Part 29

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She sent a picture of where she's laying naked on a sleeping Jimmy's chest and I put the phone on the counter and clench my jaw.

I walk into the living room and start doing the finger tap thing which is Tess's thing to follow me and she quickly stands and we walk to the kitchen.

I show her the message and the pictures, yes she sent more, one is even where she's riding him, he looks concentrated, not like when he's with me.

One's where they're at a table and he's half smiling on the date they went on where she's wearing a really low cut tank top.

Tess shakes her head.

A few pictures of messages pop up (From 8 years ago).

I put my phone on the counter with the messages up and we go to the living room.

I look at J "Is there any way I could convince you to get my phone from the kitchen? It's on the counter."

He nods and gets up.

I hear him curse in the kitchen and I know he's seen the messages.

I sigh and cross my arms as he walks into the living room and crooks his finger to say come here.

I walk to him and he pulls me into the kitchen.

"She's just trying to make you jealous babe." He says and kisses my forehead.

I huff and lean onto his chest. "I know, it just-"

"I know." He runs his fingers through my hair. "I blocked her."

"Thank you." I whisper.

He nods and holds me "Don't thank me, it should have already been done."

I bite my lip and stay here on his chest.

I jump out of my skin when the water signals with a whistle that it's boiling.

I get out 3 mugs but J says he would like a cup and I get a 4th.

"Do you have apple cider?" I ask.

He shake shis head "I've never had it."

I gasp.

I show him a picture of what the packets look like and send him to the store while he chuckles at me.

I shake my head "You're disappointing me."

He laughs.

He leaves with an I love you and I sit down on the counter after grabbing an apple.

I eat half of it before Billy walks in and leans against the counter next to where I'm sitting.

"So." He sighs.

"So?" I ask and take a bite of the apple.

"You're pregnant." He smiles.

I nod "Very."

He chuckles and sips on a water bottle.

"I'm scared." I say honestly.

He nods and looks over "You don't look it."

I clench and unclench my jaw. "What if I get fat during or after and he doesn't love me anymore. What if I have a miscarriage? I know our relationship could survive but it would be so hard. What if I'm a bad mom? Or I die during birth? Or one of them dies during birth? Both of them? What if Jimmy decides he's not ready for kids? I'm still in college Billy, I don't know how to live in the real world with a kid, a husband, everything. I'm not scared of what's going to happen I guess, I'm just nervous that I'm not going to be ready for how fast things are changing for me you know?"

He nods "It's normal to be nervous. I mean, you've been with him for just a couple months, you're getting married, you're having twins, but these changes are amazing, they're not bad changes, you're going to be an amazing mom, they're both going to be fine, he's not going to leave you if you gain weight. It's normal when you're pregnant to gain weight and keep the weight on after. It's called a mom bod."

I tear up "I worked so hard for my body."

He laughs and I smack his shoulder.

"I did!" I protest.

He chuckles "I know, but this is hilarious. You think he's going to break up with you because you're going to have even curvier hips? A belly that's held two of his children? Stretch marks that show that you're the mother of his children?"

"Stretch marks." I cry out "NO!"

Tess walks in a and blinks at us. "Stretch marks?"

I nod.

She nods and gets an apple before leaving.

I sniffle "I didn't even think about stretch marks. Thanks a lot."

He chuckles "You're welcome."

We talk for a little before J walks in with a bag and puts the box on the counter.

I smile and open it.

He leans over and kisses me.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"You're welcome." He winks.

I make the mugs of cider and bring it into the living room after they promise not to spill it.

They sip on it and J's eyes light up.

"This is really good." He says in surprise.

"Remind me in the fall that on your bye week we need to come back here, or if you have a game with Washington, and I need to take you to Carter's mountain." I smile.

He nods. "I definitely will."

"Hey, J, come here." Billy says form the kitchen.

J walk over and They're talking, I try to listen but I fail only hearing my name said a few times and baby.

I just watch the movie that's on the tv.

Jacks join me and sits next to me where I'm curled up under a blanket

I look down at him with a small smile.

"You're going to be a good mom." He smiles.

I half msile and my eyes tear up.

I hug him and he hugs me back while giggling.

I pulls back and wipe a tear away.

"Don't cry." Jax frowns.

"They're happy tears." I clarify.

We talk for a while before J surprises me by saying we have a flight in 2 hours.

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