Chapter 7

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Amy's POV:

I followed close behind Cayden as we headed down a dark hallway. It was a little freaky, I'll admit. "We're here," Alex said finally. It was dark, and gloomy. "Malia, we need to talk." "Really? After all these years, what would we have to talk about?" a taunting, woman's voice asked. The woman walked up to the cell door. She had graying hair and a face that looked evil. "Have you come to finally set me free? I know you want to." If I didn't know any better I'd say she was flirting with the Alpha. "Enough with your nonsense, Malia!  We only want answers! Nothing more!" Alex told her firmly. "Fine. What is it you want to know, dear Alpha?" "What is she doing?! He's half her age!" I told Jill. "I think she's just trying to butter him up so he'll free her."she replied. "Malia, enough with these ridiculous comments. The Alpha is married with a child." Zack told her. "Oh really? Well, Who knows? Maybe he'll prefer somebody better." she winked. "THAT'S IT! I WILL HAVE YOU EXECUTED! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK THAT WAY ABOUT ME AND MY FAMILY!!" Alex roared. "Malia, were there any survivors from the extinct Blue Sapphire Pack?" Cayden asked. "Well, of course. She's standing right next to you. Are you blind as well as weak? Or are-" "Quit it, Malia!" I exclaimed, slapping her. "Don't mess with my mate." "Ooo she's a feisty one. Isn't she?" Cayden growled. "Alright. We'll find out more later. Let's go." Alex grumbled. He was still angry. I don't blame him. "Alex, why don't we try to free Ruby's mate and help him win over the pack? That way, we won't have go talk to Malia again, and it may set her pack straight if it works." Cayden suggested, after we had been walking in silence a few minutes. It took us several minutes to get down there. "Hmm. That sounds risky..." Alex stated. "True, but I don't think Malia is going to say anything." "Cayden is right." Zack stated. "Malia is not going to want to help save our pack when she tried to take it over years ago. I highly doubt she's forgotten about it. And I highly doubt she doesn't want to take over the pack anymore." Zack told Alex. "Alpha!" a voice called. "What is it, Micah?" Micah was Alex's best warrior and trainer. He trusted him as much as he trusted Zack and Cayden. "We just got word from the Blood Moon Pack." "About what??" Zack asked. "You may want to see the note and the photo they sent, Alpha, Beta, Gamma." he said. "Should we be worried?" I asked. "If you were planning to do what the note said you were planning, then yes. I left the note and photo in your office, Alpha Alex." We hurried into the office with Micah following close behind. Zack was the first to reach the desk where the note lay. He picked it up and read it out loud.

"Alpha Alex,

 You remember me. Right? I'm sure you do. I have asked the assistance of the witch Genova. She has informed me of what it is you plan. Well, don't try it, Alpha. Saul has been injected with two vials of silver. And to make sure the job was done right, I injected wolfsbane into him myself.-"

"She killed her own mate?! How sick and twisted does one have to be to do that?!" Alex exclaimed. "I don't think we want to know, Alex." I said. I huddled closer to Cayden as Zack continued to read the note.

"I sent proof of his death in case you don't believe me. The photo is of my pathetic mate. Former Gamma of the Blue Sapphire Pack. So, don't bother trying to set him free. Remember, I have my eye on you. I'll take your pack and I will be the Ultimate Alpha!"

As Zack ended, I could feel a chill run down my spine. "Jill, I remember the Gamma of that pack from my dreams. His name wasn't Saul. It was Herold. Will you please just talk to me?! I need to know! I am almost sixteen..I will shift soon. I want to know who I am...Who my family is..where they are..If they are safe." "You aren't ready to know just yet..I'm sorry, Amy. But, I will tell you this. Gamma Herold of the Blue Sapphire Pack, somehow must have survived and gotten away all those years ago. He must have lost his memory and ended up in the Blood Moon Pack. They probably gave him the name of Saul and didn't say anything to him about who he was, though, they obviously knew." "Survived and gotten away from where?! Jill Please!!" I begged her to tell me. But, as usual, she just said she was sorry and cut off the connection. I'm going to be sixteen in a couple days. I don't understand why Jill won't tell me! "Amy, you ok?" Cayden asked, bringing me out of my thoughts. "O-oh. Yes. I'm sorry..I was just thinking." They seemed to accept that excuse. They went on talking about a new plan of action. "Isn't the witch Genova, Malia's sister?" Zack asked. "Yes. She said she has a brother as well, but he disappeared many many years ago. When they were just seven years old." Alex stated. "They? Is Malia, Genova, and their brother triplets or something?"  Alex nodded. "How were you able to get all this information?" I asked Alex. "Well, after we had her wounds taken care of, I was told she wouldn't talk. So, I went to question her myself. Let's just say, she changed her mind rather quickly after that." I was stunned. Cayden told me that she had injected Kelly with some silver, and kidnapped both Kelly and Lia. So I suppose I understand why he was so mad. "Quinn, get back here! Daddy is in a meeting! Not to be-" Kelly yelled. Quinn had run into the office with Kelly following her. "I'm sorry, Alex. Lia is finishing up dinner. And I was trying to get this little pup cleaned up for dinner." She rolled her eyes. "That's fine. I probably should have locked the door." Alex reassured her. "We'll be right there." "I guess I had better be going too.." Micah stated. "I have a strange feeling about him..and his sick kid brother, Bobby." I told Jill. She had opened the connection just a minute ago. "I was wondering if you felt that. Because I get that feeling every time I'm around them." she remarked. "He was awfully quiet when we were talking..I would expect him to make a suggestion or put in an opinion of some kind." I mused. "Indeed.." Jill responded. What I didn't know was, that brother of the two witch sisters, had been in the same room as me. And, there wasn't just one brother. There were two..

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