Chapter 32: ➢ Doing The Harlem Shake

Start from the beginning

I knew that comment was just to get Xavier riled up. Judging by the silence, I know it did. My heart ached for him but there was nothing I could do as a literal sitting duck.

Gabe was in no shape to get involved in a fight and the only cardio I get is running from my problems, so neither of us was going to be any help.

Me mostly. Gabe could probably shoot a gun with an injured arm better than I could with both working wings.

Xavier scoffed, to my surprise before he murmured one simple sentence before all hell broke loose, "Like shit I'd ever let you hurt them,"

30 seconds.

It took less than 30 seconds for the room to be riddled with bullets as the remaining windows of the room that we were in were smashed either by people pouring into the room or by snipers.

Gabe immediately fell to the floor as soon as the man holding him was shot lifeless as he groaned from the impact of landing on his arm. Henchman was yelling and firing as guns blazed from both sides. To the party downstairs, It probably sounded like fireworks. Meanwhile, I wanted to throw up at the sight of Argent's men dropping to the floor surrounded by a pool of red.

It didn't last for long, there were too many people coming from outside for the henchmen holding Gabe and me, to counter. Bodies fell like flies and I felt sick to my stomach at all the blood smearing the floor. God, I hate violence, how the hell did I fall in love with a gang leader of all people?!

Members dressed in black broke through the already wrecked windows, and though dressed to conceal their features. I could tell from the body shapes and voices.

"Make sure Gabe and Sky are secure," I felt like crying when I heard Nathan's voice for the first time in so long through the brawl, "Round up any remaining henchmen, let's get out of here and rendezvous at the meet point,"

Heavy boot footsteps immediately thundered on the floor as armed members of the gang I had spent so long with spread throughout the room to make sure all threats were eliminated.

"Gabe!" Natasha's voice followed and the sound of armory dropped to the ground as she kneeled beside him. I managed to scramble up despite my wrists locked in the metal contraption they had put on me earlier.

My eyes brimmed with unshed tears the minute I saw Gabe and Natasha. Gabe was okay, he was a little scratched up during the shooting but there were no obvious injuries.

"I'm okay," He grunted with one eye closed from the pain as he clutched his arm. His eyes immediately snapped up and searched for mine as if he wasn't the one who needed immediate attention. "Skyler," He called out to me, lacking the physical energy to move his own body.

"Skyler! Oh my god, I'm so glad you're safe," Natasha cried, leaving her gun beside Gabe as she made a break for me. She immediately embraced me as I sat with my knees still to the ground.

Gosh, I promised myself I wouldn't cry!

She held me tightly, while I peeked over her shoulder at Nathan and Jason standing with their rifles down. It was hard to see their expressions through the black masks, but from the way their eyes softened, they seemed both relieved.

Even Jason. Damn, I should be in a hostage situation more often.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Natasha asked, holding me by the shoulders at arm's length as she brushed my messy hair away from my dirt-smeared face. I shook my head sheepishly as she continued to turn my head in awkward directions to assess for any damage.

"She's fine, she's literally a walking rubber duck," Jason grumbled, standing above me and I turned to face him with my mouth wide open. D-id he just call me a rubber duckie?

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