Chapter 24

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Wow, I tried SO hard to get this to be like three pages.  It was like four pages in my word document! >.<  Anyway, I'm hoping to get a few chapters written tonight so I can upload every day without having to write again.  ANYHOO, Please comment and vote! :D

Chapter 26


“Please… let me go home… I’ll do anything,” She just kept begging. I could barely understand her, too. The girl just kept crying.

“I won’t tell anyone you took me! I promise!” She bawled.

I’ve had enough of her noise.

I reached down to her and grabbed a handful of her hair in my fist. “Sure you won’t tell you’re dear mommy and daddy. Remember that Edward can read minds? And that girl, Bella.” I scoffed. “They’re bound to come get you. If they didn’t, what kind of parents would they be?” I asked, tilting my head. Renesmee stopped her sniffling.

“They love me. They will come save me.” She said rudely, right in my face.

I snarled at her, baring my fangs before her eyes, my red eyes glowing.

She screamed, and cowered away from me.

“If they love you so much, why aren’t they here yet?” I asked.

I pushed her back, and she sat with her arms wrapped around her knees in the corner of this small room.

Silence took over. Finally.

“Why.” She whispered.

I turned to her. “What?” I spat.

She turned to look me in the eyes. “Why.” She stated.

I gave her a look of disgust. “Why would I tell you, that’s the question.”

“You’re going to kill me, right? Why not tell me?”

I sighed. “Aro.”

“Who’s Aro?” She asked.

“You have heard of the Volturi, correct?”

She nodded, relaxing a bit. She turned her full body towards me, but still wrapped her arms around her legs.

“Aro is the, King, you would say. Of the Volturi.” I paused, looking down at my bare feet. “He wants Edward. Edward, Alice, and now Bella.”

“Why…?” She whispered.

“Their talent.”

“Oh…” She sniffed, holding back tears. “Do they want me?”

I snapped my head in her direction. “What can you do?”

She smirked, for once. “Come here, I’ll show you.”

I shook my head. “If you think I’m letting my guard down like that, you’re crazy.”

She frowned. “I can show you things, in your mind, if I touch your face.”

My eyes widened. I was surely interested. “Fine. Pull anything, and you’re done.”

She nodded.

I lowered down to her level, and she touched her warm hand to my cold, hard cheek.

I gasped.

She showed me pictures of Bella, and Edward. Many of a tan skinned boy, also.

“Who is that boy?” I asked, closing my eyes to enjoy this whole experience.

I could hear a smile in her voice. “My boyfriend. Jacob.”

Renesmee then showed me more of Jacob. I growled when I saw one of him phasing into a wolf.

“He’s a werewolf?!” I hissed.

The pictures faded away. I opened my eyes to see Renesmee cowering again.

“I’m sorry for scaring you…” I whispered. I wanted to see more of this talent.

“He is a werewolf. He imprinted on me, a few days after I was born.” The look in her eyes was pure love.

A half breed vampire, in love with a werewolf?

“You are a half breed, right?” I asked.

She nodded.

“When you’re older, you will mate with a werewolf?”

She pursed her lips. “I’m not sure. Maybe.”

I laughed. “I wonder what kind of child that will be. If it is a child.”

She hissed at me, then gasped, controlling herself. “I’m sorry…” She whispered.

“Don’t pull that again.” I said harshly.

She nodded.

There was a long silence again.

Of course, she had to break it. “Why are we just waiting here?”

“We are waiting for someone.” I corrected myself, “I, am waiting for someone.”



“The… King?”

I laughed. “He isn’t a king. Just don’t mouth off around him. Or hiss.” I looked at her sternly.

“Why is he coming?”

“To take you to Volterra.”

“Where is that?”

“Will you stop asking questions!?” I barked.

She flinched away, and didn’t say anything.

“It’s like, where his castle is. But it’s not a castle.”

Renesmee appeared as if she nodded, I think she was too terrified to move.

“Are you alright?”

She turned to me. “Do you drink blood?”

I nodded. “Why?”

“Can I?” She asked.

“...What? You want to?”

“I want to try, yes.” She blushed.

“I thought you wanted to return to your family.”

“They don’t have to know…” She suggested.

I smirked. I could use Renesmee, to get to Bella, Edward, and Alice. She doesn’t seem to know much about what happens when you drink blood. You can’t just try it once, and quit. It just doesn’t work like that.

It’s like opening a new bag of chips. You can’t eat just one.

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