Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Wei Daiyu

I'm still in shock that I am in another world. I didn't expect this to be possible.

"Jiejie! Jiejie!" I looked down and saw Wei Wuxian in his child version. Kyahhh, he is so cute! I still can't believe that Wei Wuxian is in front of me.

"Jiejie! Why are you ignoring XianXian?" He pouted after he said that, and I almost squealed because of his cuteness.

But wait, am I related to him? Who am I in this story?

"Wei Wuxian," I said and made a step forward towards him, but I was shocked when I saw that he was tearing up.

"What's wrong?" I hold his small hands while I look at him.

"J-Jiejie. You call me Wei Wuxian. Are you angry with XianXian? You only call me Wei Wuxian when you are upset or angry with me. Please don't be angry. Xianxian apologizes," Wuxian explained while trying so hard not to cry. Oh, no, please don't cry.

"What? No, no. Of course, I am not upset or sad with XianXian." Oh boy, just who am I in this story?! Why is he calling me Jiejie?

"But you always call me A-Xian! You don't want me to be your brother anymore?" Wuxian said. Brother?! He's my brother?!

I was about to reply when someone knocked on the door of the room that I was in.

"Come in"

The door opened and revealed a young but handsome man. Wait, Xiao Xingchen?! Another man enters, and it is. It's Song Lan! Wow, I want to squeal right now! I really can't believe it! I am in front of the MDZS characters!

"A-yu! I'm glad that you're awake. How do you feel? Are you dizzy? Do your wounds hurt?" Xingchen asks me. I can see and feel that he is very worried about me.

"H-Ha? Ahm, what happened?" I need to know which part of the story I am in.

"You don't remember?" Song Lan asks this time.

I shake my head as a 'no' to his question. They look into each other's eyes and look like they are communicating with their eyes. I looked at Wuxian and smiled when I saw him just looking at us. Confuse.

"A-Yu, you were in an accident when a group of fierce corpses attacked you, and you fell and hit your head on a rock. I'm glad that you are now awake after a week of being unconscious," Xingchen explained. What is happening? This didn't happen in the story. Shouldn't Wuxian be in the streets, and Jiang Fengmian will find him?

"Do you remember anything? Your name? Your family?" Song Lan asks, looking concerned.

I shook my head again. I'm not lying, though I don't remember anything since I am not originally from here.

Song Lan and Xingchen look at each other again.

"A-Yu, let me introduce ourselves then. I am Xiao Xingchen, your uncle. You can call me Shishu since I am your martial uncle. Your mother and I trained under the same master."? So Xingchen is my martial uncle?! Does that mean I am a biological sibling of Wuxian?!

"And I am Song Lan, courtesy name Song Zizhen. I am a close friend to your uncle." Oh, I thought he and his had some romantic feelings. Well, they are close friends in the novel, but who knows, right?

So that means something has changed in the story since I was here?

"Then who am I? Where are my parents?" Oh boy, I'm feeling dizzy because of this.

And they take time to tell me who I am. According to them, I am Wei Daiyu, and I am seven years old. I have a brother, Wuxian, who is currently three years old. Our parents died in a night hunt, and now our uncle is the one who is taking care of us.

Woah. I don't know if my head can cope with this.

"Jiejie! Jiejie!" I look at my 'brother' and can't help but smile. I am Wei Wuxian's older sister!

I pinched his cheeks and patted his head. I promise that nothing bad will happen to you. You deserve the best, and I will do my best to protect you.

I know it's still a boring chapter but it will get better. I am not good at English since it is not my first language so pls bear with me. 💛

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