Chapter 22

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Amy's POV:

Cayden turned to look at me. I don't think we was quite thrilled with hearing I sacrificed myself for him. "I'm sorry, Cayden. But you were on your deathbed and..I wasn't the only one who needed you. We all did..So when Jill told me about my ability to heal you, I took the risk." "What ability?" he asked. "I was blessed by the moon goddess and given several abilities. One of those abilities was the ability to heal my mate. But, it working was not definite. And, there was a chance it could harm...or.." "Kill you.." Cayden finished. I nodded. "Please don't be mad..I needed you..we needed you.." I pleaded. He smiled at me reassuringly. "I'm not mad, Amy..I love you and I'm actually grateful. I do find it kinda cool I was found worthy of such an amazing mate, though." I smiled and hugged him. "You are more worthy than you know, Cayden. I love you." At that moment, Bobby, Quinn, and Genova came running in. "Alpha, Quinn is trying to put me in makeup and girls clothes! Help meee!" Well, that ruined the moment. We laughed as Quinn chased him out of the room and down the stairs. I think he was running to Micah. Genova, however, stayed. She stood frozen, staring at Cayden. "I think I'll go help Micah with the kids.." Alex stated. "I'll give you a hand, Wolfie." Kelly followed him out the door. "Hello, Genova," Cayden said. Genova lowered her eyes. She didn't dare look at him. "I-I'm deeply sorry for my actions, Gamma. I assure you, I've changed! I really have!" she began in earnest. "Genova, it's alright..I forgive you." Cayden got up, with some difficulty, and walked over to her. I helped him up and held him as he went up to her. "W-what??" Genova looked at him, perplexed at why he was giving her a chance instead of yelling at her. "I am giving you a chance. I believe you have changed." "R-really?? I-I mean, thank you, Gamma Cayden! I promise you, I won't make you regret it!" Cayden smiled. "I'm glad he's giving her a chance, Jill." I said to my wolf, as I helped Cayden back in his bed. "I know. We have such a wonderful mate.." she replied dreamily. I smiled as I rolled my eyes at her. Soon, the dinner was ready and on the table. Cayden really seemed to enjoy the meal. "This is 100 times better than that nasty hospital food!" he declared. After dinner, Cayden and I watched Quinn and Bobby while the others did the dishes. "Uncle Cay Cay, come play!" Quinn begged, giving us those cute little puppy dog eyes. "He's resting at the moment. He'll play with you when he's stronger, alright Quinn?" I told her. She nodded. "Ok, Miss Amy." "Can he read us a story?" Bobby asked. "Yea!" Quinn agreed excitedly. Cayden and I laughed. "Bobby, I'd love to read you a story." he replied with that wide, wonderful smile of his. Bobby went over to the bookcase and picked out a book. He walked over to Cayden and handed him the book, then, he sat down beside Quinn. By the time Cayden got done reading The Ugly Duckling, Alex, Lia, Kelly, Genova, Micah, Zack, and Malia came in. "Bobby has you reading that book, I see. He is obsessed with The Ugly Duckling." Micah laughed. "Big brother!" Bobby exclaimed, red with embarrassment. "What? It's true!" We all laughed while Bobby just sat there with his arms crossed. After we had calmed down, Zack suggested we watch a movie. "Yea! Can we watch Frozen?" Quinn asked. "Honey, let's let Cayden choose. I mean, he's been away for a long time. It only seems fair, right?" Alex ruffled his little girl's hair. "Ok, daddy. Your right.." she said. Cayden smiled. He decided to watch Superman season 2 The defeat of Superman. After that, the kids were almost asleep so Kelly and Alex took them upstairs. We decided to watch Bonanza episode 53 Vengeance. By the time that was over, Cayden was practically asleep. I smiled and let him lay his head on my shoulder. When Alex got downstairs, he, Zack, and Micah helped me bring him up the stairs. "I'm starting to think maybe his room needs to be downstairs." Jill stated with a chuckle. I giggled. "Yea, probably," I responded. After he was in bed, I stayed up with him a while till he fell asleep. When he did, I smiled down at him and kissed him goodnight. I then went into my own room and got ready for bed. After crawling into my bed, I read for a bit. But, I couldn't concentrate because Jill kept talking about our wedding. I not saying I haven't thought about it, I have. But, I'd kinda like to focus on getting him back on his feet fully before I start planning. The next morning when I got downstairs, I found Lia, Kelly, Genova, and Malia down there. I went to the fridge to get some things to make some breakfast, but instead of doing that, I stopped in front of them. They were looking at a magazine full of-get ready-wedding dresses! "Did one of you find her mate?" I asked Genova and Malia. They shook their heads. "Now that Cayden is home, we thought it might be time for you two to start planning!" Lia said in excitement. Oh boy..."Guys, I think I'd like to start planning when he's fully back on his feet. Now, I appreciate the thought, I really do. But is now really the time to go try on wedding dresses?" I stated. They shrugged. "Well...maybe not, but it never hurts to look! Ooo! Look at this one! It would look so pretty on you, Amy!" Kelly said. "Wasn't Kelly kinda supposed to be the calm, understanding, smart one among this girls group?" Jill asked me. I shrugged and shook my head. "I'm very excited for the wedding and so are you I assume." I told her. She nodded as I continued. "Why do I have a feeling that they are somehow more excited than you, me, and Cayden put together about it?"

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