Chapter 26

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Cayden's POV:

It's been a few months. Lia and Zack found out they were having a boy. In fact, Lia already had him. He is pretty cute. They called him Blake. Amy and I do have our hands full with Altan, but we definitely wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. We cherish each moment we have with our baby boy. We do have one problem though, and it's not related to the fact he's deaf. Should we keep the fact that we adopted him and what really happened to his parents a secret or tell him? If we told him, it might hurt him..But not telling him could hurt him too if he found out. The last thing we want to do, is hurt Altan. And we don't want him to change..Like, what if he grows up and decides to do something bad to Amy?! "Don't you think your worrying for no reason? Don't worry about something that's not going to happen for a long time, dude!" Flint remarked. "Your right, Flint. I should just focus on the present.." I said. He nodded and I went back to my work. I was never any good at math..And I gotta add up how many we have in our pack! We've had several babies born in the pack. Like, Blake. And, we do have Little Altan. And, Malia did leave the pack to go with her mate to his pack. So, that makes addition and subtraction. We did sadly have a couple deaths..Ok, I'm getting Amy. Maybe she can make sense of these numbers. I know, I'm such a great Gamma. Not. I got up and walked to the bedroom to find Amy rocking Altan to sleep. She was singing a lullaby. Even though he can't hear, he likes when she sings. I think she told me that she learned this song from her mom and dad..She loves it a lot. The only thing she has left of them.."Hey, Cayden!" she smiled at me. I came over to her and planted a kiss o her cheek. "Hello, Amy. I wanted to know, can you help me with some of my work? I'm no good at math and you are." She laughed. "Sure. What's the problem," she asked. I handed her the paper and pencil and she went to work. I watched closely as she worked. "Here, problem solved!" she handed me back the paper. Still a little confusing how to come up with the answer, but ok. I'm lucky to have a mate like Amy. Before her, I had to go to Kelly or Lia. It was a little embarrassing...Especially the way they asked, "How old are you, Cayden?" But, yea, that's my work life with my least favorite school subject! I went back to the office and settled down into the chair again. I was already caught up with my work, so I see Amy and Altan a lot more. But I do still have some work to do as Gamma. Today, Kelly and Alex have a lot of paper work to do. They are thinking about whether or not they want to increase my math! In other words, Noah came to us with a request from his father. That was when he met Malia. He wants to join our pack. It's taking them a while to decide whether or not we should let them join us. All I can say, is if they do, I hope Amy is ready to help with a lot of math. That's a lot of people! Later that day, I was having dinner with Amy, Zack, Lia, Kelly, and Alex. Just like old times.. Ok, Altan was there too. Micah, Herold, and Genova were watching Quinn and Bobby. They had taken them out to eat. Probably Wendy's. Quinn and Bobby love Wendy's. Altan was in Amy's arms. The two seemed really content. Altan was a little angel all through dinner. Blake was in Lia's arms throughout the meal too. He was pretty good. Though maybe a little fussy. Surprisingly, it was near seven thirty when Genova, Herold, and Micah came back with the kids. But, they weren't alone. Two girls and a boy was with them. "Gen found her mate! And so did Mikey and Rolly!" Bobby yelled, as they all came into the living room, where we were all gathered. Bobby gave Herold the nickname of Rolly. It was pretty cute. "Really? Well, congratulations." Amy said, as we all rose up. "Thank you, ma'am." the boy smiled and shook her hand. I growled. He pulled his hand back quickly. "Don't worry, sir. I have no intentions for her. Only Nova.." "Nova?" I asked, a little confused. I'd heard her called Gen, but never Nova. "Yes, sir. I gave her the nickname of Nova. It fits my little mate well." he smiled and kissed her. "Well, I am glad to meet you all. I am Alpha Alex. This is Luna Kelly. And just note, if you, sir, touch her, you can say hi to the moon goddess for me." "Alex! He has Genova. I don't think he's going to wanna touch me like that. And stop threatening people in front of our daughter please!" Kelly scolded. Alex nodded. "Your right, Kels. Sorry.." he murmured. "W-well, I'm Owen..I'm honored to meet you, Alpha." "I as well, Owen. This is my Beta, Zack, and his mate, Lia, and their son, Blake. And this is my Gamma, Cayden, his mate, Amy, and their son, Altan." He smiled and shook hands with us. "Well, um..these are my sisters, Zoey and Ava." Ava and Zoey smiled. "It's nice to meet you.." Zoey said, shyly. Ava nodded in agreement. We all talked and got to know each other a while, while Bobby and Quinn went upstairs to play. We learned that Ava and Owen both wolves. Zoey was in a class all her own. She, was a were-cat. A tiger to be exact. They don't know how she happened to be one because their parents were both wolves and they can't remember being related to one. She must be related to one somewhere though. Well, after we talked for a while, we all said goodnight and went upstairs. Owen went to Genova's room, Zoey went into Micah's room, and Ava went with Herold. Ava was actually the oldest sibling. Zoey was the youngest and Owen was the middle child. They were going to get to know each other a bit before heading to bed. The next morning, when we came downstairs, we saw Owen and Genova sitting down, drinking juice and talking. But, one thing was different about her. She already had her mark! "Uhh, what happened last night?!" I asked Flint. He shook his head. "I have no idea.." he commented.

Micah's POV:

"What in the planet did he do to my sister!?!" I yelled to my wolf, Rex. "It appears he has marked her. You really need to start opening up your eyes. Now, how about we mark our mate.." Rex replied, his attention on Zoey. I rolled my eyes. "Rex, it's too soon! And it's too soon for me to end up losing both my sisters." "Don't think of it as losing a sister, Micah! Think of it as gaining a brother." "Be quiet, Rex." I grumbled. Zoey and I were sitting with Owen and Gen. Ava and Herold had already eaten and went out to the park. Amy, Cayden, Lia, Zack, Alex, and Kelly were down here too. While Amy fed Altan, Kelly made some pancakes. Lia and Zack were smiling and laughing, looking at Baby Blake. I admit, I'm a bit protective of my sister, even if it was her mate. Gen, Owen, Zoey and I hung out together all day. We had dinner together at a real good chinese restaurant. Herold and Ava did spend some time with us and had dinner with us, but mainly, they were on their own. Finally, my curiosity and the over-protective brother in me got the best of me. "May I ask why you marked my sister?! You only met her yesterday!" I exclaimed. "Well, it's hard to explain.." Owen told me. "We talked long into the night..We both have a lot in common. We understand each other well..So, I guess, we just felt...that we were ready.." "I see...I think. Just please don't have any kids till like, a few years after your married!" Genova and Owen laughed. "We'll think about it." I rolled my eyes. Yea, they'd better think about it. As much as I want a niece or nephew, do I have to have one so soon??

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