16 - Glory of Love

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*I'm skipping Episode 6 & 7*

Lexi heard a pounding against her window. She looked out her window to see Miguel. She opened it. "Hey, what's up?" She whispered. "Why are we whispering?" He asked, also whispering.

"My grandma is here." She said. "But listen, tonight is 80s Night at the roller rink. You have to come with me!" He said. "Fine, when is it?" She asked. "20 minutes! Hurry and get ready!" He said. She laughed and ran inside.

She pulled out leather pants and a black top. She was going as Sandy from Grease. She curled her hair and added a bold red lip. She grabbed black heels and her belongings. She looked out her window and Miguel was still there.

"You have to catch me." She whispered. "I always will." She climbed out the second story window, her heel slipped and she fell. Miguel caught her. "Told you I'd catch you." He said. She pecked his lips. "Come on! Let's go!" She said. She pulled his arm to her car. She got in the driver seat and made sure her parents didn't hear. She still was grounded.

They quickly drove off. "Sorry that we weren't able to have our date. My dad made me train at Miyagi-Do." Lexi said. "It's alright."

"How is Cobra Kai doing?" She asked. "Okay, but it's not the same without you. Everyone misses you."

"Aww. Do you miss me?" She asked. "Of course I do." He said, looking at her with admiration.

-At the Roller Rink-

Miguel and Lexi walked in hand in hand. Lexi spotted Tory talking to other prople. "Tory!" She shouted. "Lexi!" They hugged tightly. "I missed you, girl! Cobra Kai has not been the same!" Lexi's smile faded when she realized the people she was talking to was Robby and Sam.

"What are you doing here? Dad grounded you." Sam said. "Whatever." Lexi said. She rolled her eyes and skated away with Tory and Miguel. "I can't deal with her sh*t right now. Let's just go skate. We'll catch up later, Tor!" Lexi said, grabbing Miguel's hand and dragging him to the floor.

"What will happen when your dad finds out you snuck out?" Miguel asked. "I don't know. But, I don't know what he wants from me. He removed me from the place I felt happy in. He only cares about himself, but hey, I'm no longer the perfect daughter, right?"

They skated hand in hand until Lexi's skate broke. "Crap, are you okay?" Miguel asked. "Yea, I'm fine. My skate broke. I'll be right back." She pecked his lips and slowly walked to the skate counter.

"I need a new pair." She said, handing the broken ones to a man. Tory came up behind her. "Hey, girl." She said. Lexi turned around. "Hey, Tor." She said. "Hey, um...listen...I need to tell you something." She said. "What is it?" Lexi asked.

"I like you, Lexi. Like I really do, and I know you're with Mig-" Tory said. "I'm sorry Tory, but I consider you as my best friend. I'm so so sorry, I hope you can forgive me." Lexi said. "Yeah, it's fine. And I'll always be here for you, okay?" She asked. "Okay, thank you." She hugged Tory. 

Lexi got her new skates and skates over to Miguel at the food stand. Miguel handed her a red slushie. "Thank you." They skated, until someone kicked Lexi's skate and she fell, her slushie slipping everywhere.

"That's what you get for turning on our family." Sam smirked. Miguel helped her up. Lexi went to go kick her, but Tory zoomed past her and kicked her down. "Sorry, Princess."


Lexi dropped Miguel off at his apartment. "Bye, Miggy." He kissed her head. "Bye, Lex. And Moon's throwing a back to school party, we're going with Hawk so he'll be at your house at 7:30, so be ready."

"Alright. Bye!" She said. She drove home successfully, but she was very shocked on how her dad hadn't came up and yelled at her. Maybe Tory kicking her made decide that she wouldn't tattletale on Lexi.

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