Chapter 15

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Cayden's POV:

It's been a few weeks since Amy's birthday. And today is the day we fight to protect our pack. Amy is going to try and keep the women and children and Omegas safe. It's hard to know what to do, their pack is so well prepared! Amy and Malia say that they'll know where to find the women and children. I am shaking like a leaf right now! "Alpha, they're coming!" Micah rushed into the room. Alex nodded. "Cayden, Micah, get the warriors ready. It's time." He and Zack stood up. I went with Micah to inform the warriors. I mind-linked Amy before the battle began. "Amy, I'm not gonna lie, I feel a little scared right now..Like before we met.." "Me too, Cayden. But don't worry. That'll only make you an easier target for them. Just breathe and stay calm. Everything will be fine.." was her reply. Just then, I felt something strike my back hard. I groaned and fell to the ground. I looked up to see what hit me. "Hello there, Gamma Cayden." It was Ruby. She had an evil smile on her face. "Take him and put him with Saul!" she shouted to one of her warriors. I looked to see what had happened to Micah. He was unconscious! I got to my feet and hit the warriors trying to take me. For a minute there, I thought I was going to lose. But, I managed to win. Ruby had run off before I could capture her. I shook my head and hurried over to Micah. "Micah!" I shook him. He moaned and stirred. "Mmm...C-Cayden? What happened?" he asked, trying to sit up. "We were attacked from behind. But I managed to beat them." I pointed to the warriors I had fought with. He smiled. "Well, now it's my turn. I have a debt to repay to your pack for your kindness. And I intend to repay by protecting it." he said, getting up. We informed the warriors and led them to the edge of the pack. "I'll be right back, Micah. I need to look for some one." I said, running in the opposite direction. I found Ruby and followed her. I kept my distance though. I saw her go into an old run-down building. One that Alex has been wanting to restore but we haven't had the chance. I looked through the window and saw an unconscious man and Ruby standing above him laughing. "Alex! I think Malia was right about Saul! I found a man that fits the description you and Zack gave me. I think he's still alive, but he's unconscious!" I mind-linked Alex. "What?! As soon as you can, get him to the pack hospital. But be quick! We need you at the edge of the pack! Their army is much bigger than  ours and their coming from out of nowhere basically!" "You got, Alex. Have you guys seen Genova yet?" "No, not yet. But I'm sure she's going to make a special appearance soon." he answered. "Alright, then. See you soon." I cut off the mind-link and waited for Ruby to leave. A few minutes later, I got lucky. Ruby left the building. I ran inside and felt the man's pulse. Man! his pulse was weak! I picked him up and ran to the pack hospital. "Take care of him. He's important." I handed him over to the pack doctor and ran to the edge of the pack. When I got there, I stopped short. Rogues and members from the Blood Moon Pack were everywhere! Zack and Alex were both pinned down by rogues. From where I was standing, I could see their blood red eyes. I quickly shifted and attacked them. I let Flint take over. We bit the rogue that had pinned down Zack in the leg. He yelped and attacked me. Zack attacked the rogue who looked like he was trying to scratch Alex's eye out. The rogue I was fighting was very strong. Everyone around me was either fighting, dead, or hurt. There was blood everywhere. It reminded me of the times I was put down and beaten. Things Alex and Zack knew since we were little. When I was little, my dad beat me. He beat me till I couldn't stand up. I couldn't cry at home, but when I managed to see Alex and Zack, I would cry and cry..The memories made me fight even harder than before. I had a lot of anger inside. It made me fight harder than ever. After beating the rogue that attacked Zack, I was attacked by Ruby herself. "This'll be fun." she sneered before shifting. Her wolf was a little intimidating. But I still had a bone to pick with her. We fought a long time. Flint was tired. I was tired, but we couldn't give up. I could see Ruby's strength wavering. I thought she was going to give up and surrender, but I was very, very wrong. She grinned a scary grin at me, and shifted back. "Genova, let him have it!!" she shouted. Then, I saw a freaky woman come our from behind a tree. She was smiling a wicked smile. She raised her arm and pointed what looked like a wand at me. I turned to run but suddenly, everything went black!

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