Chapter 2

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Cayden's POV:

The next morning, when I came down for breakfast, Alex, Zack, Kelly, and Lia were already there. I had a feeling they were going to ask me about last night. And, I was right. "Morning guys." I said casually. "Morning, Cayden. How did you sleep?" Zack asked. "Um, I slept good." I lied. I slept pretty badly the last few nights. "Mhm. Anyway, we wanted to ask you something and we hope you'll tell us the truth." Lia replied. I remained silent. "Cayden, where did you get those scars?" Oops. I forgot to wash my face! "Umm..I don't..remember.." I hoped that would make them stop asking but I was wrong. It never crossed my mind to say, "I don't want to talk about it." "Cayden, we know your lying. Please, we want to help but we can't do that if you don't tell us what's going on." I took a drink of orange juice. I wasn't ignoring them, it's just that..I can't tell them. Then I noticed Alex. He was really angry and..hurt. Probably hurt I won't tell them..We tell each other everything. No secrets. I decided to tell matter what happens to me. "Alpha Marcel, his Beta Fredrick, and Ruby..did it." "What?!" Alex stormed. Their dead. Alex raged on and on until Kelly finally managed to calm him down. "Alex! Stop! Calm down!" He took a deep breath and looked at her. "Alright. Cayden, continue." I nodded. "Every time we see each other, they always put me down. Well, whenever we are left alone anyway. I'm treated the way some packs treat Omegas. But, yesterday, when you went to go get some punch with Kelly and Zack and Lia went to greet other guests, they hit me. Ruby tripped me while I was carrying their punch and food and it went all over them..And you can probably guess the rest." "Cayden, why didn't you tell anyone? We could have stopped it before it got this far." Lia put her hand on my shoulder. "They threatened to make my life even more of a living nightmare than it already is, if I told anyone. Now that you know that they treat me this way, and beat me, I'm dead wolf meat!" "Not if I get to them first. No one beats and talks bad about my friends mate and children and gets away with it." "Alex, how do you know I'm having a pup??" Kelly asked. "Oops." Alex looked at her with a look of guilt. "I may have peeked at some papers in your drawer and found a picture of the ultrasound..Please don't kill me, Kels.." Zack, Lia, and I burst into laughter. Alex is a unique alpha. And pretty snoopy when it comes to surprises. "Well, congratulations, you two." Zack laughed. I gave them my congratulations as well, and snuck off while Alex and Kelly were busy arguing. I really had to think things out a bit. I walked and walked. Before I knew it, I had walked to the edge of the pack. I sat down on a near by rock. I hoped the Alpha and Beta of the Blood Moon Pack wouldn't find me. That includes Ruby. I'm not really sure how long I was there, before I suddenly heard yelling and screaming. Some coming from the pack, and some coming from outside the pack. I could see Alex and Zack running towards me. "What's going on??" I asked. "Rogue attack." Zack stated before shifting into his yellowish wolf. Alex didn't shift. He sometimes waited to shift, until he had tried talking to the rogues. I looked towards the outside of the pack where I could hear screams. And I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.."Mine." I growled and shifted into my black wolf. We attacked the rogues that were chasing the girl until they ran away. We shifted back and my wolf said, "And don't come back!" making me laugh. I waled over to the girl and asked if she was alright. She looked pale and thin, like she hadn't eaten properly in a while. "Um, I think so..Who are you?" "I am Cayden. It's alright. No need to be afraid." She gave a small frightened smile. "Oh, are you the Alpha?" she asked. Oops. I had completely forgotten about Alex and Zack! "Yes, I am. I'm Alpha Alex. Might I ask who you are?" The girl nodded. "I'm Amy." "Well, Amy, what were you doing out in the woods like that? It's a little dangerous. And I get the feeling that you weren't always a rogue." "I..I..I don't know, Alpha.." Zack shifted back and he looked just as shocked and concerned as Alex and I were. "Cayden, let's take her to the pack doctor. Zack, I want you to lead the warriors back to the pack and tell Lia and Kelly we are alright." "You got it, bro!" Zack saluted and ran off. "Come on, Amy. We'll help you." I smiled and took her hand. I couldn't believe it. I finally found my mate! I was overjoyed. But, there was a tiny problem that as far as I knew, nobody had ever encountered. She looked nine maybe ten! I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do. But, I knew that I never wanted to let her go ever again.

