Part 30

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We pack quickly and get onto the plane quickly.

I'm sitting here and look at my neighbor who I'm pretty sure is Nick Bateman.

I don't say anything but I look over a couple times.

I look at the seat across the aisle where J sits and my eyes are wide.

He looks over and furrows his brows "You ok?"

I shake my head.

"What's wrong?"

I look at the guy beside me.

"What about him?" He asks.

I feel so embarrassed as the dude who I'm almost positive is Nick Bateman sighs in annoyance.

"Shut. Up." I mouth.

He rolls his eyes and puts in headphones.

I look at the guy and ask "Are you Nick Bateman?"

He looks surprised "You know who I am?"

"Yes." I smile and nod.

"Most people don't recognize me." He looks shocked.

"I was big on Hallmark movies." I shrug "And I may or may not have Instagram stalked you when I was 13."

He laughs. "that's very nice."

I nod.

"And you are?" He asks.

"Raleigh Carter." I smile.

We shake hands.

We end up actually talking about his life, his ex-wife, his kids.

"What about you?" he asks. "What's your status?"

"Well, I'm engaged to a professional athlete and I'm in my senior year of law school at W&M." I smile proudly.

"Him?" He points at J.

I nod "Jimmy Garoppolo."

"A little old for you." He chuckles.

I laugh "He's a good man."

He nods a little unconvinced "It's not for fame or money?"

I almost feel insulted but he did just tell me that's what he dealt with his ex wife. I shake my head "I really love him, I'm pregnant with twins."

He nods "Congrats."

We talk for a while until the plane lands and we get off.

He ends up following on Insta and I follow him back and he messages me.

We're friendly, that's it.

Jimmy and I head home and I unpack everything in the side of his closet that isn't full.

He sits on the ottoman in there and pulls me down with him. "You made another friend?"

"I've made friends." I nod. "I got invited to a wedding one time when I was on a plane and was also the maid of honor."

He looks shocked. "No lie?"

I show him the pictures.

He nods "That's really cool."

I nod.

We fall asleep on the ottoman somehow.

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