Part 10

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I close my eyes, take a deep breath and shaky my head "Ok."

I take out the first item. Holy Shit Colt.

It's a vibrator wand, still in the box. I shake my head.

"Why." I whisper and look at him.

"show me what you got." He smiles.

I slide the box across the floor to Colt.

He picks it up "Ooooo how nice of me."

I roll my eyes "If there's anything too embarrassing please tell me."

"Oh hun everything in these boxes are embarrassing." He rolls his eyes.

I take out the next thing, a bottle of lube. "Really?"

"Yes really." He snickers.

It's glow in the dark.

Edible Body paint "Hey! I actually really like this."

Jimmy looks at the body paint and smiles.

I pulls out a black lace bra and panty set and look at Colt "How do you know my size?"

"I asked Tess." He jerks his head towards her.

"Ok honest to God this is a really cute set." I smile.

"Ok keep going." He waves a hand.

I pull out a sexy schoolgirl outfit that looks too revealing for comfort.

My eyes widen and I realize it has vibrators installed in the tights at the top. I wiggle a little before throwing the package across the floor to Jimmy who immediately installs the app that controls them.

I shake my head.

"Ok next to last thing." Colton looks over and smiles.

"I'm not." I shake my head "No."

"Come on just show us." Dad sighs "We already saw everything else."

I shake my head.

I pull out a regular enough looking DVD and look at the front with the title "The professor and the naughty school girl; anything for an A: Part 2."

"Put it down." My dad blushes.


"The back cover." He chuckles.

I turn it and see the back cover is a scene where she's in doggy with her eyes crossed and her tongue is sticking out while he's pounding into her raw.

My eyes widen.

"You only got part 2?" J asks.

"No part 1 is in your box." Colt chuckles.

"I found it." Jimmy smiles after a minute of searching.

"Ok, how did you like your presents?" Colton wiggles his eyebrows.

"I loved mine." I bat my lashes.

"I loved most of these." Jimmy chuckles before looking at me.

"Ok." I clap "Well now that's over-."

I'm interrupted by Jimmy's phone ringing.

"It's my mom." He shows me the screen and walks out the door.

I hear a few words before he walks back in smiling.

"They're coming back early and they're going to be at the house tomorrow." He smiles.

My eyes widen in horror. I don't know how to do this.

"Yay?" I squeak.

His eyes flash with something and I think it's hurt. "You ok?"

I nod.

A few minutes later we leave.

When we're in the truck I look over at him "I'm sorry if I hurt you when I said the yay like that."

He nods and keeps his eyes on the road.

"I just haven't ever done the meet the parents thing before." I twist my hands "The last boyfriend I had was a complete asshole so I mea-"

"Baby." He grabs my hand "You don't need to explain. I'm nervous too you know?"

I nod "I didn't take that into consideration."

"I know." He puts our hands on the gear shift.

"I just, I guess it's just crazy to me how fast things are going." I whisper.

"We can slow down." He whispers.

I shake my head "At some points maybe but right now I feel like us being alive and feeling is what I need after what happened happened you know?"

He nods "I understand perfectly, I need this too."

"You do?" I ask.


"What happened?" I ask softly.

He stays quiet.

I look at him, giving him time to think about his answer.

He pulls over and turns to me "I'm not going to lie to you."

I furrow my brows.

"Kiara told me she was pregnant." He starts off.

I gasp.

"I believed it, I paid for everything, I went to every appointment, everything I could." He shakes his head "I thought I was stuck with her."

I bite my lip to keep my tears in.

"I wasn't the dad." He shakes his head "Someone else she was cheating on me with was the baby daddy."

My jaw drops. How could anyone want to cheat on this god of a man.

"I left her crazy ass." He sadly chuckles "but it fucked me up Raleigh, really bad."

I nod. "I'm here for you."

"And I'm here for you." He holds my hand again.

"Let's go home." I whisper.

He squeezes my hand once before pulling back onto the road.

We're comfortably silent the rest of the way there.

He opens the door for me, as always.

"My brothers and Mike's wife are probably coming as well." He says as we fall into bed.

"Do they know I'm here?" I ask as he snuggles close to me.

"No. But they will tomorrow." He chuckles.

I nod nervously "Wil they like me?"

"I think so." He whispers "And if they don't, that's ok."

I nod "I hope they do."

"I'm positive they will." He whispers and kisses the top of my head before he rolls me on my back.

He makes quick work of sliding my shorts down and removing the vibrator that's sticky and warm.

He makes me come on his tongue before fucking me slow hard and deep, making me tap out.

We lay completely naked cuddling with the blankets over us before falling asleep.

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