3 - Cobra Kai Never Dies

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November 2018

DANIEL PLACED A PLATE IN FRONT OF LEXI. "Thanks, Dad." She said, smiling. She's been really happy lately. Her first date with Miguel was in a few days and she was so excited.

Daniel placed another plate down in front of an empty chair. "Sam! Banana-rama chocolate chip pancakes are up." Instead of Sam, Anthony walked over and sat on the seat. "Oh sweet! Cha-ching!" He said. Daniel looked at Anthony. "Remember to save some for your sister. You know those are her favorites." He said. "Oh, like I don't like pancakes?" He asked. Lexi chuckled. "Hey, come on, Sam! You're missing out!" Daniel shouted again.

"She's not gonna come down, Dad." Lexi said. "I know." He sighed. "Nice, pancake taco!" Anthony said. "Come on, dude! Seriously?" Lexi asked. Then, the loud noise of Sam's heels, stomped against the hardwood floor as she quickly opened the door and left. "Sam!" He shouted, but it was too late.

-In the Library-

"What is the best superpower anyone could have?" Demetri asked. Miguel had his arm around Lexi's shoulder as she spoke. "Invisibility?" She asked. "Correct! A distant second would be super speed to run away fast." Kyler placed his hands on Eli's shoulder.

"Run away from who?" Everyone stood up. "Kyler..." Lexi said. She walked toward him. "Leave us alone." She said. "Really, LaRusso? Why are you, a popular girl, hanging out with these nerds?" Lexi slapped him across his face. Everyone gasped. "I'm telling Sam. And she'll hate you." Lexi rolled her eyes. "Bye, Kyler." Lexi grabbed Miguel's hand and pulled her out.

-At Home-

Lexi walked inside the back door angrily. Sam walked in the front door angrily as well. "I hate your boyfriend." Lexi said. "So do I." Sam said. Lexi's eyes widen. "Really?" She asked. "Yea. He's a jerk. What'd he do to you?" Sam asked. "He insulted my friends...so I uh...slapped him." Lexi said, nervously rubbing the back of her neck.

"Really?" Sam asked, smiling. "Yea." Lexi said.

-In the morning-

"Kids! Breakfast!" Daniel said. Daniel turned to his wife. "Oh, come on. You're still upset about Cole?" Amanda asked. "No. I took care of that. I just wish I could take care of this." Daniel said, referring to the empty table. "I mean, Sam hates me, and Lexi and her don't get along."

"Don't worry, she can't stay mad forever. And they're twins. They'll come together eventually. Anthony walked in. "A dry English muffin?" He asked. "What is this, Afghanistan?" He asked. "I'll take a burrito."

"Hey, this isn't a restaurant." Daniel said. Lexi and Sam walked into the dining room laughing and talking. Their parents' eyes widen. "Morning, Girls." Amanda said. "Morning." The twins say at the same time. They laugh as they sit down. "What, no banana-rama pancakes today?" Sam asked. "Are you kidding? I'm just about to whip up a batch right now." Daniel said. "I thought this wasn't a restaurant." Anthony said.

"Just eat your muffin, okay?" Daniel said. "Hey, Sam, it's gonna be hot again this weekend. Maybe you, uh, wanna invite Kyler back for a swim?" He asked. Sam and Lexi look at each other. "I don't think Kyler's gonna be around anymore." Sam said.

"I'm sorry, honey." Amanda said as Daniel smiled. "That's too bad." He said. "Don't look too excited, dad." Lexi said, laughing. "What? What excited? Who's excited? What?" He asked. "Excited? This is my sad face. It's a very, very sad face." The twins laughed.

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