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Amy's POV:

"Blake, get back here now!" I yelled. I was watching five year-old Blake while Lia and Zack celebrate their anniversary. I cannot believe how mischievous he is! Altan is his age now. They are best friends. But, they are opposites. Sometimes, I wonder if..he's happy.  Altan is a calm, sweet little boy. He loves to help out. "You won't get me, Auntie Amy!" I really regret saying I'd watch him. Genova, Owen, Ava, Micah, Herold, and Zoey are visiting Malia. I think Malia has a little girl now. Oriana they called her. She currently three years old. She and her mate got married a couple years ago. The Shining Star Pack did join our pack. Noah and Malia didn't want to live in a big house though. So, they moved into a small one. Noah has taken over his father's Alpha duties. He died just before his granddaughter was born, sadly. Cayden does have a lot of math to do now, with two packs. But, I'm always here to help him. I don't mind. Cayden and I are trying for a baby of our own. We think Altan would like a sibling. But, sadly, we have not been able to have one yet. We're not sure if we will. With wolf's bane and silver I received years ago, it may have harmed me to a point where I can't have children. It's sad..but, I have Cayden and my little Altan. As long as I have them, I have all I need. Altan is learning sign language. He is a quick learner. And we love talking to each other with our hands. It's funny to see the confused look on Zack's face when Altan is trying to talk to him. He hasn't learned sign language, but everyone else has. When the rest of the pack heard my child was deaf, well, some wanted me to just get rid of him, others, literally decided to learn sign language so they could communicate with him! I worry about him though...a lot of times, we run into people who bully him and think I should just get rid of Altan. I will NEVER do that though. I always stand up for him..but..he's learning to read lips..so..he sometimes knows what they are saying about him. He doesn't say much about it and he acts happy and normal. But..I can't help but wonder..Is he really ok? I can't help but worry about my baby boy..I know the moon goddess has a plan. I just wish I knew what that plan was. "Auntie Amy! Look at me!" I looked up and gasped. "How on earth did you get up in that tree, Blake!?" I exclaimed. Blake may be fast and energetic, but he isn't the best climber. He has a problem with his legs. He can't walk very well. Somehow, he can be pretty fast when he isn't too tired. But he has never climbed a tree. I mean it, I watch this kid any longer, I'll go crazy!

Cayden's POV:

Well, my family is still little. But, Amy and I couldn't be happier. We would like another child, but the doctor doesn't think Amy can have kids. We were really upset. Amy especially. Altan saw how sad she was and crawled up onto her lap to comfort her. That was the cutest thing ever! I am still struggling trying to figure out how many people we have in the pack. Amy always tries to teach me how to do it, but I think when I graduated from school, my brain shut off math-wise. I am getting pretty good in my sign language. Though that kid signs so fast I can't understand a word he's trying to say. Now I know how he feels when somebody is talking so fast he can't read their lips. We wanted to try hearing aids for him, but, they didn't work. He still couldn't hear. It's really sad when you realize..that he'll never be able to hear his mate's voice, or my voice, or Amy's, or even his kids' voices..Nothing..Ever. But, we're happy either way to have him. We are really grateful to have our baby in our lives.

Altan's POV:

I know my mommy and daddy worry about me a lot. They are happy, but they have other emotions besides joy..sad, angry, confused..It makes me sad. All around me, it's all complete silence. People all around me, criticize me. It's rare I run into some one, who's nice. I wish I could talk to them..with my mouth like they use when they talk to me..but all I can use, are my hands..I wish I could tell them it's ok..but..I wonder...is it? I wonder sometimes, if I even have a mate. And if I do, will she accept me? Like I said, every where I go, every time I turn around, there's somebody mean..just criticizing me..saying mommy and daddy should have just let me die with my real mom..I found out I was adopted by another pack member when me and mommy were at the playground. Mommy and the lady were talking. They didn't know I was there..reading their lips. Mommy was mad at the lady. She was defending me. The lady said, "I don't know why you even adopted that little brat. He's your enemy and he can't even hear!" "I don't care if he can't hear! And I don't care that he isn't my own son! He is my own son to me and I love him like one! He isn't my enemy and he isn't a brat! If I ever hear you or anyone else talk that way about Altan again, I will tell the Alpha. I'm sure he'd be very interested in the fact that some one put my son down." The lady stopped talking after that and left. My mommy noticed me and we had a long talk about my past. Who my real mom and dad were. That man, Theodore and that woman, Ruby may be my mom and dad...but..they aren't my mommy and my daddy. My daddy tells me stories and bounces me on his knee. My mommy sings me to sleep, even though I can't hear her. My mommy and daddy comfort me when I'm scared, or sad..My mommy and daddy, are Gamma Cayden and Amy Lauren. And I'm proud of them. I'm proud to call them, my mommy and daddy. :)


Hey everyone! This was the end of The Gamma's Special Mate. I hope you liked it. If you want, let me know what you thought in the comments below. And, feel free to vote if you did like it. I would like to make a sequel, but that'll have to wait till I've finished one of my other stories. But, if I get really excited about the sequel like I am right now, I might start it early. So, keep a look out! Have a great week! I hope you enjoyed The Gamma's Special Mate!

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