Untitled Part 20

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"I love you." J whispers to me.

I look down and see I'm in a wedding dress. He's wearing a tux.

The priest is saying our vows and we're repeating them.

"I do." He whispers.

"I do." I say.

"You may now kiss the bride." He smiles.

J leans down- BOOM!

J falls to the ground and blood pools under his head.

I look at see Owen at the end of the aisle.

He laughs and I scream.

Someone's shaking my shoulder and I bolt up and see Jimmy.

"Hey are you alright?" he asks where he's sitting on the bed at the end of it shaking my leg. "You were screaming."

I bolt up and sit in his lap facing him and hug him.

"Whoa there." He chuckles and hugs me back "I've never known you to be this happy to see me."

I close my eyes and hold him tighter "Don't die."

He freeze's "What?"

"Just don't die on me ok?" I say.

"I won't." He promises.

I hold him.

"What was your dream about?"

"You died." I whisper.

He nods.

"On out wedding day right before the kiss." I sniffle.

He holds me "How?"

"Someone shot you." I bite my lip.

He nods. "that won't happen."

I nod.

He helps me get up and he's changed me into one of his shirts.

I stand and walk out.

"Wooowwwww." Jorden sighs "Oversized shirts look good on you."

"Shut up." I snap and glare at him.

"Hey! Don't be mean to uncle Jorden!" Jackson protests from Jorden's lap.

Jorden laughs "What happened to calling me Uncle J?"

Jackson gets up and comes to hug Jimmy's legs "This is Uncle J."

Jorden looks shocked. "Oh."

J hugs me.

"I'm your baby." I pout and whisper.

He smiles and nods "You're my baby?"

"I'm your baby." I nod.

He chuckles and nods.

"And I'm fucking cute." I flip my hair.

He laughs and kisses my forehead "You are."

I nod and put my head on his chest.

"Did you two canoodle." Colt wiggles his brows.

I laugh "No I slept."

"Really?" He asks "Y'all are boring."

J chuckles.

"I thought Kiara Mia called you an energizer bunny." Rhett says.

I take a step away from James at the name.

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