Amy's POV:

I'm not sure how I got into the woods, or even why I was there. I can't tell you anything about me except my name and age. I'm twelve, though I may look younger. I haven't really eaten much, making me a little skinny and pale. Which would make me look younger than I really am. My wolf, Jill, told me that the handsome guy that saved me and took my hand, is my mate. You may wonder why I can talk to my wolf if I'm only twelve. Well, I'm..special. I don't mean to sound proud or anything, but that's the only way I know how to say it. I can do some things that other wolves can't. I explained all this to Alpha Alex and Cayden after we went to the pack doctor. We found out that I must have bumped my head, so I can't remember much of anything. I'm glad Cayden is my mate. He seems so kind and helpful. "I'll be right back." he said. "Alright, Cayden." I replied. I'm not sure where he went, but a few minutes later, I felt pain in my body. I was sure it wasn't it must have been Cayden's! "Alpha, Zack, Cayden is in trouble! Hurry!" I ran out of the pack house and straight where Jill was leading me. I could here things from far away. That is one of my special abilities. Another I guess, is that I can feel my mates pain or feelings soon after I meet him. I stopped short when I got to the spot where Cayden was. There were four other wolves beating on him and calling him names. "Ha! Your too weak to be a wolf! Are you sure your not a pathetic human?!" a young teenage girl mocked. Cayden was being hit pretty hard. "You don't deserve to have the title of Gamma! You don't even deserve to be in a pack! In fact, I'm going to tell Alpha Alex to banish you out of this pack immediately!" I was furious. "Hey! Nobody talks that way about my mate and gets away with it!" I yelled. "And no one. I repeat no one talks that way and beats my best friend and gets away with it." Alpha Alex said from behind me. "Casper? What are you doing?! Why are you helping them?" Zack exclaimed running up. The fourth wolf sneered. "I should've been the Gamma. Not this weakling! I'm ashamed to even call him my brother." "C-Casper.." Cayden tried to say something, but they just continued to hit him. Alpha Alex and Zack shifted and attacked Casper and the others. Alpha Alex shifted back as soon as they were on the ground in front if him. "I, Alpha Alex of the Silver Moon Pack, hereby banish you, Alpha Marcel, Beta Fredrick, and Ruby out of this pack forever. This is effective immediately, so if you don't want to die, I suggest you leave. Now. We will send your stuff soon." "Y-yes, sir! Come on, dad. Let's leave these bunch of losers." "Of course, sweetie. Come along, Fredrick." Fredrick nodded and followed his Alpha. "What about me?" Casper asked. Alpha Alex slapped him. "You are banished as well. Leave now." "And what if I don't wanna?" "Get.Out.Now." the alpha said in a voice that sounded deathly. It wasn't a yell, but it was definitely deathly. "Y-yes, Alpha!" Casper ran out of the pack as fast as he could. "Cayden! are you alright, man?!" Alpha Alex and Zack ran up to Cayden. He was lying still on the ground. "I-I don't know..I don't f-feel so good..My body h-hurts.." he said weakly. It was hard to hear him. It was a good thing I can hear well. "Don't worry, buddy. We'll get you to the pack doctor." Alpha Alex said reassuringly. I could feel the pain in his body, so I knew that it was important that we get him to the doctor as fast as possible. I went with them, holding his hand the whole time, while Zack and Alpha Alex carried him. "What happened?!" the Alpha's mate, Kelly asked coming out of the pack house. I met her and Zack's mate when Cayden and Alpha Alex took me to the pack house. "We found out who was beating him." the Alpha explained. "Alpha, I'm not sure your going to be able to carry him much farther. Maybe we should take him inside and put him on the couch?" "No, we'll keep..going.." he said. But, we all knew that Zack and the Alpha couldn't carry him much further. "Come on, Zack, Alex. We will get the doctor to come here. You can't carry him all the way there or you'll hurt yourselves. And if you get hurt, you can't help Cayden." "Fine." The alpha was stubborn, but his mate and sister were able to convince him to come inside. I didn't go with them when they went in the pack house. They had taken me earlier that day to the pack doctor, so I was able to find it easily. Another ability I have is a great sense of direction. "Doctor, come quick! Cayden needs you at the pack house! We couldn't bring him here so I came to get you. Please hurry!" I exclaimed when I saw the pack doctor outside getting some air. "Alright, miss. I'll be right there." she ran inside but came right back with a doctor's bag. We ran all the way there. When the doctor knocked on the door, Lia answered it. "Come in. We were just about to go get you. Is that where you were, Amy?" I nodded. "Hmm, he's in pretty bad shape. But I think he'll be ok. I just need a few minutes alone with him." Lia, Kelly, and I nodded but the boys were reluctant. "We got some fresh chocolate chip cookies in the kitchen." Lia taunted. Kelly and I smiled as we watched Zack and Alpha Alex run into the kitchen. That was funny. I looked back at the doctor and my mate. "Please be ok..I need you." I whispered under my breath. And it was true. I did need him. I didn't know for sure, but somehow I felt like I was alone in the world. Except of course for Cayden. I felt like my family and friends and everyone else, was..gone. I hoped my feeling was wrong. But somehow, I knew it wasn't.

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