Chapter 19

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Alex's POV:

It has been a month. We were on our way to see Cayden, when we saw and heard something from inside the hospital. We stood in the lobby listening and watching in horror. "We're losing the patient in room #1402!" we heard a nurse yell. "Isn't that Cayden's room?!" I asked my wolf frantically, as I held Amy's arm. She looked terrified...worse than terrified actually! "Y-yea...It is!" Wolfie said. "Doctor!" I exclaimed, getting a doctor's attention. "Yes, Alpha?" he came over to me quickly. "What's going on?" I asked. "Your friend has taken a turn for the worst. We are doing all we can. I shall keep you informed, Alpha Alex." he said, bowing his head in respect as he rushed to the room. We all looked through the window of the room as doctors and nurses gathered around my Gamma trying to save his life. "Cayden!!!" Amy screamed, in tears. "Shh! Amy, it's alright...they are doing everything they can." Kelly said, hugging her. I nodded in agreement as I stared at Cayden lying in the bed. Now, I am not one of those people who show my emotions freely. So, when Zack looked over at me and asked, "Dude, you ok?" I immediately nodded and left the room quickly.

Amy's POV:

Alright, I agree. I am probably the last person that should give out comfort right now. But, when I saw Alex had tears in his eyes as he left the room in a hurry, I let go of Kelly's embrace and went to go find him. I found him outside underneath a tree, crying..Now, I have never seen Alex cry before. I've seen him angry, I've seen him happy, and sad sometimes. But no matter how sad he is, he never cries. "Alex..?" I slowly approached him. He looked up, startled. "A-Amy?? W-what are you doing out here??" he asked. "I came to find you.." I responded quietly, sitting beside him. "I was concerned about you..I saw you nod when Zack asked if you were ok. But I know that's a lie." He lowered his gaze as I spoke. "Alex, it's ok to cry..Just let it out.." I told him compassionately. I took him in my arms as he cried. "I-I'm sorry.." Alex said after a while. "That's alright. Every now and then, you just need to have a good cry." I stated. He wiped his eyes. "Thanks.." he smiled. "What's really wrong?" I asked him. He sighed. "I's the fact Zack, Cayden, and I have been together since we were in diapers...They aren't just my Beta and Gamma..They're my family. And...I protect my family." I listened as he spoke. I could tell he really meant these words. "But, apparently I failed when it came to protecting Cayden." "Cayden knows you try to protect him. And he knows you do your best." A sudden thought struck my mind. "It's the only way...We're not the only ones who are going to be devastated if he dies." I told Jill. "Your right, Amy. We'll do it when he's stable enough to visit." she told me. "Cayden will be ok, Alex. Don't worry." I said getting up. "Come on. The others will wonder where we are." He nodded and followed me into the hospital. We waited for a few hours. Finally, the doctor came in and gave us the news. "We managed to get him stable, but I don't know how much longer he'll last. I...suggest you take this time to say goodbye." "Jill, how long would it take for his condition to change after using my ability?" I asked. "Not long. Five minutes at the most." she answered. I nodded and turned to the others. "I'll go first if that's ok. Just give me five minutes with him.." "Of course, Amy. Take your time.." Zack replied. I went into the room and listened to Jill's instructions. "Close your eyes and put your hand on his forehead. Think about the love you both share and some of your happiest memories with him. Then, think about things in the future with him. I'll help transfer these things to his mind. But, keep in mind, that this could could do harm to you. And possibly not even work." "I know, Jill. But it's our only chance. Here we go..." I closed my eyes and placed my hand in his forehead. I thought about the love we both shared and my happiest memories with him. And, I thought about the things I want to do with him in the future. Jill was using all her energy to transfer them to Cayden. As well as mine. She also transferred some healing energy to his wolf. I felt weak, but ok after we were finished. Five minutes later, I saw him stir. I smiled and went to the door. "Doctor, I think his condition has changed." The doctor and nurse looked at me like I had lost my mind. "Just check." I told them. The doctor rolled his eyes and reluctantly went to check on him. A few seconds later, we heard a loud gasp and somebody shout, "No way!!" I smiled slyly as Alex, Lia, Zack, and Kelly hurried into the room. I hung back. A minute later, Alex came back in. "Amy, did you do something?" he asked. "What makes you think I did?" "Because, just a few minutes ago, Cayden was lying in that bed dying, and now his condition has changed." "I'll tell you all what I did at home. For now, I need to sit down.." I almost fell into the chair. Alex rushed over to me. "Amy, are you alright?" he asked. I nodded. "I'm ok, Alex. Just go see Cayden and the others." "Alright," he stated. About half an hour later, Alex, Lia, Kelly, and Zack came out. "Come on, Amy. I'll help you." Zack said. I nodded and reached for his hand. "The doctor is going to call the minute he wakes up, ok?" "Ok." I replied. By the time we got home, I felt so tired. I guess this is side effects from using my ability. Well, they must have noticed because they put me to bed after we got back. When I was rested enough and came down, they were all in the living room. I knew exactly what was coming. They wanted to know the truth about how I helped heal Cayden.

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