Chapter 7

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Izuku POV

It was the day after the fight and I was sitting in the classroom, a proud smile on my face, and everyone else talking to each other. The reason for the smile? Seeing Cocksuki and Shothoe covered in bandages is a good thing to see.

"That smile is kind of unnerving." Tokoyami says.

"Don't care. I'm happy for myself right now." I say.

"By the way, how many element moves can you do? I've seen you use several different ones so I wondered what your limit is." he asks.

"He has a point. You've used a bunch of different moves with elements. And there all so manly!" Kirishima says.

"I can use about 7 different elemental styles of attack." I say.

"Everyone shut up." Aizawa says slithering in. Everyone goes quiet and quickly gets to there seats. Aizawa slithers up to his podium and stands up, unzipping his sleeping bag.

"Good your quiet. Now what we are going to discuss today could change the rest of your school life." Aizawa says making almost everyone panic. "You need to vote a class president."

"It's a normal school activity!" they all cheer. Then they all start screaming asking people to vote for them. Now this annoys me because of my sensitive hearing and just because I hate noise.

"Shut the hell up!" I shout slamming my hand on the desk. Everyone goes dead quiet and sits back in there seats looking to me. "We are doing a vote. You are not allowed to vote for yourself and I will know if anyone tries to rig it. Understand?"

"Understood." the class says in unison. I stand up and pass around pieces of paper and everyone writes down there votes. I walk around with a box and collect all the votes.

"Aizawa count them." I say throwing the box at him. He begrudgingly sits up and reaches a hand out of his sleeping bag and counts the votes.

"And your president with 18 votes is Izuku Kamado. And your vice president with 4 votes is Izumi Yagi." Aizawa says.

"Motherfu-" I go to say but Nezuko covers my mouth. I look to her and she gestures to Keigo who was sitting in her lap coloring. I nod and she lets go of my mouth.

"Be right back." I say. I jump out the window and go to a point where they can't hear me anymore.

"FFUUCCKK!!" I yell. I then take a deep breath and walk back to the classroom. I jump up and land on the windowsill with everyone looking at me.

"Needed to let it out." I say.

"And we voted that class president?" Kaminari asks.

"Yeah you guys are screwed." I say. I walk to the front of the room and stand next to Izumi with an annoyed look on my face.

"Why do you hate me so much?" she asks.

"I'll give you a hint. How's your brother?" I ask. Her eyes go wide and her head snaps to me with an angry look on her face.

"How do you know?! Who told you?!" she yells trying to hit me. The other tormentors get behind her since the whole class heard.

"Whoa whoa what's going on?!" Kirishima asks standing up.

"You don't need to know where I heard it from. But I know what you did, how long you did it for, and who else was involved. So no matter what you say you can't change my opinion on any of you." I say glaring at the group. They seem ready to attack and I summon my sword to my side. White cloth shoots at us and wraps around the group but I catch the one aimed for me.

Izuku The User of The BreathsWhere stories live. Discover now