32 - First Learn Stand

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Robby started to get irritated, "What were you even thinking? That'd you break into your own house by throwing one through a window and hurt Lexi and then everything would be sunshine and roses. You're lucky your parents didn't call the cops."

She rolled her eyes, "It was my house, plus at least I'm not the one straddling the fence. Girls like my sister think the world revolves around them. And why shouldn't she? She's the 'perfect daughter'. I'm just trying to put her back and her place, show her that she's as worthless as can be. I mean, she's got you wrapped around her finger."

"She's not worthless. And that is not true," Robby said.

"Then why are you defending her?"


"Look, I tried. The only thing LaRusso and I have in common is hating Kreese. I thought was enough, but it's not," Johnny said, walking with Miguel to the apartments.

"There's gotta be a way to make it work. You guys just have to connect," Miguel suggested.

"Not gonna happen. We're too different. There's too much history. Forget it, kid. We'll take down Cobra Kai on our own," Johnny pulled out his keys and tried to unlock his door.


"Good day, My Lady. My name is Miguel and I'll be your chauffeur this morning," he said in a British accent. "As long as, uh, you can help me hot-wire this thing?" He looked back at Lexi. She smiled at him, but he could see that she was hiding something.

He asked, "What is it, love?" He placed his hand on her cheek.

"Just thinking," she replied. "Everything we've been through because of karate. It's all...a lot."

"I know, and I'm sorry." Miguel kissed her head.


"Uh, more specifically an Okinawan sparring deck." He showed them the layout for the project. "Eli's a design whiz. I looked it over and the physics check out."

Lexi and Miguel walked to them, hand in hand. Lexi said, "Mr. Miyagi just used this area for extra storage, but a new deck would mean a lot more room for training."

Miguel added, "We're all gonna help build it. Assuming our senseis approve?"


"Over at Miyagi-Do, our enemies are uniting against us. They. think by working together, they have the advantage. They think that they're better than us. And I should know because I used to be one of them. That officially ends today. I'll admit, at first, I didn't want to join Cobra Kai. But eventually, we all need to look ourselves in the mirror and realize who we really are. Now, we may have taken some losses, but it's not about how you start. It's about how you finish. And to beat the enemy, it helps you to know the enemy's playbook. So I'm gonna teach you Miyagi-Do karate, with the help of Samantha, so we can beat Miyagi-Do Karate," Robby looked at Kreese.

"They're warmed up for you, sensei."


"That little-," Lexi was interrupted by Miguel.

"There she is," he said. Miguel, Lexi, Hawk, and Tory were sitting at the back of the restaurant Sam worked at. She hadn't been home, so Amanda went there to check on her and have a little chat with her.

Heartbroken - Daniel's Daughter X Miguel Diaz [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now