Part 44

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We walk in and go to the box we're sitting in.

But first we go to the field.

I stand there and Cass is in my arms and Grey is on the floor because when i tried to pick him up he tried to kill me. But he's holding my hand.

I see J out there running some drills with the guys.

After a while we're up in the box where a bunch of the guys wives and friends are.

There's another woman who looks very uncomfortable leaning onto what I guess is her husbands shoulder.

Her son in next to her and looks about 14, maybe it's her younger brother, she doesn''t look old.

Mathius, Who I call Mat, walks over. He's my "body guard". After another run in with someone happened and me and the twins almost got kidnapped Jimmy hired him. He's a good man, his wife died a while back but he keeps on pushing. He's pretty much alone, he's sweet, but he has a hard exterior that I've cracked through and we've become friends which is one of the reasons I keep him around.

"Do you want me to take the boys?" He asks.

I look down to where i've picked up Grey in one arm and see they're sleeping. "Could you put them in their stroller please? I can check in on them."

"I'll stay over there." He says. "Make sure nobody tries-"

He starts and looks around with narrowed eyes.

I laugh. "Mat, come on, they're all friends."

He sighs and looks around again worried. "I'm still not going to leave them alone."

I nod and hug him. "Thank you."

He nods and hugs me back for a second before taking the sleeping boys from me.

I return to watching the game until there's a tap on my shoulder. I turn and find the woman that I saw earlier there. I smile nervously.

"H-Hi." She stutters.

"Hi." I say nervously.

"Are you Jimmy's fiance?" She asks.

I nod. "Yes ma'am."

"I'm Mindy." She holds out her hand. I shake it.

"Nice to meet you i'm Raleigh" I smile.

We have a conversation and she makes me feel human. Not like most people try to treat me differently, she treats me like I'm normal.

I love it.

I meet her husband, David, and son, Jared. They're all sweet people.

Afterwards, we watch the game together and I go to check on the boys every once in a while. They manage to sleep the whole time.

I facetime my family to virtually join the thing at Grandma's but besides dad saying Merry Christmas we still don't talk.

The game ends and Mathius follows behind me to the field.

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