Mission: Not Falling In Love With Him (22)

Start from the beginning

And she realized that too.

She raised her head nonchalantly. “You wouldn’t be able to chase me forever.”

I gave a light shrug. “Not forever. But it wouldn’t be long and then I simple bullet would erase you from this earth.”

“Do you listen to yourself?!” she shouted. “Do you like to hear yourself talking? You are no one! You control nothing! You wouldn’t be able to find me!” her screams had become frantic.

“Oh, but I do.” I said smiling and getting closer to her bed. “See, your boss, I shot him. And half your guards, and the ones you sent to that hotel. How many were there? Twenty? If I killed through those odds, what makes you think I can’t kill though one?” I asked.

Truth was:  I had no idea where I was getting with this. And I knew that if she got away I would only confront her if she came to me. I had no force anymore to chase after her.

“I’ll tell you what’ll happen now, Natalie. You’ll go back home and fall back into that sorry-ass depression until one day another girl comes along that makes you think she’s your friend. Next thing you know, she’s trying to kill you and that sexy-ass of a brother.” Her words came hysterical.

“You think?” I asked crossing my arms and considering. “No…next time I will kill whoever dares come close enough to harm my family.” I was by her bed now. I lightly put my hand on her arm sensing her flinch slightly. “I will very slowly make…” I pressed a nail to her skin. “Them…” drawing the nail down I pressed hard making her flinch. “Suffer.” I ended looking into her eyes.

She stared back challenging me, but what she didn’t realize was that from now on I would not let anyone harm me.

I knew now that there was no going back to the party hard Natalie I had been since Canada. I knew that nothing anyone did would make me trust anyone. Right now I believed being secluded was the best to protect those I loved because they seemed to keep getting harmed around me. First Sarah, then Shane, now Logan. No matter how much I tried to look out for them, having me around was bringing more trouble.

No, nothing else would happen to them. No one like Amanda was going to hurt them again.

“You can’t get away from me.” Amanda said proudly. “No matter how much you try I will always be there to hunt you.” She said that happily and I scowled in disgust.

“That’s what you don’t get. I am walking away from you and I am making sure you stay locked up forever. Amanda, you don’t truly think I’d come here alone.” I got a lock of her hair off her forehead. “Next time you see me, I’ll be the one pushing you inside the cell you’ll spending the rest of your life. I’ll be the last face of the outer world you’ll see and if you have family outside I will make you they never now from you. I will make sure you go crazy in a confined cell so small you ass will barely be able to fit.” She was going to say something but I cut her off by grabbing a handful of her hair. “Amanda, your life will be so miserable that you will see suicide as the only option, and guess what?” I asked smiling lightly. Her face had gone completely still and in her eyes I could see fear leaping. “I won’t let you.” I hissed calmly letting every word sink in.

In a matter of seconds her face paled.

I don’t know what it was. Maybe my words got to her. Maybe she was faking it. Maybe she had a heart attack and I didn’t notice. But her eyes looked intently into mine, and I saw a desperate air to them.

“Liar.” She whispered. Her voice broke one.

I gave her the same menacing smile she was so good at giving. “I won’t leave you. I swear, you will always have a reminder of me.” I finished and left the room.

Her face had been so scared when I shut the door that involuntarily a smile slipped on my face. Shane was on me two seconds later questioning. His eyes were concerned.

I walked a couple steps but suddenly had to lean on the wall in order to stay up. When I leaned my head back the tears that had gathered slipped down my face and I went sliding down to the floor. I broken sob escaped my lips, and then Shane was right there, cradling me to his chest as if trying to protect me from what was wrong. He always did that. He thought he could protect me like that.

I wasn’t crying because of Amanda’s betrayal. I was over that, and accepting it. I was crying because I knew that there was no getting back for me. I knew that I couldn’t be Natalie anymore, not the one everyone was used to. I couldn’t go back to that carelessness. I knew that what I had told Amanda was true. I would never leave her because I would make sure she was reminding of what she had done to me. I knew it wasn’t healthy, but I knew I just couldn’t do anything.

I knew there was no way I could ever be the same again.

And that was a damn shame because I liked being me.

The Natalie Thomas everyone knew was gone.

And I feared the one that was to replace her.

Mission: Not Falling In Love With HimWhere stories live. Discover now