Chapter 18

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Amy's POV:

I sat in Cayden's room holding his favorite sweatshirt. It was the one I had given him for his birthday two years ago. I am at my whit's end..I don't know what to do. The doctors aren't even sure if he's going to make it! "Amy, there may be a way to help him.." Jill told me. "What?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?! What is it?!" I asked her. "I didn't tell you because there's no guarantee that it'll work. And, sometimes, it means death to the one who uses this method to save their mate. Only people like you can do it. I wanted to hold off on it until I was sure there was no other way.." I was stunned. "So, this method is life threatening? And what do you mean by people like me?" "You are very special, Amy. Have you ever wondered why you could talk to me before shifting? Or how you knew Cayden was your mate before shifting? Or how you could make things move with your mind when you were three?" Yes, when I was three I could make things move with my mind. As you can imagine, I got in trouble with my mom and dad a lot with it. For example, my dad came in one evening to put me to bed. I got upset and lifted my dad into the air with my mind. My dad's screams got my mom's attention. Oh, I was in big trouble that time! After I turned eight, that power disappeared. "Yes.." I told her. "You were blessed by the Moon Goddess when you were born. She gave you special abilities. The ability to talk to you wolf early and know who your mate is early. And, telekinesis when you were young. And, you were given the ability to save your mate from death. Although, it may cost your life and there isn't a guarantee it will work. You can only use it once and should only use it when there is no other option." Jill declared. I looked over at my unconscious mate. "Should we wait?" I asked her. "I think so..But I don't think we should wait to long.." I knew what she meant. She meant death..I wanted to use my gift so badly. I just wanted my Cayden back..My heart ached seeing him and knowing he could die any minute. I lay my face on his bed and held his hand, while I cried. A few minutes later, I looked up at him. "Cayden..I don't know if you can hear me..But, I just want you to know..If I had to live without you near me, my days would all be so empty..The nights, they would seem oh so long..Hold me now..Touch me now..I don't want to live my life without you..! Nothing's gonna change my love for you! You ought to know by now, how much I love you! One thing you can be sure of, I shall never ask for more than your love..The world may change my whole life through, but nothing's going to change my love for you..If the road ahead isn't easy, our love will lead the way for us. I will always be there for you when you need me. Hold me now! Touch me now! I don't want to live without you! Nothing's gonna change the love I have for you..Cayden.." I cried.

Zack's POV:

Lia and I were heading out of the hospital. We had briefly visited Cayden. After that, we went to an ultrasound for Lia. We looked in on Amy. Visiting hours were almost over and Amy really needed to sleep and eat..And probably shower.."Amy, time to go.." Lia said. Amy didn't reply. "C'mon, Amy. Cayden will be alright. The doctor is going to call us the minute there's a change." We walked over to her and saw she was asleep. "Poor thing..We'd better take her home and put her to bed, Zack." Lia told me. I nodded and carefully lifted Amy up, making sure not to wake her. "Cayden, if you can hear me, don't get mad. Amy just needs sleep and it's not good for her to sleep in a chair. And..if you can hear me, bud, please fight..not only do Alex and I need you, but Amy needs you. More than you may know.." I said. We walked out of the hospital and to the pack house. By the time we got there, Amy was slipping out of my arms. We quickly walked inside and I laid her on the couch. Lia covered her with a blanket and made sure she was comfortable. We walked into the kitchen where Alex, Kelly, Micah, and Malia were. Genova was probably with Bobby and Quinn. "How is he?" Alex asked quietly. I shook my head. "The doctor says he think he's getting worse instead of better." Alex thumped his wrists on the counter. "Why?! Why is this happening?! He didn't do anything wrong!!" he shouted. "Shh! Alex, Shh! It's ok.." Kelly soothed him. "Where's Amy? Is she still at the hospital?" Micah asked. "No. We brought her home." Lia replied. "Did she put up much of a fight?" I shook my head. "She was asleep." We sighed. Once every week that happens. I was just never the one who had to carry her home. And I don't normally like to carry Amy or touch her because I'm afraid of what Cayden is gonna do to me. Right now though, although I don't want to die, I wish Cayden were here to get mad at me for carrying her..

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