Chapter 5: Lonely

Start from the beginning

“You have a point, young one, but Loki and I are not on good terms. The last time we parted, I tried to kill him.” She winked menacingly and I shut my mouth for good measure.

I’d already seen men killed before my eyes with a wave of her hand. I feared what she could do to me; she already knew so much about my life. She knew about Tony, about Clint and Sky and Steve. She knew about everyone and everything. If she decided to turn on me, my death would not be at a flick of her wrist, it was would slow and painful, and she’d kill me emotionally and mentally before she ended my life physically.


After a failed attempt of searching for the passage, Amora turned home while I decided to stay in the city and tour around my markets and stalls. In some ways, the Asgardian city reminded me of old London, like something from the Sherlock Holmes era.

But I wasn’t staying in the city. As soon as she disappeared from my sight I walked towards the very edge of the city, near the water. There was a dark grey, glassy bridge that joined to a golden-bronze sphere with a rectangular pyramid pointing out to the stars that I had re-built with the permission of Heimdall. In the books, that glassy bridge was once shining with colour, almost like a rainbow, but when Thor broke the bi-frost, it lost its colour and its power. I’d gotten close to fixing it over the past six months, I was pretty close to fixing the worst of it –but I still hadn’t figured out a way to jump start its power core when everything was finally fixed.

“You’re back.” I deep voice stated making spin around on my heels.

“Oh,” I sighed with relief, “It’s just you Heimdall. Yes, I’m back. I managed to steal a few moments away from her.”

“What law breaking did she have you do today?” He asked,

“None, surprisingly. Just snooping.” I placed my hands on my hips.

I’d met Heimdall two weeks after I’d come to Asgard, when I’d finally gotten away from Amora for more than five minutes. He lived next to the bi-frost and had immediately known there was an intruder in his former place of work.

I had managed to prevent him from injuring me beyond a sprained wrist and broken nose, and I’d manage to convince him not to tell Odin or anyone else that I was working on fixing the bi-frost. I’d told him that Thor had sent me and I undercover, working for Enchantress but I meant no harm to Asgard or any other world.

He had kept my secret.

“Can you see anything?” I asked. According to legend, Heimdall could see what happened in other worlds, but until the bi-frost was fixed, he could only get glimpses of things happening.

“I got a few glimpses this morning.” He nodded.

“From which realm?” I asked curiously.

“Midgard.” My ears perked up like a golden retriever and I pleaded with him to tell me if he saw any of my friends. “I saw a woman with dark brown hair, a man wearing a shirt with the letters A-C-D-C on it, Thor and Jane, and a man...with a bow and arrow.”

Sky, Tony, Thor, Jane and Clint. They were all together. I felt my face break out in a smile of relief, this was the first I’d heard about them for months.

“What were they doing?” I stepped towards him eagerly.

“The were sitting around, there were decorations around the room –ribbons and things.” He described it vaguely but I knew a pity party when I saw one...well, heard one. “They were singing. About you.”

I felt tears rolling down my face as I sat on the steps inside the bronze sphere.

“Lady Barton, why were the singing?” He asked, sitting next to me, but not too close.

“Because it’s my birthday.” I sobbed.

* * *

Author's Note: Hey guys! So, apologies for the delay in update, but I started school a few days ago and it took me a while to get back into routine, so hopefully updates will be more steady from now on ^.^

So! Noel's point of view! What did you think? Poor Elle, gotta spend her 20th birthday alone in Asgard :(

That being said: HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOEL! YOU'RE 20! (for all of you who are interested, Noel's birthday is the 23rd of July.)

Do you think Noel and Amora (Enchantress) will end up being frienemies? Or friends? Or best buddies! haha

Any idea how and why Noel will come back to Earth?

Any other questions? I'll answer them as best I can!

Next update will probably be Friday ^.^

Until then, comment, vote, like!

*huggles* arielleblack.

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