Chapter 9

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Amy's POV:                                                                                                                                     Picture of Genova

The doctor soon arrived and we took him up to see little Bobby. Dr. Marks examined him for a long time. "I think he will be alright. This young man is very strong spirited. He will make a great warrior one day." He announced finally. "Will I really make a good warrior like my brother?!" the blond little boy said excitedly. "Yes, little one. I think you will. However, it is up to the Alpha and Luna whether you will become one, or not. They decide what role each pack member shall have when they get older. Like Alpha Alex's grandfather. I was ten years old when he announced I should be the pack doctor. And I really do enjoy my role. Helping other wolves is an important job." This doctor was wise. "Cool! I guess I wouldn't mind being a doctor, but I want to fight! I want to protect the pack from the rogues and other mean creatures!" We all smiled at Young Bobby's enthusiasm. "Kelly, what do you think? Do you think his enthusiasm and spirit will last?" Alex asked his mate. She thought for a moment and nodded. "I think we should give him a chance. If he doesn't work out, there are other roles he can work at." Alex nodded and walked forward with Kelly. They stopped at Bobby's bed. "Beta Zack, Gamma Cayden, today we decide the role of Young Bobby, younger brother of Micah, Defender and trainer of the Silver Moon Pack." Cayden and Zack gathered near Kelly and Alex. Lia and I stood beside Kelly. "Micah, do you believe your brother would defend his pack with his life?" Kelly asked. "Of course, Luna. He would sacrifice himself if need be." He replied without a doubt. "Bobby, will you defend this pack with your life? And give your life if need be?" "Yes, sir, Alpha Alex!" Bobby exclaimed. He may have been weak, but this young man, had a lot of spirit. "Then, we, the leaders of the Silver Moon Pack proclaim you, Bobby, future warrior and protector of the Silver Moon Pack. We trust you will do well to protect your pack and position." Alex told him firmly. "You understand what shall happen if you disobey orders or bring danger to the pack?" Zack asked him. "You will not only be disbarred from being a warrior and protector, but you could be banished from the pack." Cayden stated firmly. Bobby nodded. "I understand. Thank you, Alpha, Luna, Beta, and Gamma! I will not let you down! When can I start training?" We all smiled at him. "You are very welcome, little one. I trust you will not let us down." Kelly replied. "You cannot start training yet. You are ill. You need rest. Once you recover, you will begin your training. Just be patient. You will get there." Alex told him. "Ok, Alpha. I'll wait.." Bobby sighed. "Thank you, Alpha. Bobby has always dreamed of defending his pack. I am honored that you have chosen him." Micah told us outside the room, a few minutes later. "We saw potential in him. We believe he will make a great defender." "If I know Bobby, he is equally honored and will surely do his best to make you all proud." "I know he will, Micah. We are grateful you accept his new role in the pack." Cayden replied. "Now, there are some..things we'd like to discuss with you Micah." Zack stated. "What is it? Is something wrong?" "Well, not exactly, Micah. But we want you and Bobby to come stay with us in the pack." Kelly explained. "B-but I said before..I don't want to intrude. We're ok where we are.." Micah protested. "Plus, I'm not so sure I deserve your hospitality.." "Micah, you are not intruding at all. And, from the looks of you and Bobby, it looks as though you are living quite poorly." I told him with a warm smile. "Thank you, Miss Amy. But I'm still not sure I really deserve it.." he said. "Why is that, Micah? Is it something you've done?" Lia asked. We all sat down in the living room as Micah sighed and finally answered. "No. It's not something I have done. But something some one I used to be very close to has done.." "What do you mean?" Alex asked him. "Malia and Genova are my sisters.." His announcement took us by surprise. "Please, hear me out before kicking Bobby and I from the pack." he begged. The boys looked a little hesitant, but Lia, Kelly and I allowed him to speak and calmed our mates. "Years ago, Gen, Malia, and I were so close and full of life. We were so ready to get out into the world and put some good into it! I don't know what changed in my sisters..All they wanted to do with their lives was use their magic for the good of all creatures. Good, or bad. They believed in second chances." What happened, Micah?" "When we were seven, something happened. I don't exactly remember what, but I know that I was separated from my