23 - The Right Path

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Everyone watched as Lexi was wheeled out of surgery and into her room. "How did the surgery go?" Amanda asked the doctor. "Everything went as plans, but we won't know if it worked until a few days, a week at least."


Lexi looked at her phone. She realized that Kreese was posioning the minds of his students. Why didn't she realize this sooner? She put down her phone and rolled her back us. She threw her phone on the table and laid her head back.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The nurse asked. "Can I turn on the TV for you or get you another pillow?" She asked. "What if my surgery didn't work?" She asked. "What if I can never walk again?" She asked, her voice breaking. "Sweetie, you can't think like that. I know what'll make you feel better though. A big piece of chocolate cake. How's that sound, huh?" She asked.

"Sure." Lexi responded. "Be right back." The nurse said, passing Miguel in the doorway. "Hey, Miggy." She said. "Hey, Babe." He said, sitting next to her. He now had a boot and didn't need cruches. "You okay?" He asked, stroking her hair. "What if it didn't work, Mig?" She asked. "Baby, you can't do this to yourself. Okay? How about we watch...The office? Huh?" He turned on the TV show.

"Babe...can I ask you a question?" She asked. "Sure thing." He said. "Was I starting to turn into a jerk? I mean, taking what Kreese said and making myself more violent." She said. "No. What are you talking about?" He asked. "I realized that Kreese is poisoning his students minds, and he almost poisoned mine." She said.

"Yes, Kreese is poisoning minds. But, you were never close to being like the other Cobra Kais." He said.

Lexi looked up at him. "Promise?' she asked. "Promise.


Miguel looked down at his phone. "I need to go. My mom needs me." He pecked Lexi's lips and walked out. Lexi's phone buzzed. She reached to get it, but there was no use. She noticed Johnny walking into her room. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Want the phone?" He asked. "Yes." Lexi said, breathing out a sigh of relief. He pushed the table further away. "Go get it." He said.

"I can't walk. Even with the surgery I might never-"

"Quiet!" Johnny shouted. "'Never', 'can't'...Those are just words that are meaningless." He said. "Time for you to get out of bed and do something. You're not a kid anymore. The world won't hand it to you. You want something, you'll have to crawl across the floor, use your teeth if you have to. You'll do whatever it takes. And I'll always be right here next to you. 'Cause I'll always be your teacher. Now go get it." He said.

"Yes, Sensei." She smiled. It had been a long time since she said that. She pushed her arms up on the side of the bed. She pushed her upper body up. She reached, but fell out of the bed. "Oh, sh*t." Johnny said. "It's alright. You fell like a champ." He said. "Nurse!" He shouted.

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