Untitled Part 12

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About 15 minutes of me almost falling asleep later the cab stops, no possible way we're at my house.

I open my eyes to see we're in front of Jimmy's house again.

"I was told to bring you back here." The driver sighs.

I open the door to see a puffy eyed Jimmy.

"I'm not letting you go." His voice cracks "It's been too long since I've felt something so real."

I shake my head "J."

"It's not what's best for us to leave each other. It's being together. I- we need each other. I love you. I'm so sorry that everything's awkward right now. How do you think I felt?" He asks.

I start crying again "Everything hurts too much."

He holds me to him before the driver clears his throat.

J grabs my bags "You're not going anywhere."

I nod "I'm not going anywhere."

He takes them upstairs while I walk into the kitchen.

"Are you ok?" Briana asks.

I nod and scuff my toes on the tile.

"How old are you?" Tony, the dad not junior.

"21." I say.

The parents eyes widen.

"9 years?" Denise asks with a short breath.

I nibble on my lip.

They look at each other before the dad starts talking.

"I don't approve of this."

I start to open my mouth to argue but decide to walk out of the situation before I say something bad, as I turn on my heel to go to the room but am met by J's solid chest.

"Dad." J says calmly "I love her."

"9." His dad grits out.

"Age doesn't matter. She's over 18." Jimmy sighs.

"A lot happens in between 21 and 30." He protests.

"A lot does happen, and I'll be there with her every single step of the way, just like she'll be with me." He stands up for me while everyone looks very uncomfortable.

My eyes widen and I look up at him.

He looks down.

"Well I'd rather you had someone your own age." His dad still tries to protest.

"I would like you to please try and get along with your future daughter in law please." He sighs.

I gasp and look at him.

He looks down at me with a quirked eyebrow. "What?"

I smile and hug him.

He hugs me back.

After a few more calm words are said we're all actually in a relaxing state and we all actually get along very well.

The parents make Belgium waffles.

"these are amazing." I say after swallowing the first bite.

"It's my grandma's secret recipe." She smiles at me "I'll have to show oyu one day."

I smile and take another bite.

After 1 1/4 I'm full.

J is on his 3rd.

I shake my head "Boys can eat anything."

"I swear, they almost ate so much I was broke." Denise, their mom laughs.

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