33 - Then Learn Fly

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Sam said, "Hi, I'm Sam. We waiting on anybody or is it just you?" Amanda put down the menu, Sam's eyes widened. "It's just me."

"Uh, Can I start you off with something?"

"Actually, there's only one thing I need. That's for you to tell me what's been going on with you? Where have you been?"

Sam asked, "You came to my job?"

"I've tried calling you, so has your father. No callback. Big surprise. Should I have installed an app on your phone so I could track you down? Is there what you need? Every day in the house that you grew up in, there are little reminders of the mess you made. I see your twin sister covering up her bruises and scars. You can have your little tournament. But if you touch one hair on your sister's head before then, you'll be scrubbing toilets in prison for the rest of your life, and  I don't want to see my daughter behind bars."


Anthony announced, "I'm going to my friend's house!"

"Okay, be nice. Be safe, Anth," Lexi said, waving from the couch.

He looked down, he knew what he'd be pressured to do, "W-Will do!" He opened the door, walked out, and closed it behind him.


Zack spoke, "Oh sh*t! He just broke your phone. You gonna let him get away with that?

Kenny said, "I wasn't trying to break it. You guys were being @ssholes."

Zack asked, "What did you just call us?"

They all surrounded him, the one behind Kenny ripped the tail off his costume. He grabbed his shoulders to allow Zack to kick him. Anthony just stood there as everyone else beat him up.

"Alright, LaRusso. Let's see your moves."

"Yeah! Bust out some of that Miyagi sh*t."


Johnny and Daniel stepped onto the sparring deck and put out their arms in a stance.


All the students copied and exclaimed, "Hi-yah!"

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

All the students copied and exclaimed, "Hi-yah!"


Lexi and Daniel were the first to spar.



Then Miguel and Johnny.

I remember the sparks that flew in the summer of '79.


Everyone took a break. Johnny and Daniel sat down. Daniel had his food, Johnny had a sandwich.

My brother went wild for a pretty girl's smile.

Heartbroken - Daniel's Daughter X Miguel Diaz [EDITED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora