5 - Quiver

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quiv-er/kwiver/verb. Tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion.

Noun. A slight trembling movement or sound, especially caused by fear.

Noun (obsolete). A group of Cobras.

Lexi walked outside to her sister at the pool. No way. Lexi thought. Her sister was looking at Miguel's social media. "W-What are you-uh doing?" Lexi asked. "N-Nothing." Sam said, quickly shutting her computer.

Daniel walked over to them. "Hey, what's going on? You guys going for a swim?" He asked. "Gonna invite the gang over?" He asked. "No, not today." Sam said. "Great. You wanna spar with your old man?" Daniel asked."Karate?" Sam asked disgusted, but Lexi actually wanted to spar.

"You don't have to say it like it's the flu." Daniel said. Lexi chuckled. "Actually I can't. I want to, but I'm hanging with my friends today." That wasn't a lie. Her, Aisha, Ariel, and Alyssa were gonna get together at the beach to help prepare Lexi for her date in a few days, but her dad didn't need to know the reason.

"Well, I have to get ready. Bye, guys!" Lexi said, quickly walking up the stairs. We instantly called Aisha. "Hey! What's up? We still meeting in 10 minutes?" She asked. "Yea...but guess what I just caught Sam doing?" Lexi said. "What?" Aisha asked. "Looking at Miguel's social media pictures..." Lexi said.

"Lex, I'm so sorry." She said. "It's okay, but she knows we hang out. I mean, things were finally getting better, but she had to go and ruin them." Lexi said. "Listen, when we go to the beach, let's grab some ice cream, okay?" Aisha says. "All right."

-At the beach-

Lexi wore this as she walked over to her friends.

Lexi wore this as she walked over to her friends

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"Hey..." Ariel said, hugging Lexi. "Aisha told you?" She asked. They nodded. "I like him a lot. He means the world to me...I don't want to lose him to her. I know that's selfish, bu-"

"It's not selfish! You've never been this happy or in a good relationship! He's a good guy. He cares for you. You're made for each other. Sam won't and can't ruin that..." Alyssa said.

"Really?" Lexi asked. "Yes. We saw him after the fight. He wasn't looking at Sam, he was looking at you and you only." Ariel said. Lexi's phone buzzed. She pulled it out.

Miggy ♥️

Hey, Lex! Can't wait for our date tomorrow!

Hey, Miggy! I excited too! I'll pick you up at 5:30!

Great! See you then!

See ya!

"Oooooo! He sooooo loves you." Ariel said. "Well duh, he wouldn't of asked her on a date if he didn't." Aisha said. "He likes me, but love is a strong word." Lexi said. "But, it's the right word!" Ariel said. The three girls laughed.


"Wear something cute, actually, tomorrow before your date, let's all facetime so you can show us what you're wearing." Alyssa said. "Okay! Okay!" Lexi laughed. "Where are you guys going anyway?" Aisha asked. "I don't know. We're taking my car, I said I'd drive, but he insisted he would." Lexi said. "Good! You shouldn't be the one driving on your first date!" Alyssa said.

"I don't mind driving." Lexi said. "We know, but it's more romantic when the man drives." Ariel says. Lexi playfully rolls her eyes.

(Also pretend the science class scene with Miguel and Sam didn't happen)

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