"Heh. In your dreams. Come at me, then."

All five demons rushed Kyameron as he drew his sword with both hands, "Flame Breathing, fifth form..."

The demons went to slash at him with their claws, "Flame Tiger!" Kyameron said

His sword engulfed in a flame that looked like a tiger, Kyameron broke into a dance of powerful slashes going through each demon, one at a time. At the end of the attack, Kyameron sheathed his sword as the five demons' disintegrated. The two boys from before stood awe-struck, "Hey! Can we, uh, follow you?" One asked

"Sure, why not. I wanted some company anyways," Kyameron said.

However, straining his ears, he could hear something massive in the distance. Turning back to the two boys, "Sorry guys, but someone is in MAJOR trouble right now. I have to help them. If you can keep up with me, that's great! But if you can't, I'm not slowing down,"

Kyameron then took off as fast as he could, running towards the massive creature he heard.

In the meantime, Tanjiro was getting ready to face this massive beast after learning it had killed 13 of Urokodaki's students, including Sabito and Makomo. He vowed to let their souls rest by defeating this demon, and their battle began.

Sprinting through the forest, Kyameron tried to get there as soon as possible. He came across a demon but sliced its head off without a form. He had no time to waste on such trash. As the battle between the massive mutant and Tanjiro continued, the mutant landed a colossal strike on Tanjiro's gut, winding him and stopping him from using Total Concentration breathing.

He grabbed Tanjiro and prepared to eat him like all of Urokodaki's other students, "KYAMeron! HEEEllllppp..."

Demon Slayer; Kyameron KamadoWhere stories live. Discover now