Untitled Part 22

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(Before I start i'd like to say, if you're still reading this you're amazing. I've been busy and having a hard time updating lately but I promise i'll get better and the stories will get better, the last few part in particular have been pretty terrible so I do apologize but I hope it'll get better. I also am thinking about writing another story about a different topic. It would be a second chance romance, not with Jimmy Garoppolo, please tell me if you'd be interested<3)

2 days.

December 28th. It's been 2 days since he told me to leave and forget him but I can't, I can't sleep, eat, or shower.

December 31,. I have my first photoshoot today.

I go to the beach and take a few pics in a new swimsuit line.

I head to a restaurant for dinner and sit down.

It's a nice little Italian place and I order some ravioli.

I'm sitting here for a minute before someone slides into the seat opposite of me and I look up, fully ready to say get away from me.

It's James.

My heart breaks a little more.

I tried for these last few days to forget about him but here he is.

I throw a one hundred dollar bill on the table and start to storm out but he grabs my wrists.

"Raleigh please." He whispers.

I slowly sit down and look at him "I thought I was supposed you forget you existed Jimmy."

He flinches at my snappy tone.

"You hurt me." I point at my heart. "Really bad."

"Ray." He whimpers.

"Jimmy. I tried to tell you I would never do that to you and you told me to get the fuck out of your house." I swallow and look down. "It hurt."

"I know." He nods "I was an asshole. I'm sorry."

I look up at him "I miss us."

"I miss us too." He whispers.

We're silent for a moment before he sighs "Come home with me?"

"I don't know." I giggle "I'm not the one night stand type of girl."

"Are you the type of girl to be reengaged to me?" He asks.

I nod "I could go for it."

He chuckles. "Re-propose?"

I nod.

I hand him the ring from the necklace I'm wearing.

He looks around the restaurant where people are secretly videoing and taking pictures.

He gets down on one knee and a few people gasp.

"Raleigh Nicole Carter. Will you marry me?" He says loudly.

I nod "Yes!"

He spins me around and kisses me. "I love you so much."

"Did you tell your family we broke up?" I ask..

"No." He shakes his head "I also cleared it up with them that you didn't do it."

I nod "I didn't tell mine either."

He puts me down and we sit down.

He orders.

The day after the incident I got the news networks to take everything down.

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