Both blades were created by the combined efforts of two swordsmiths. Tenguyama Hitetsu and a man named Hotaru Haganezuka, a man coming from a village of swordsmiths, named after one of his ancestors. Kusanagi had been imbued with the power of another swordsmiths Quirk. The Quirk was a fairly regular one. It allowed the user to conceal an item by augmenting the way it looks when placed inside something. The swordsmith had imbued the sheath of the sword so that when placed in them it would feel like a normal sheathed katana, aside from its hilt. Izuku was thankful for this as he didn't feel like having different sized sheaths attached to his waist for the bulky sword. The blade he was currently polishing was Onikiri.

"Why are you always polishing your blades even though their already polished?" Nezuko asks.

"A sword shares a soul similar to that of a human. Their soul must always be strong and having a strong, healthy, and clean body make the soul stronger. If I were a sword I would prefer that my weilder keep me clean and strong." Izuku says.

"I think you treat these swords nicer than you did our classmates." Nezuko says.

"Until one of them earns my respect like these blades have then they will be treated the same." Izuku says.

"Are all swordsmen like this?" Nezuko asks.

"Maybe. I've yet to meet another swordsman who shows the same devotion I do in this day and age." Izuku says.

"And what are you doing Keigo?" Nezuko asks turning to their son.

"Taking care of my swords soul." He says, mimicking Izuku's action of polishing the blade. Keigo aspired to be like his father, someone strong who could protect the people close to them. And so he had his father teach him how to wield a sword. Izuku started with a wooden sword, not wanting to trust him with a deadly weapon until he knew what he was doing. It was only six months ago that Izuku gifted him his first sword, feeling that he had earned enough of his trust to wield one. Keigo immediately fell in love with the blade, often sleeping with the sheathed blade held tightly in his hands.

"Oh no, I am not dealing with two of you

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"Oh no, I am not dealing with two of you." Nezuko says pointing at Izuku.

"I don't know what you mean." Izuku says as both him and Keigo continue to polish their blades.

"Papa and Kei are strange, Mama." Eri says holding onto Nezuko's kimono.

"Never change Eri. Never change." Nezuko says bending down and hugging Eri.

"Halt! You have entered Japan air space! Identify yourself or be dealt with accordingly!" A voice calls out from in front of them. Izuku stands up, now holding a sheathed Onikiri in his hand, and walks onto Ryu's head to view the person confronting them.

"Of all the people to see upon reentering Japan you were not one I was hoping for." He says, malice laced in his voice. Standing on top of the skyscraper in front of them was the Number 1 Hero.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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