Chapter 13

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Amy's POV:

"This day just got better!!!!" Jill screamed excitedly after I had been marked by Cayden. "Calm yourself, Jill. We haven't gone through the ceremony where we get fully mated yet." I told her. It was true. Some may consider us fully mated, but first we need to go through the ceremony. Basically a wedding. "Ok, ok. I'm calm..I can't believe we just got marked by our mate!!" I rolled my eyes. She is not gonna let this go. "Come on, let's go inside." Cayden suggested. I nodded and held his hand as we walked inside. Quinn and Bobby were the first to see us. And apparently my mark. "Mommy, daddy! Uncle Cayden marked Miss Amy!!" Quinn yelled, running into the kitchen. Bobby ran upstairs yelling, "Big Brother! Mr. Cayden marked Miss Amy!" We laughed, as Everyone came out of the kitchen and from downstairs. They congratulated us and either hugged us or shook our hands. "Hey, congratulations, Amy, Cayden. But..I think you need to postpone the wedding." Alex remarked ruefully. "Why? What's wrong?" I asked. "The Blood Moon Pack is preparing for attack." We all gasped. "I just got word of it. Micah, would you please take Kelly, Lia, Amy and the children somewhere safe?" I didn't argue. There was no way I could win that one. "Of course, Alpha Alex." Micah responded. "Cayden, Zack, I hope you've been training hard. Same with you, Micah. We'll need not only out warriors, but you three as well. This will be a dangerous battle." Alex stated. Suddenly, I got a flash. Like, a memory or something. I remembered my parents, the Gamma and Beta...What was this memory?! I remember them fighting. Me being caught in the middle with my mom and dad. "Jill, please just tell me, what is going on?! What are these memories?! I got them as soon as Alex mentioned..a dangerous battle.." I begged her to tell me. She sighed. "I think it's time you know the truth, Amy." she told me. I sat on the couch while the others discussed a plan of action and Lia and Kelly tried to calm Bobby and Quinn. "Amy, you are from an extinct pack...Years ago, you had a family. You were the daughter of the Alpha and Luna. But, we were unexpectedly attacked. When you got that feeling about Saul, Ruby's mate, you were right. His name was Herold, the Gamma of our old pack. Amy, unless Gamma Herold is still alive, you are the only survivor of the Blue Sapphire Pack." Jill explained. I was shocked and speechless. "So..all those feelings I has when I was younger and had that nightmare..." She nodded. "I'm sorry, Amy." she said. "Is there any way for Gamma Herold to have survived the wolfsbane or silver?" I asked. "It is very unlikely. But, perhaps..Gamma Herold was a very strong wolf. It's possible he could have.." Jill told me. "Malia, Micah, your sister will no doubt be among them. Do you have any ideas, Malia?" I heard Alex ask. "I believe Genova is still good deep down. Gen will be among the leading people. I say, Micah and I go down to meet them with others backing us. That way, we will be able to talk to her. And..I know you may think I am losing my mind, but I somehow feel deep down, that Saul is still alive. But barely. It's like..he's hanging on withing an inch of his life. It's hard to explain. But, perhaps, they will bring him with them." Malia said. There was complete silence in the room for several minutes. "Wait....Saul is alive?!?" Zack exclaimed. "I do not know for sure, Beta. But something in me is telling me he's alive. And..I doubt he has found his mate.." Malia told us. "Uh..Ruby told us that he was her mate." "Did he look happy with her? Most can see it in their eyes that they are happy." Zack and Alex thought for a couple minutes. "Well...I guess. I never did see any attraction in his eyes..He actually had an annoyed look in his eyes." Zack replied. Malia nodded thoughtfully. "What are you suggesting, sis? That this girl would pretend to be this guy's mate?" Micah asked. "I'm not certain. But, I am getting some strange feelings about that pack." "Yea! Like, wait'll Ruby and the moon goddess get face to face. Ruby has no gamma and no luna!" Zack exclaimed, laughing. "I thought Saul was her luna.." I said, confused. Alex shook his head. "No, actually. According to her, lunas are for...losers." He winced as if trying to calm himself down. We could see his eyes flashing,like his wolf was trying to take control. I'm guessing his wolf was pretty angry.. "Alex, Wolfie, don't listen to her. You aren't a loser." Kelly smiled and hugged him. I think that calmed Alex and his wolf. "Well, I shall get to work and find some things out for you." Malia remarked. "How exactly are you gonna find what we need to know, Malia..?" "If I tell you, I'll have to kill you," she winked and walked away. "Micah, follow her. I wanna know where she's going. No offense but I don't fully trust her." Alex said. "I understand, Alpha Alex. I'll find out where she's going." Micah responded. "Be good, Bobby. I'll be back soon." he gave his little brother a high five and left. "Come on, Bobby, Quinn. It's late. About time you went to bed." Kelly replied. Quinn and Bobby groaned and protested. Kelly and Alex led them up the stairs to get them ready for bed. Zack and Lia went up to their room too. Cayden and I stayed up for a bit longer. Well, at least that's what we meant to do. Instead, we fell asleep together on the couch. "AHH!" Cayden yelped, falling off the couch the next morning. (Yes, that is how I woke up. To my mate falling off the couch.) "Cayden! Are you ok?" I asked him. He nodded. "Yea, I think I'm ok. Falling off of a couch is no picnic.." "Here, I'll get you some breakfast while you get cleaned up." I suggested. He smiled and headed up the stairs. I smiled after him and went into the kitchen. I thought about last night and touched the mark on my neck and smiled.


Hey everyone! I hope this was a good chapter. If you want, let me know what you thought in the comments. If you liked it, feel free to vote! I'm sorry I took so long. I will try to get the next one out sooner. Have a good week!

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