27 - The Good, The Bad, and The Bad*ss

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The students lined up and took turns kicking the frisbee out of Johnny's hand. "Diaz, you're next." Miguel walked up to Johnny. He got ready and kicked the frisbee out of his hand instantly. Lexi smiled.

"Alright, LaRusso, you're up." He said. Lexi walked to front and took a deep breath. "Imagine this is the guy I stole this Frisbee from, all right? Just picture his stupid white dreads." He held out the Frisbee. Lexi took a big breath.

She attempted to kick it, but her leg didn't go high enough. "All right, good hustle. Who's next?" Johnny asked. "No, I can do it, Sensei." She said. "Lexi, it's fine."

She looked him dead in the eye. "I got it." She said in a serious tone. "All right. Get in side stance. Use the balls of your feet." Lexi took a big breath once more. She soun around, but lost balance and fell. "Lexi!" Miguel shouted. He ran over to her and helped her up.

The other students surrounded her making sure she was okay. "I'm Fine." She said. No one listened. "I'm fine!" She shouted. Everyone backed away. Miguel was fine, but she didn't need anyone else acting like she was a China doll that broke easily.

"All right, everybody. Take five, go get some food water." Johnny said.  Miguel and Lexi stayed with Johnny. "It's okay if you can't do things you could before, Lexi. Nobody expects you to be your old self."

Mitch's phone beeped. They all turned to him. "You gotta be sh*tting me!" He said. "What? What happened?" Lexi asked. "They canceled the All Valley." He said. Lexi, Johnny, and Miguel all looked at each other.


Johnny, Lexi, and Miguel walked up the sidewalk to Lexi's house. "You have to tell them what karate means to you." Lexi told Johnny. "Yeah, and how you started Cobra Kai to help kids like me, taught us how to stand up for ourselves." Miguel said, holding Lexi's hand. "Maybe this is a blessing in disguise." Johnny said.

Daniel and Amanda watched and listened through the window. "What's that supposed to mean?" Lexi asked. "It's not like you were even gonna fight anyway." He told Lexi. Her eyes widened. "Of course I was!" They all stopped.

"Training with no contact us one thing, I can't risk you getting hurt again, Lexi." Lexi rolled her eyes and let go of Miguel's hand. "That's not fair! I'm working hard, getting better!" She said. "For your safety." Johnny said. "I thought safety was weak and for losers?" Lexi asked.

"This is different, Lexi. This is your health." Miguel said, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her. She broke free from his grip and faced both of them. "You both don't think I can do it!" She said, angrily. "You almost hurt yourself with one kick! One kick!" Johnny shouted, Daniel was shocked at how protective Johnny was over Lexi.

"What do you think'll happen in a real fight? Look, you already proved you could win." Johnny said. "I need to prove it again!" She said. Lexi looked at Miguel. "You said you'd always be on my side." She pushed past him and into her house. "Lexi! Lexi please!" He begged, but she was already inside. "I just don't want her to get hurt again..." Miguel told Johnny.

"I know. Neither do I."

-With Lexi-

"Honey... they're right. You shouldn't fight." Amanda said. "Now you're siding with them! You don't think I can do it either!" Lexi shouted. "Lexi! You broke your spine and was nearly paralyzed! You're still healing! It hasn't been that long since the accident! At the All Valley, you could get seriously hurt or worse case you end up back in that wheelchair! Is that what you want?" Daniel asked. "Of course not!" She said.

"Alright then. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Johnny and Miguel. You can't fight at the tournament."

"I can't believe you!" Lexi shouted, she ran up to her room. Anthony followed. "I agree with Mom and Dad." He said. "Oh shut it!" She slammed her door.

-At the City Council Meeting-

"It is clear this karate tournament is causing division and rivalry in our community. You gentlemen...have made an excellent case today as to why this tournament should not continue." Lexi and Miguel ran to the top of the stairs. "Wait!" Miguel shouted. Everyone turned to the two teens. They started walking down the stairs hand in hand.

They walked up to the stand. "My name is Alexia LaRusso, this is Miguel Diaz. We were in the school fight. We were the ones that got kicked off the second floor. You know, uh...I thought there was no hope. I thought I was gonna be paralyzed. I relearned how to stand. I relearned how to walk. And we want the tournament to continue."

"We are very happy for both of your recoveries. But young lady, I'm afraid you don't understand."

"Yes, she does." Lexi and Miguel turn to see Hawk and Tory walking down to them. "We are the ones getting hurt." Tory said. "We're the ones fighting." Hawk said. "Our voices should matter the most." He nodded at Miguel. "We want a place where we can compete, fairly and safely." Miguel said.

"When I first moved here, I was bullied. And I realize that there's no escaping it. There'll always be a kid who wants to steal your lunch money, or give you a wedgie, or give you a swirlie." He said. "A swirlie?" The councilperson asked. "That's when you dunk someone's head in the toilet and flush it." Johnny said. "It's pretty funny actually."

"Sensei!" Lexi and Miguel whispered. "Instead of burying your heads in the sand, pretending that bullying doesn't exist, or that you could get rid of it, what you need to do is teach kids how to defend themselves."

"Physically and mentally." Lexi said, she hadn't told anyone...but she's been having nightmares and sometimes panic attacks about Sam. "Because, sometimes the scars you can't see are the ones that hurt the most. Karate is about discipline. It's about inner strength. It's about confidence!"

"Lessons that you can use for the rest of your life!" Tory said. "Look, I don't know where I would be today, or if I'd even be standing here right now, if it wasn't for my sensei." Lexi said, looking back at Johnny. He smiled.

"We don't need this tournament to do cool kicks or to sell tickets." Hawk said. "We need it to show the bullies of the world that we're not afraid." Lexi said. "It's called the 'All Valley' because it's for everyone, to give everyone the chance to show what they can do, to fight, to become a champion..." Tory looked at Lexi. "And we deserve that chance." Lexi finished.

"To be honest, I don't get the Valley's fascination with karate. But...if it means that much to all of you, and you're willing to sign waivers stating that the city is not liable, then...the All Valley Under-18 Tournament is officially back on."

Everyone cheered. Hawk and Tory hugged. Miguel picked up Lexi and spun her around. He then set her done and kissed her. She then faced Johnny and her dad, and hugged them both. She then hugged Hawk and then Tory.

"We did it." Lexi said.

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