Part 42

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((Yes I know George Kittle is married in real life, don't judge my decisions)

My phone starts ringing again this time it's my mom. I debate taking the call before letting that ring too.

J touches my hand. "You have to let it go, they were just upset-"

I shake my head and get off of the island, "finish up with them, I want a shower."

He looks nervous before nodding.

I walk up the stairs and start my water.

I start a 45 minute long playlist. I know this is going to be a long mental breakdown shower.

I get in slowly into the scorching hot water and shiver.

I turn the heat down a teeny bit and start washing my hair.

Right after I do finish my hair I collapse on the floor crying.

I'm so happy there's water covering up my tears.

My phone starts ringing and siri asks if I would like to accept.

"Decline." I say.

"Accepting call." He says.

I groan.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey noodle." Papa says.

I sniffle. "Hey papa."

"You ok?" He asks.

I don't answer.

He heaves a sigh. "I'll take that as a no."

I stay silent.

"Mind telling this old man what's up?"

I sniffle and start crying again. "Dad hates me."

"He doesn't hate you, he's just having a hard time accepting you're not a little girl anymore, he's scared that Jimmy's taking you from him." He says.

I shake my head "He's just an a-hole."

"Raleigh Nicole Carter, your father loves you." He says.

"He left. The day I had him hold my baby. The day I had my baby he just left?" I ask through a sob.

"Don't cry." He says. "You're going to make me cry."

I sniffle.

"Come on, don't make me cry." He says.

A few tears slip.

"Please come home." He says.

"I can't." I wipe away some water.

"Why not? Your fiance has a game here tomorrow right?" He asks.

"Yeah but-" I say.

"But nothing, you're coming home." He says sternly.

I gulp.

"I love you and will see you tonight or tomorrow morning bright and early for church." He says.

I laugh. "Ok papa, I love you too."

He sighs and hangs up.

I stand up and wash my body quickly.

I step out and dry myself off.

Get dressed.

Go downstairs and see J and the boys.

"Hey, babe can you watch the boys?" He asks.

I nod.

"I have to pack." He kisses my temple.

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