family. I was found and put into a foster home. I was finally adopted into an...interesting family. The woman was pregnant. She soon had her baby and he was named, Bobby. I became very find of my new little brother. Though he wasn't my real brother, I loved him like one. However, one year later, we were both abandoned. I took care of him as best I could. Six months after we were abandoned, your pack found us and offered us a place to stay in the pack. I agreed to stay with the pack, but I was a little afraid they would find out I was related to witches and I didn't want to impose. So I refused the place to stay part assuring him, that I would find a nice place to stay. I didn't find that great a place to stay, but it was a roof over our heads." "So, Genova and Malia are your sisters? And they weren't always so power hungry?" Lia asked. Micah nodded. "I apologize on their behalf for their behavior towards your pack and others." He bowed his head in respect. "It is quite alright. I wish your sisters had followed your path. But for now, they are our enemies." "I understand. But, Alpha, are you really sure that this..Saul person is dead? I would like to believe that Gen is still as harmless as when she was when we were young. Back then, she was harmless and caring. If she killed even a tiny little bug, she would be crying for hours!" "Deep down, maybe these girls haven't changed, Alex. Maybe we should check into it.." I suggested. "Alright. We will check into Saul's death. Micah, tomorrow, I would like for you to come down to the prison with us." Alex stated. "Why do you want me to come down into the prison..?" Micah asked nervously. "Well, you haven't seen your sister in a while. reunion..might be nice.." Alex told him. "I think I understand, Alpha. I only hope that Miss Amy is right about Malia and Genova..I really do miss my sweet big sisters," he replied. "So, you are the youngest?" I asked. He nodded. "Yes.  Genova is the second oldest. Malia is the eldest sibling." "I see." Kelly mused. A few hours later, Kelly and Alex had gone to bed with Quinn. Cayden, Zack, and Lia had gone to bed as well. It was just me and Micah. The doctor had left hours ago. I helped Micah take care of Bobby, who had fallen asleep an hour and a half ago. As we sat beside the bed, I could see something was disturbing him. "Micah, what's bothering you?" I asked him. He sighed. "Miss Amy, do you really think that..deep down my sisters are still..the same Gen and Malia I knew growing up?" His question was deep and I could tell he was serious as well as worried. "Well, I don't really know for certain. You are the only one who would know." I said. "Me??" I nodded. "Micah, were they serious when they said they wanted to put good into this world with their magic? Were they really genuine and sincere with their words and actions?" He thought for a while. Finally, he responded. "I believe they were.." "Well, if they really were, then there's hope for them. Hope that they'll change. But, be prepared...sometimes..people don't accept the opportunity to change." "I understand..I only hope I can make Malia understand..You know, when we were little, her nickname was MayMay." He told me. "That's a cute nickname, Micah. Did you have one?" He nodded, with a sad smile on his face. "Mikey..Bobby calls me Mikey. I kinda like only my siblings calling me Mikey. Nobody else knows the nicknames we used to call each other. If we ever face Genova, let me face her..alone." "That'll be dangerous, Micah!" I exclaimed. "I know. But she's my sister. When we were little, we made a promise. I just want to try and remind my sisters of the promises we made. They may say that they don't matter anymore..but a promise is a promise. No matter when it was made or who made it. We still need to keep it. If they won't, then at least I will die knowing I kept it." I marveled at his courage. No wonder he was a respected trainer and warrior. "Micah, what was the promise you made?" I asked.  "We promised we would never be evil or abandon each other. They may think I abandoned them..But I didn't mean to. I got separated by mistake..We promised we would always be there for each other in their time of need. And that we'd never harm one another. I made those promises to Bobby. And I intend to keep them. Towards Bobby and my sisters. Until the day I die." He was so determined. I felt braver just being in his presence. "I understand, Micah. Promises are hard to keep sometimes, though. But, I doubt you will break your promises any time soon." I smiled. I really believed he would never break those promises. I only hoped tomorrow would turn out ok. He really cared for his sisters. And I've seen Malia..She isn't a joy to be around. It's a little spooky and frightening being around her

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